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Harm's scripts ioBanana, Readd script, ioVote

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Old 12-23-2005, 06:09 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 14
Default [Old] thousands of incomplete dirtags


ive got iobanana.. well configged .. i was really happy

but now i have a problem:

when i fill something.. i get lots of incomplete folders. normally there must be only one and the old gets deleted..

how can i do this?

i attached a pic.. and here are my

ioftpd.ini [events] part:

OnUploadComplete 	= EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe upload
OnUploadError 		= EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe uploadfailed
and my zipscript part in iobanana.ini:

# zipscript #
# 'parent_stats 'displays global stats for multiple CDs races in the parent dir (if a .nfo is present there)

# Enable or disable racestats calculations after each file (unnecessary and time consuming!)

# 'min_halfway' = minimum number of files in release to announce halfway

# Define which %rank? cookies you want to have available in your bot's .skin USTATS-B and GSTATS-B (%rank1, %rank2, etc.)
# One line per stat (max 5); check SITE RANK usage for sections syntax
# Only define the stats you will use or loose precious CPU cycles!!
racestats_rank1=wkup sections "!1 *"
racestats_rank2=monthup sections "!1 *"

# Enable or disable 0-byte files checking; only enable if u get many 0-byte files on your site!
# Enable or disable bad files deletion

# For mp3 sorting, leave empty to disable
excluded_dirs_sortmp3=/!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___

# Sort movies by genre, rating and/or year; leave empty to disable
# Add_rating will prefix each symlink with "[rating]-" inside Year and Genre dirs
excluded_dirs_sortmovie=/!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___

# Extract file_id.diz and/or nfo files from zips; enable (1) or disable (0)

# Log (for irc announce) url found in .nfo files inside uploaded .zip

# List of all the allowed and banned nfo files that can be extracted from .zip files

# Create incomplete symlinks in parent dir ?
# For all 2_level_incomplete dirs, symlinks will be created in parent's parent folder (probably your section dir) instead of inside the release folder
parent_incomplete_dirs=/0days/ /mp3/
2_level_incomplete=cd1 cd2 cd3 cd4 cd5 disc1 disc2 disc3 dvd1 dvd2 dvd3 vobsub vobsubs subtitle subtitles subs subpack codec

# Force a nfo or a sfv to be sent before anything else in specific dirs; nfo in parent dir is ok
force_dirs=/apps/ /svcd/ /games/ /mp3/ /divx/
# Files uploaded in any dir specified in excluded_dirs_force won't be checked (not case-sensitive)
excluded_dirs_force=cover covers

# force_sample_first = 1 means you won't be able to create any dir listed in force_sample_check if there is no sample subdir
# Be sure you only enable that in your movies dirs!
force_sample_check=cd1 cd2 cd3 cd4 cd5 disc1 disc2 disc3 dvd1 dvd2 dvd3 vobsub vobsubs subtitle subtitles subs subpack codec cover covers
# All files uploaded in those dirs, and all subdirs, will be automatically deleted on upload

# Excluded dirs (includes subdirs): those dirs won't be processed by the zipscript (sfv, zip, mp3, etc.)
excluded_dirs_zs=/!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___

# Execute a command when release is complete; available variables: %DIR% %DIRNAME% %SFV% %FIRSTFILE%
# Leave empty to disable
# Example 1: on_release_complete=md %DIR%\Extracted | start c:\ioFTPD\scripts\HideRun.exe c:\ioFTPD\scripts\unrar.exe x -y %FIRSTFILE% %DIR%\Extracted
# Example 2: on_release_complete=md c:\ioFTPD\site\Extracted\%DIRNAME% | start c:\ioFTPD\scripts\HideRun.exe c:\ioFTPD\scripts\unrar.exe x %FIRSTFILE% c:\ioFTPD\site\Extracted\%DIRNAME%
# Note: The command execution will freeze the ftp session of the last file uploader until the command execution is done, unless you use "start HideRun.exe" or something similar...

# Write file_id.diz to .ioFTPD.message
and at last but not least my zipscript.msg:

good_file_warning=Next time you overwrite a perfectly good file, you'll get your balls ripped off!!!


dirtag=[%.1percent% Incomplete with %files-F]
dirtag_mp3=[%.1percent% Incomplete with %files-F]-[mp3info - %genre (%year) @ %bitrate-kbps]
dirtag_imdb=[%.1percent% Incomplete with %files-F]-[imdbinfo - %genre (%year) - %rating (%votes)]
dirtag_complete_big=[%.0percent% Complete]-[%files-F @ %.1size%units at %speedint]
dirtag_complete_small=[%.0percent% Complete]-[%files-F @ %.2size%units at %speedint]
dirtag_complete_mp3=[%.0percent% Complete]-[%files-F @ %.1size%units at %speedint]-[mp3info - %genre (%year) @ 

dirtag_complete_imdb=[%.0percent% Complete]-[%files-F @ %.1size%units at %speedint]-[imdbinfo - %genre (%year) - %rating 

dirtag_delete=[*% *omplete*]

rescan_ok=%30filename  OK!
rescan_bad=%30filename  Bad! File CRC: %crcf SFV CRC: %crcs
rescan_missing=%30filename  Missing!

usersstats=Users Top
groupsstats=Groups Top

imdbinfo=[iMDB] -( %rating with %votes - %genre - %year - %screens )- [iMDB]
is somebody there who can help me?

this would be very nice..

thx and merry christmas
tgf2k4 is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 12-23-2005, 08:03 PM   #2
Too much time...
Ultimate Scripter
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,430

Since you don't specify which version of ioBanana you are talking about, I'll have to guess. I think it's ioBanana v20.
In which case, there are two things you should know:
- it's an old version and there's a new one out,
- you do not appear as a registered user.

You can fix the first statement by downloading and installing ioB2. It is available there: http://www.inicom.net/pages/en.ioftpd-scripts.php

You can fix the other one by linking your customer account (on inicom's website) and this forum account by writing to support@inicom.net. This, of couse, assumes you truly are a registered user.

Anyway, it's christmas and I'll give the answer whether or not you're a registered user.
Your vfs files should end with an empty line (as the manual says).
Harm is offline   Reply With Quote

disable, files, ftp, incomplete, upload

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