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Harm's scripts ioBanana, Readd script, ioVote

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Old 08-02-2004, 06:41 AM   #1
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Default New version... new tests... new problems...

New version... new tests... new problems...

This only happens with me? I don't believe!!!.

Well... three little problems:


a) with ioBananaV20PRE7: TESTED (with command and scheduled event) and working very well for warnings and nukes for empty and incomplete dirs.

b) with ioBananaV20(final): TESTED (with command and scheduled event) and DON'T working more.
If used the command SITE AUTONUKE, for testing, is presentd the log of search but not happening (announces or nukes)

2) Different colors by sections
# Default color for irc announces
set ioBvar(color1) 1
# Per section colors
set color(0days) 3
set color(mp3) 5
TESTED with ioBananav20PRE7 and NOT fixed in ioBananaV20 - it always use the default color (color1)

PS.: set color(DEFAULT) 1, in the same way that set ioBvar(color1) 3, isn't a fix. This is a default color.

3) Back to trial group if not reach the quota
# Move user back to trial if quota not reached at the end of the month ? 1=yes, 0=no
set ioBvar(moveuserquota) 1
Not tested previously with ioBananaPREx (waiting the turn of the month) but, certainly, NOT working with the final version. Or either, the stats are changed but the user continues in origin group..

All other new features (until where I tested), pparently, are functioning correctly. It is a sufficiently positive balance, after all...
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Old 08-02-2004, 07:14 AM   #2
Too much time...
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1. ioAUTONUKE actually works here. It has been tested many times and hasn't failed yet.
It hasn't changed between v20pre7 and v20 by the way.
What log ? Please note that directories are skipped if they are older than 24h.

2. You should have READ the manual and/or the forums. None of the default skins supports per section colours. I have added the %scolor cookie that's replaced with the section colour (or the default one) for ppl writing their own skins. Default skins that have colours are ALWAYS using the default colour $ioBvar(color1).
It was working in v20pre7 and is still working in v20.

Note: set color(DEFAULT) doesn't set the default colour which is $ioBvar(color1) but sets the colour for the DEFAULT section.

3. Unless your sitebot is disconnected when checking the month stats (only at the end of the month obviously), the users who failed quota are moved back to trial if:
set ioBvar(deluserquota) 0
set ioBvar(moveuserquota) 1
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command, problems, set, tested, working

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