Hi at first i hope u all feel well
i use dzsbot and ioA
1.) how can i set BANNED genre in mp3 and how i hav 2 insert it in the script.
my complete folder is [***] - ( 50M 11F - COMPLETE - Metal 2004 ) - [***]
I searched but i found no help :-(
here is my config.
set anuke(Sections) {
"/APPS" 0 {
"/GAMES" 0 {
"/MP3/%m%d" 0 {
"mp3|genre:Folklore Christian Chanson Chor Indian Polka Speech Metal Folk Nazi year:1999 year:200[0-5]|5|5|20"
"/MP3/%m%d" -1 {
"/SVCD" 0 {
"imdb|genre:* rating:5 year:200[0-5]|3|5|20"
"/VCD" 0 {
"imdb|genre:* rating:5 year:200[0-5]|3|5|20"
"/XXX" 0 {
"allowed|PORNOLATiON Pr0nStarS Smut|3|15|30"
The next Problem is, nx doesn´t nuke incomplete rel. i don´t know why. My script doesn´t set a incomplete tag, ms script creates a symlink and i think the setting is right.
one thing works, the wrong group in xxx works fine.
sorry 4 my not so nice english.