Hello again,
I have to bother you once more I am afraid...
I dunno what went wrong here, but on doing SITE RESCAN I get:
(i know this is more related to ioA but pls read on)
[17:31:13] [L] 200- somefile.r07 OK!
[17:31:13] [L] 200- somefile.r08 OK!
[17:31:14] [L] 200- somefile.rar OK!
[17:31:14] [L] 200-resolvePath 2: error opening file 'p_õ'.
[17:31:14] [L] 200-readINI 1: error opening file 'ioBanana.ini'.
[17:31:14] [L] 200-Missing ioBanana.ini settings: 'textfiles','writediz','on_release_complete'.
Please check that all those are correctly defined in your ini file.
[17:31:14] [L] 200-readINI 1: error opening file 'ioBanana.ini'.
[17:31:14] [L] 200-Missing ioBanana.ini settings: 'parent_stats'.
Please check that all those are correctly defined in your ini file.
[17:31:14] [L] 200-readINI 1: error opening file 'ioBanana.ini'.
[17:31:14] [L] 200-Missing ioBanana.ini settings: 'create_race_symlink','race_symlink_dir','maxwidth_race','race_linkdir','race_dirs','race_start_cmd','race_end_cmd'.
Please check that all those are correctly defined in your ini file.
[17:31:14] [L] 200-readINI 1: error opening file 'ioBanana.ini'.
[17:31:14] [L] 200-Missing ioBanana.ini settings: 'parent_incomplete','parent_incomplete_dirs','2_level_incomplete','textfiles'.
Please check that all those are correctly defined in your ini file.
[17:31:14] [L] 200 Command successful.
I KNOW the ioBanan.ini is there where it should belong and I double
checked every entry especially the io_path and the like. But all are
set correctly. and the settings it is requesting me to verify are there too
It has been working fine with this setup so long

But now it is writing the files into nowhere in zs enabled dirs. I just
had some big upload just to find out the rars were written into the
lost nexus.
This only occurs in zipscript enabled dirs. And so far I have tried to
flush the cache with ioRecache, deleting cache files, double-checking
the vfs files and also did an ioFTPD.exe restart as well as a Windows
XP Pro (SP2+latest patched) restart.
Now, I could imagine it be a problem with my USB drives.
My VFS setup is as follows:
Realpath -> VFS
SATA Raid:
C:\ioFTPD\site -> /
USBDrive 1
X:\DIR1 -> /DIR1
X:\DIR2 -> /DIR2
X:\DIR3 -> /DIR3
(and so forth)
Z:\DIR4 -> /DIR 4
So I once set the VFS up that the root was on the USBDrive1 and
when I logged I saw the folders "RECYCLER" and "System Volume
Information". As I didn't want them to be seen by anyone else I did
SITE CHMOD 700 (drwx------) on both
and also
SITE CHATTR +h "System Volume Information" -someuser
If i recall correctly the trouble started after I decided this wasnt a
good solution and I changed it back to the original VFS like I posted
above. Because if I log in with someuser the System Volume
Information isnt there anymore. Although I can see it still in
EditPlus2 when editing the config files or reading the logfiles.
Could it be that by following some unknown twirks ioBanana's ZS
needs the System Volume Info of the old VFS setup or has not
restored to the updated original one so that it doesnt find the right
path for ioBanana.ini even if it is seup correctly in
ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana.ini where the ioBanana.exe is located.
I can pretty much rule out a misplaced ioBanana.ini or a misconfig
because it was working fine with the same files. It must be related
to Drive or System Volume Infos, Cachefiles, maybe even these
.ioFTPD files thats all I can tell.
I know it is lot to read so I made it browsable and better for
skimming (I hope) to not steal too much of your time.
But, please if you have ANY advice, please... . I just spend the last
20 hours devoting to my problem here and I could sure use some
Thanks for looking into this post!