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Old 01-15-2004, 08:20 PM   #1
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 37
Default ioB19 SiteBot Login Error

I was setting up a new ioftpd install on another computer..

ioFTPD 5.3.9r, ioA1.0.6, and ioB19r..

Im having trouble getting the sitebot to work correctly:

I turned on Verbose/debug in the iobanana.tcl to see what the error was better but still havent been able to figure out what is wrong.

I tried using different eggdrop versions..using 6.2.15 right now though.

The bot logs into the correct channel ok and responds to some commands but most commands like !bw, !speed, !leechers..etc do not even get any type of responce from the sitebot.

My other sitebot is running with the same configuration pretty much and works fine (same ioftpd,ioa, and ioB versions)

when running eggdrop with nt parms I get this error:

[18:13] debug     control | C: 230 User botty logged in.
[18:13] dzs-mod: LOGIN received
command returned bad code: 16
    while executing
    ("after" script)
[18:13] error     error | E: Not connected!
[18:13] ioBanana 8 by Mouton & Harm: Attempting to connect to FTP.
[18:13] debug      | Starting new connection with:
[18:13] debug      |   -port = 21
[18:13] debug     control | C: Connection from
[18:13] debug      | -> rc="220"
-> msgtext="HTTP 5.24"
-> state="user"
[18:13] debug      | ---> USER botty
[18:13] debug     control | C: 220 HTTP 5.24
[18:13] debug      | -> rc="331"
-> msgtext="Password required for botty."
-> state="passwd"
[18:13] debug      | ---> PASS blank
[18:13] debug     control | C: 331 Password required for botty.
[18:13] debug      | -> rc="230"
it doesnt crash the bot but always will get that error on the first login.
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Old 01-15-2004, 08:32 PM   #2
Too much time...
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Is the bot actually connected or not? (Check SITE WHO or the ioFTPD.log file)

There was a bug in the TclLib v1.4 FTP library or in TCL 8.4 (one of the two, can't recall it), dealing with 'bad code returns'.
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Old 01-15-2004, 09:14 PM   #3
ioFTPD Foundation User
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Posts: 37

Thanks for responding NeoXed

Yeah it seems as though its connected to the ftp and then when I do a command it will disconnect on some of them.

for ex: !free all works fine so does !sections etc.

Also Newdir, release info, wipe etc..all works as it should

but doing when doing a !who the bot doesnt respond at all:

heres some of the debug info after the !who command:

[19:15] debug      | ---> SITE WHO
[19:15] debug      | -> rc="200"
-> msgtext="

(!who message here)

[19:15] debug      | -> rc="   "
-> msgtext=""
-> state="quit"
[19:15] debug      | ---> QUIT
[19:15] debug      | -> rc="221"
-> msgtext="Goodbye"
-> state="quit_sent"
[19:15] debug     control | C: 221 Goodbye
[19:15] debug      | Starting new connection with:
[19:15] debug      |   -port = 21
I also checked the ioFTPD.log and it did show the sitebot had connected.

And with this bug in the TCL you mentioned...are you talking about a bug in ioBanana or ioFTPD?
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Old 01-15-2004, 11:28 PM   #4
Too much time...
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Originally posted by icefuzion
And with this bug in the TCL you mentioned...are you talking about a bug in ioBanana or ioFTPD?
About the TCL FTP library (the ftp.tcl file), not ioFTPD.

Which commands does it disconnect on, and does it happen every time you use that command?
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Old 01-16-2004, 02:23 PM   #5
Posse Member
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[19:15] debug | -> rc=" "

... that means that your SITE WHO returns bad ftp control code (numbers).

do SITE WHO on ftp, and paste result.
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Old 01-16-2004, 07:13 PM   #6
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 37

There are no errors when I do site who in FTP...works fine

Ok here's ALL the debug info after doing a !who in IRC:

[17:10] debug      | ---> SITE WHO
[17:10] debug      | -> rc="200"
-> msgtext="                           ___________  ________"
-> state="quote_sent"
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-                           ___________  ____
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-                    _______\_       _/__\
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-                ░   \       /      |    |
 |   _    /
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-               ruz   |     /\      |
 |   |   |
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-+---------------░----|______________\___|___
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-| admin           /     SiTEOPS | idle  00:05:1
 | %:                             |
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-| master           | since 00:05:3
 | p: /                  |
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-+-------------------------------------------
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-| bot          /        b0ts | idle  00:00:3
 | %:                             |
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-| Vote ioFTPD for president  | since 00:00:3
 | p: /                           |
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-+-------------------------------------------
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-| bot          /        b0ts | idle  00:00:0
 | %:                             |
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-| Vote ioFTPD for president  | since 00:00:0
 | p: /                  |
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-+-------------------------------------------
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-|  Up:   0 /     0.0kbs   |  Dn:   0 /     0
0kbs  |  Total:   0 /     0.0kbs  |
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200-+-------------------------------------------
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200 Command successful.
[17:10] 200-                           ___________  ________
200-                    _______\_       _/__\      /________
200-                ░   \       /      |    |     |   _    /
200-               ruz   |     /\      |          |   |   |
200-| admin           /     SiTEOPS | idle  00:05:13 | %:
200-| master           | since 00:05:33 | p: /
[17:10] debug      | -> rc="   "
-> msgtext=""
-> state="quit"
[17:10] debug      | ---> QUIT
[17:10] debug      | -> rc="221"
-> msgtext="Goodbye"
-> state="quit_sent"
[17:10] debug     control | C: 221 Goodbye
[17:10] debug      | Starting new connection with:
[17:10] debug      |   -port = 21
[17:10] debug     control | C: Connection from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:21
[17:10] debug      | -> rc="220"
-> msgtext="HTTP 5.24"
-> state="user"
[17:10] debug      | ---> USER bot
[17:10] debug     control | C: 220 HTTP 5.24
[17:10] debug      | -> rc="331"
-> msgtext="Password required for bot."
-> state="passwd"
[17:10] debug      | ---> PASS xxxxxxx
[17:10] debug     control | C: 331 Password required for bot.
[17:10] debug      | -> rc="230"
-> msgtext="bot@b0ts @ xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)_____"
-> state="connect"
[17:10] debug     control | C: 230-bot@b0ts @ xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
[17:10] debug     control | C: 230-
[17:10] debug     control | C: 230-Login time: 01/16/04 17:10:11
[17:10] debug     control | C: 230-
[17:10] debug     control | C: 230-(*)Users using this service: 3
[17:10] debug     control | C: 230-(*)Bytes transfered: MB
[17:10] debug     control | C: 230-(*) Active transfers: 0
[17:10] debug     control | C: 230-(*)Current dir space: 17304MB
[17:10] debug     control | C: 230-(*)Available space: 36.66GB
[17:10] debug     control | C: 230-
[17:10] debug     control | C: 230 User bot logged in.
[17:10] debug      | -> rc="   "
-> msgtext=""
-> state="type"
[17:10] debug      | ---> TYPE I
[17:10] debug      | -> rc="200"
-> msgtext="Type set to I."
-> state="type_sent"
[17:10] debug     control | C: 200 Type set to I.
[17:10] ioSS: FTP connection established - handle: 2
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botty, debug, error, ftp, [1813]

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