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Harm's scripts ioBanana, Readd script, ioVote

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Old 12-14-2004, 03:24 PM   #16
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 39
Default little feedback + bug

Hey harm i got some feedbacks for a newer version:

When adding a vote poll, all possible answers are listed in the entry-order. For example if i enter:

site addvote "question" "a" "b" "c"

each time i'll type again "site vote view", i get the same order, like:

200- +-[ioV]------------------------------------------------------------- -- - +
200- | Current vote: question |
200- | 1 : 'a' |
200- | 2 : 'b' |
200- | 3 : 'c' |
200- + - -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- - +

On the other hand, irc announce when typing "site logvote" lists results using VOTES order, like this way:

<eggdrop> Currents ioVOTE results are:
<eggdrop> 1: "b" - 10 votes
<eggdrop> 2: "a" - 8 votes
<eggdrop> 3: "c" - 2 votes

The trouble is that people read irc announce and then go on ftp and type SITE VOTE SEND 2, thinking they are voting "a", but infact they are voting for "b".

It would be nice if decreasing-votes order could be REMOVED from irc announce, so that numbers in irc announce would correspond to numbers shown using site command (site vote view).

I think this is a bug:
I tried to add a poll with 2 answers like:

site addvote "question" "a" "b"

This never worked and I see i can only add poll with 3 or more answers, but not 2.


Sorry for a so long topic and thanks in advance,
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Old 12-19-2004, 01:15 PM   #17
Too much time...
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1) This option is supposed to log the votes results and announce them on irc. As far as I can see, it's what it's doing at the moment.
People aint supposed to continue to vote once the results are known.

If you're using the results to invite people to vote, then you aren't using the correct option/command. I will add a command to remind people there's a poll waiting for their voice on login and at some time on irc.

2) I will check. It's probably the sanity check for the correct number of arguments that's expecting 3 options instead of 2.
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Old 09-11-2005, 11:59 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Harm
Here is a little script for those who want a voting system.
###; ioVOTE.itcl v0.2 (22/03/2004) by Harm
###; ioFTPD 5.8.4r+


1. Copy everything in .\ioFTPD\scripts\.

2. Add those to your ioFTPD.ini:

VoteResults = 0 0 1 * TCL C:\location\of\your\scripts\ioVOTE.itcl LOG

vote = TCL C:\location\of\your\scripts\ioVOTE.itcl VOTE
addvote = TCL C:\location\of\your\scripts\ioVOTE.itcl ADDVOTE
logvote = TCL C:\location\of\your\scripts\ioVOTE.itcl LOG

vote = !A *
addvote = M
logvote = M

3. Edit the paths in ioVOTE.itcl carefully.


5. Add those to your ioBanana.tcl or your dZSbot.tcl:

set variables(VOTE) "%user %group %topic"
set variables(VOTETOPIC) "%topic"
set variables(VOTERESULT) "%number %votes %option" 

set disable(VOTE) 0
set disable(VOTETOPIC) 0
set disable(VOTERESULT) 0

6. Add "VOTE VOTETOPIC VOTERESULTS" to the 'set msgtypes(RACE)' list in ioBanana.tcl or dZSbot.tcl.

7a. If you're using ioBanana, add those to your ioBanana skin:
set announce(VOTE) "-:[b]:[b] [c]$ioss(color1)vote[c] [b]:[b]:- [b]%user[b]@%group added a new poll: [b]%topic[b]. Go vote people!"
set announce(VOTETOPIC) "-:[b]:[b] [c]$ioss(color1)vote[c] [b]:[b]:- Vote results for: [b]%topic[b] are:"
set announce(VOTERESULT) "-:[b]:[b] [c]$ioss(color1)vote[c] [b]:[b]:- Number %number, [b]%option[b] got [b]%votes[b] votes."

7b. If you're using dZSbot, add those to your dZSbot.tcl:
set announce(VOTE) "-%sitename- \[VOTE\] + %bold%user%bold@%group added a new poll: %bold%topic%bold. Go vote people!"
set announce(VOTETOPIC) "-%sitename- \[VOTE\] + Vote results for: %bold%topic%bold are:"
set announce(VOTERESULT) "-%sitename- \[VOTE\] + Number %number, %bold%option%bold got %bold%votes%bold votes."

8. Rehash your sitebot.
It is available to foundation members.
Hello I can't find 'set msgtypes(RACE)' list in ioBanana.tcl and I not fully undrestand what to do in this point 6 please help.

"6. Add "VOTE VOTETOPIC VOTERESULTS" to the 'set msgtypes(RACE)' list in ioBanana.tcl or dZSbot.tcl."

I'm using ioBanana v20 and ioB_dZS skin
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Old 09-12-2005, 01:38 AM   #19
Too much time...
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,430

All of these are getting old. Take some time to upgrade ioBanana and ioVOTE first. The versions currently available on the website are easier to setup. Also, make sure your board account is linked to your account on inicom's customer portal (if needed, mail support@inicom.net). This will show us that you really are a foundation member.
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%number, add, set, tcl, vote

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