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Harm's scripts ioBanana, Readd script, ioVote

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Old 08-10-2004, 03:24 PM   #1
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Default problems configuring ioBanana

I'm having some problems with configuring ioBanana...

i have ioBanana.1.8 and ioFTPD-beta5-8-4u

I downloaded the archive of ioBanana, unpacked and then I read 'readme.txt' for install.

Step 5. Add those to your ioftpd.ini:

user = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe closed
list = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe ban
retr = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe limiter
mkd = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dupecheck_dir
mkd = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe checkdenypre
stor = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe pre_stor

pass = %..\scripts\ioBanana.exe alert %[service($service)(users)] %[$service]
dele = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe zsdel
mkd = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe mkd
rmd = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dirlog
rnfr = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dirlog
rnto = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dirlog

i've looked exactly for a [Pre] section in ioftpd.ini... and... there isn't, instead there are


also the same problems with:
;rules = !..\text\ftp\rules.msg
ginfo = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe ginfo
gstats = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe gstats
which doesn't not exists. Ok, i've found
and i placed all what was under [Scripts] tag.

I configured ioBanana.ini and ioBanana.tcl for windrop, and .... surprise.... is not working...

The log on IRC bot looks smth like this:

[22:34:15] (shY): !bw
[22:34:22] (||BoT): -:: bandwidth ::- Up: @kBps - Dn: @kBps - Total: @kBps
[22:34:30] (shY): !speed THOR
[22:34:31] (||BoT): -:: user activity ::- THOR@Northfork.avi - 31
[22:34:31] (||BoT): -:: THOR is idlin'

I mean... is not showing anything real.

on the site if i type

site version or any other command which belongs to ioBanana i get 'command failed'

23:04:14 > site version
23:04:14 550 Command failed.

Another 'thing'. The only way my FTP server starts is with this line commented
#user = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe closed
list = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe ban
retr = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe limiter
mkd = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dupecheck_dir
mkd = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe checkdenypre
stor = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe pre_stor

If Not, i get this:
22:53:43 wSock_Connect()
22:53:48 220 FTP Server ready.
22:53:48 > USER shY
22:54:46 wSock_Error() -> Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure (10053)
22:54:46 ----------- connection closed -----------

OK, so i have a LOT of errors... so many that i have no ideea where is the problem... if anyone has any idea.... [Thanks]

i forgot to say that i can't Upload anything.... the dirs are made but any file i upp the dir is empty
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Old 08-10-2004, 04:34 PM   #2
Too much time...
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Default Re: problems configuring ioBanana

Originally posted by jmeke
i have ioBanana.1.8 and ioFTPD-beta5-8-4u
You're a registered user, why not use the registered version of ioFTPD? Also, the latest version of ioBanana is v20 for foundation users or v19-free.

Please post in the right forum category, ioBanana questions belong under Harm's Scripts.
neoxed is offline  
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ftp, iobanana, mkd, scriptsiobanana.exe, upload

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