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Harm's scripts ioBanana, Readd script, ioVote

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Old 11-15-2003, 01:10 PM   #1
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Default strange ioBanana behaviour

for some reason Windrop loads all .tcl files w/out error, i've checked paths/logins numerous times, and the following still happens every time Windrop loads:

[12:58] ioBanana 7c by Mouton & Harm: Attempting to connect to FTP...
[12:58] debug | Starting new connection with:
[12:58] debug | -port = 6655
[12:58] debug control | C: Connection from
[12:58] debug | -> rc="220"
-> msgtext="ioFTPD [www: http://www.ioftpd.com] - [version: beta 5] server ready."
-> state="user"
[12:58] debug | ---> USER sitebot
[12:58] debug control | C: 220 ioFTPD [www: http://www.ioftpd.com] - [versio
n: beta 5] server ready.

the forums might make that a bit hard to interpret, sorry

it appears to me that the last line (right before it dies) isn't being parsed correctly (or at least isn't parsed like the first "control |" bit). i would take a look at the code if tcl didn't give me the willies

thanks for all the work you've done on ioB, it looks awesome and i look forward to using it
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Old 11-15-2003, 04:04 PM   #2
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<Botgbb> [16:00] debug      | Starting new connection with: 
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug      |   -port = 9998
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug     control | C: Connection from
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug      | -> rc="220"
<Botgbb> -> msgtext="ioFTPD [www: http://www.ioftpd.com] - [version: beta 5] server ready."
<Botgbb> -> state="user"
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug      | ---> USER !sitebot
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug     control | C: 220 ioFTPD [www: http://www.ioftpd.com] - [version: beta 5] server ready.
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug      | -> rc="331"
<Botgbb> -> msgtext="Password required for sitebot."
<Botgbb> -> state="passwd"
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug      | ---> PASS orange
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug     control | C: 331 Password required for sitebot.
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug      | -> rc="230"
<Botgbb> -> msgtext="Welcome on ioFTPD demo server sitebot@NoGroup from pomme2003 (gb@"
<Botgbb> -> state="connect"
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug     control | C: 230-Welcome on ioFTPD demo server sitebot@NoGroup from pomme2003 (gb@
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug     control | C: 230-...
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug     control | C: 230 User sitebot logged in.
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug      | -> rc="   "
<Botgbb> -> msgtext=""
<Botgbb> -> state="type"
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug      | ---> TYPE I
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug      | -> rc="200"
<Botgbb> -> msgtext="Type set to I."
<Botgbb> -> state="type_sent"
<Botgbb> [16:00] debug     control | C: 200 Type set to I.
<Botgbb> [16:00] ioSS: FTP connection established - handle: 0
This is what a normal verbose/debug log should look like.
What u seem to be missing is the 331 answer to USER sitebot.

You probably included a %[execute()] cookie in your login msg and Harm needs to fix those since they show at the top of the login msg instead of in the middle, and they don't have any prefix.
Remove those %[execute()] cookies from your welcome.msg and it should work.
Btw, all this is explained in ioB faq.txt

If it doesn't work, what does the FFXP log look like when u login using the sitebot account from localhost ?
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Old 11-16-2003, 01:30 AM   #3
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there are no %[execute()] cookies in welcome.msg (or any other /ftp/*.msg files) .. i read that in ioBanana's docs and checked it before making the post.
using FFXP works as expected. no errors or anything, i think i'm just going to workaround having to use windrop.

thanks for your prompt reply
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Old 11-16-2003, 09:39 AM   #4
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The problem is that the answer to USER xxx is not valid.
FFXP doesn't really care, so it works, but eggdrop can't work when it receives invalid replies.
Maybe u got debug=1 in your iobanana.ini or something similar.

Thus why i asked to see the login sequence from ffxp to be able to pinpoint the problem.
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Old 12-26-2003, 01:50 PM   #5
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i have a similar error:

[19:40] debug control | C: 230 User xxx logged in.
[19:40] debug | -> rc=" "
-> msgtext=""
-> state="type"
[19:40] debug | ---> TYPE I
[19:40] debug | -> rc="200"
-> msgtext="Type set to I."
-> state="type_sent"
[19:40] debug control | C: 200 Type set to I.

it seems that windrop logs in correctly but when the "connection established" message should show up it just exists...

i read through the readme an faq but cannot find the reason for this behaviour
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Old 12-26-2003, 02:32 PM   #6
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What eggdrop and TCL version?

I had problems with similar FTP library's on the latest eggdrop cvs 1.6.16, but thats due to tcl bugs in 1.6.16.
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Old 12-26-2003, 07:36 PM   #7
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i've upgraded to 1.6.16 and now it seems to work
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control, debug, ftp, http://www.ioftpd.com], [1258]

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