proc proc_irc_request {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global ioBvar
{if {[ioB:istrusted $uhost]} {
set nicksplit [split $nick {}]
set count 0
foreach alpha $nicksplit {
if {[string equal $alpha "\\"] || [string equal $alpha "\|"] } {
set nicksplit [lreplace $nicksplit $count $count]
incr count -1
incr count
set nick [join $nicksplit {}]
set arg [join[list $args "$nick@iRC"] "-"]
set status [catch {set ee [::ftp::Quote $ioBvar(ftp) SITE REQIRC $arg]} result]
if { $status == 0 } {
set output "-:[b]:[b] [c]$ioBvar(color1)request[c] [b]:[b]:- [b]\[REQ\]-%request[b] added by [b]%name[b]" ;
set output [ioB:replacevar $output "%name" $nick]
set output [ioB:replacevar $output "%request" $args]
set output [ioB:basicreplace $output "REQUEST"]
ioB:tsend chan $chan $output
does not go (nothing goes more!bw!help nix)
proc proc_irc_reqdel {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global ioBvar
{if {[ioB:istrusted $uhost]} {
set arg [lindex $args 0]
if { [string is digit -strict $arg] } {
set status [catch {set ee [::ftp::Quote $ioBvar(ftp) SITE REQDELIRC $arg]} result]
set lines [split $ee \n]
set lines [lreplace $lines 0 0]
set lines [lreplace $lines end end]
set lines [lreplace $lines end end]
if { $status == 0 } {
if { [string equal [lindex $lines 0] "200- Request not found"] } {
set output "-:[b]:[b] [c]$ioBvar(color1)error[c] [b]:[b]:- Request number [b]$arg[b] not found: check !requests for correct request number"
ioB:tsend chan $chan $output
} else {
set output "-:[b]:[b] [c]$ioBvar(color1)request deleted[c] [b]:[b]:- request [b]%request[b] deleted by [b]%user[b]@iRC"
set output [ioB:replacevar $output "%user" $nick]
set output [ioB:replacevar $output "%request" $arg]
ioB:tsend chan $chan $output
} else {
set output "-:[b]:[b] [c]$ioBvar(color1)error[c] [b]:[b]:- Request number not found: $arg is not a number"
ioB:tsend chan $chan $output
does not go (nothing goes more!bw!help nix)
proc proc_irc_reqfilled {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global ioBvar
set arg [lindex $args 0]
if { [string is digit -strict $arg] } {
set status [catch {set ee [::ftp::Quote $ioBvar(ftp) SITE REQFILLEDIRC $arg]} result]
set lines [split $ee \n]
set lines [lreplace $lines 0 0]
set lines [lreplace $lines end end]
set lines [lreplace $lines end end]
if { $status == 0 } {
if { [string equal [lindex $lines 0] "200- Request not found"] } {
set output "-:[b]:[b] [c]$ioBvar(color1)error[c] [b]:[b]:- Request number [b]$arg[b] not found: check !requests for correct request number"
ioB:tsend chan $chan $output
} else {
set lines [split [lindex $lines 0] :]
set reqfilled [string trim [lindex $lines 1]]
set output "-:[b]:[b] [c]$ioBvar(color1)filled request[c] [b]:[b]:- [b]\[%request\][b] > [b]\[REQ\]-%reqfilled[b] filled by [b]%user[b]@iRC"
set output [ioB:replacevar $output "%user" $nick]
set output [ioB:replacevar $output "%request" $arg]
set output [ioB:replacevar $output "%reqfilled" $reqfilled]
ioB:tsend chan $chan $output
} else {
set output "-:[b]:[b] [c]$ioBvar(color1)error[c] [b]:[b]:- Request number not found: $arg is not a number"
ioB:tsend chan $chan $output
That can be done go also the old things!bw!help