Harm's scripts ioBanana, Readd script, ioVote |
10-15-2005, 12:37 PM
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Any suggestions to implement/correct ioB2
Originally Posted by Harm
Hmm, I guess I'll have to create a poll/thread to know what features are considered usefull. I don't use force sfv first myself (not that it's hard to add). Any suggestion for the first proposals ?
Some suggestions that I (and other users, certainly...) would like to see implemented in the ioBanana V2 (Not necessarily in the proposal order but all they are very important...)
With this, I believe, would be almost perfect...
1) TRIAL script
support multiple 0-9 trial sections
2) QUOTA script
support multiple quota sections & user in multiple groups
3) ioAutonuke must be include support to nuke:
MP3 genres
IMDB genres
maximum CD/DVD/Disk rules and
banned keywords
4) STATS (by section) in site & in IRC
I know that is possible to use the BSTATS for this, but is complicated to adapt it without a bigger knowledge.
And, if ioFTPD use multiple sections, is just to have separate information on them.(idem to trial and quota...)
5) rules.cfg
Explain (or an example) which syntax (format) must be used to liberate the rules for section
Correct bug previously told (commands don't work in site or in IRC)
7) FORCE .SFV & .NFO first
Force a nfo or a sfv to be sent before anything else in specific dirs
8) DOUBLE LEECH & UPLOAD The limiter from old iobv20 for disallowing users double leech or double upload
Well, for the time... this is all...
Thanks in advance...
PS.: Sorry (all) by my bad english...
10-15-2005, 03:38 PM
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1) Multiple trial sections
I guess you mean different trial sizes depending on where the uploads were going, right ?
I'm thinking of adding a nuke limit for trial users as well. It means that even if someone has passed the quota regarding the upload size, if he has been nuked more than x time, he won't pass.
2) Multiple quota sections
Same question as before. You know that ioBanana only checks the sections defined in $ioBvar(sections), don't you ?
Both will be improved in the future but I still have to find a way to do it nicely. How would you like these to behave exactly ?
- mp3 genre ban: why not...
I've noticed a few mp3 files are advertising odd genres in their mp3 tags so it'll most probably be a list of allowed genres instead of banned ones.
- imdb genre ban: why not again...
I might extend this to allocine as well. Is support for other web databases needed btw ?
- disc limit: that's an idea.
- banned keywords: this is already available.
4) STATS per section
It will probably be in the next version (unless it comes with the next ioFTPD). It's amazing nobody has requested this before as it has always been like that.
Note that SITE USER username gives stats per section already.
5) More documentation
This will hopefully come soon. I'm still pretty busy with work but I hope it'll make its way into release 2.
6) Force whatever first
I took this out because it was causing more troubles than it fixed problems actually.
If it's really wanted, I'll make it as a module (easily plugable, don't worry) and transfer the force sample first code there.
7) Dual whatever control
It will most probably be a module too since it will slow STOR and RETR commands.
Summary: All of these have been carefully noted. They won't all come with release 2 and won't all belong to the core of ioB2. Actually, most things are going to be modules to allow ppl to have only what they need and perhaps offer different ways of doing the same thing.
It hasn't been requested yet, but I'm thinking of providing mysql and/or sqlite support in the future. There would be a module to replace the current dupe engine and add predb/nukedb functionnality to it (and to the sitebot). Anyone interested ?
By the way, release 2 is going to be mainly a bugfix release with only a couple of new features. I'll tell you which one when I'll have a better view of what's needed and then create a poll with the other functions to order my todo list.
10-15-2005, 04:51 PM
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Thanks, Harm, for the fast reply...
But, only to explain better: when I say trial/quota support multiple sections, I want say the following example:
set ioBtrial(size,section0) 2048
set ioBtrial(size,section1) 1024
set ioBtrial(size,section2) 2048
set ioBtrial(group) "Trial"
set ioBtrial(newgroup) "Wathever"
Thus, if the user upload, for example, 10 GB in section0, 20 GB in section1 and 500MB in section2, he won't pass because not reached quota in section 2, right???
Or either, to pass, it has that to make upload minimum in each one of the sections, individually.
The same procedure must be applied for the monthly quota
Originally Posted by Harm
By the way, release 2 is going to be mainly a bugfix release with only a couple of new features. I'll tell you which one when I'll have a better view of what's needed and then create a poll with the other functions to order my todo list.
Excllent!!! I'm waiting...
10-27-2005, 01:02 AM
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This post begin to be a normal post... but still basicaly we just purpose new features or we ask some to get fixed...
-I've included a !credits script in mine maybe u can add one directly in ioB with a different announce for some grps ( check the script posted by Fungraphic, it was changed by me to get grps custom announcement )
-I'm still having trouble with the !request command (but Harm know about it)
-A cool feature already done as a TCL (by Lashan) is !mostleeched, u have the top 5 most leeched it make a new file to make stats with the tranfer log, so you can try as well to add the !traffic name.of.the.release to get the listing of peoples who get it.
-With mine the DUPE/UNDUPE is not working i've fixed with another script, yours don't log at all ( I said mine i guess it was me the main prob for this )
-It's would be great to have a file like the ioB2.skin for windrop but for the ioFTPD cause i like the way your ioBanana display racestat and stuff ... but it would be funny to get the skin in a file to change it and maybe we can post our custom skin ... JUST AN IDEA
-A new command to change topic thru the server will be great and we can add a feature to display it this way "[$1/$2] This is your topic"... $1 = users passed, $2 = users on quota or iND
-A dualup limitation ( not in the same sfv ) if you do you lost an FTP login, dualdown limitation... the same punishment ( with a list of grps allowed to dualup and down ... separated pls). Cause i've got the noDUAL.itcl ( i've linked to the iobanana part of the windrop to announce it in the chan ) and it kicked the second account but it still log in the dupe log ... and keep reconnect ... you can imagine ... UNDUPE time!!!!!
OK that's it for the moment, if someone need some of the changes i've made just ask me...
10-27-2005, 03:48 PM
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I would like to see multiple group quotas. Maybe an option to set different quotas for different groups. For me, the problem is i have several groups that can do group quota but seeing how they are different sizes (number of members) the quota can't be the same as a large group.
Here's an example.
group1 - 10 members - group quota = 60 gigs
group2 - 4 members - group quota = 60 gigs? no way, that might be too much for them, instead I would like to set a different group quota with the smaller group.
Maybe it could be an option that quota is based on HOW MANY members are in that group.. an option quota per group member = 5 gigs. If group has 10 members quota is 50 gigs, if group has 5 members quota is 25 gigs.
maybe this is pointless to others? I'm not sure, but for me it would be very useful.
Also I miss having a cut off date for quota trial and grpquota start. The current release v2.0 release 1, trials start on monday, but if you add a user on monday, they have to wait until the following week to start their trial. Same with quota and grpquota, if user added on the 2nd of the month, he is exempt from quota the entire month.
I thought I'd have more suggestions, I think I need to gather my thoughts. This seems like a good start.
10-28-2005, 03:54 AM
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 32
Hi all,
like i see, new ioB2release1 has not all the same implement as ioBananaV20final.
I'm using the old script from a lot time with good success. In the last one there new features but a lot missings. The anothers are: speedlimit when race starts and end, the access to pretime db with announce to irc, banned dir, slow race. I remember i've never used ioB2, so one of these feauters can be in.
Thanks a lot Harm for all
10-28-2005, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by scoonydeus
-I've included a !credits script in mine maybe u can add one directly in ioB with a different announce for some grps ( check the script posted by Fungraphic, it was changed by me to get grps custom announcement )
I've a feature called !user <someone> in my todo list which might be similar to that.
-I'm still having trouble with the !request command (but Harm know about it)
Really ? I think I've fixed that some time ago. I'll contact you in a few days for the tests.
-A cool feature already done as a TCL (by Lashan) is !mostleeched, u have the top 5 most leeched it make a new file to make stats with the tranfer log, so you can try as well to add the !traffic name.of.the.release to get the listing of peoples who get it.
Maybe as a module... but since it does already exist, this goes at the bottom of the list.
-With mine the DUPE/UNDUPE is not working i've fixed with another script, yours don't log at all ( I said mine i guess it was me the main prob for this )
Hmm... no, I really don't understand what you're trying to say here, sorry.
-It's would be great to have a file like the ioB2.skin for windrop but for the ioFTPD cause i like the way your ioBanana display racestat and stuff ... but it would be funny to get the skin in a file to change it and maybe we can post our custom skin ... JUST AN IDEA
They're currently hardcoded for speed reasons. The code can be directly edited by those who wish to customize the messages... though I might come with some tool to edit them.
-A new command to change topic thru the server will be great and we can add a feature to display it this way "[$1/$2] This is your topic"... $1 = users passed, $2 = users on quota or iND
Haha, what about a built-in coffee machine ? 
Seriously, the quota/trial related message in the topic is a good idea, but a site command to change the topic...
-A dualup limitation ( not in the same sfv ) if you do you lost an FTP login, dualdown limitation... the same punishment ( with a list of grps allowed to dualup and down ... separated pls). Cause i've got the noDUAL.itcl ( i've linked to the iobanana part of the windrop to announce it in the chan ) and it kicked the second account but it still log in the dupe log ... and keep reconnect ... you can imagine ... UNDUPE time!!!!!
I'm not sure I undestand your particular problem here, but I've already said dual up/dn will be taken care of by a module (that I'll write).
ko0ky: I'm afraid I'm lacking time at the moment but I have a module which aims to adapt quota and trial to a particular setup. I might consider writing one for cases like yours too.
Who said I'll have some free time around Xmas ?
domy_3: You're right, I've removed most of the less used / way too funky stuff from the core ioBanana. My aim is to provide the core functionality and allow users to quickly write modules for the extra functions. This way you'll have only what you really need, which is more efficient. You'll also be able to add functions that are not provided by default or customize existing ones to fit your particular configuration.
Note that it's not quite ready yet and I'll most probably write most of the first modules myself.
The pretime database (which is *the* usefull feature in your list) will be a module as well. I'm actually considering a central database module that will replace the default file-based dupe engine and add pretime functions and then several lower-level modules that will provide database specific code to this one (ie. MySQL, PostreSQL, etc.).
Comments on all this are welcome.
10-28-2005, 05:30 PM
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Posts: 32
Another feature of old iobanana is the possibility to personalize (see ioBanana-text).
Can u put this in new release?
And why use only 3 char max in iob2? If i want to 5 char?  i'll see only the first 3.
10-31-2005, 03:25 PM
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The ability to customize the output will be improved (err... easier) in an upcoming release. The code can be edited directly if you can't wait for other ways to do so.
11-05-2005, 07:18 AM
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New and WEIRD bug in ioB2 (release 1)
An release is complete in the site (with tagline showing 100%, announce of release and race completion in the channel, etc)...
If somebody upload a different archive (not part of original release and, therefore, not enclosed in .sfv) ioB2 accept the garbage without any problem...
Example1: directory with release uploaded correctly
1) the release completed: Test.of.bug.in.ioB2-NOGROUP
2) the correct tagline: (100% Complete]-10F @ 139.2MB at 175kBps]-[XL]
3) the correct .nfo Test.of.bug.in.ioB2-NOGROUP.nfo
4) the correct files: test1.rar
. test1.r01
. test1.r02
. ...
. test1.r10
5) the correct .sfv test1.sfv
Somebody upload (for deceit, or not) some stuff (without .sfv) in same directory
Example2: same directory with new garbage
1) the release completed: Test.of.bug.in.ioB2-NOGROUP
2) the correct tagline: (100% Complete]-10F @ 139.2MB at 175kBps]-[XL]
3) the correct .nfo Test.of.bug.in.ioB2-NOGROUP.nfo
4) the correct files: test1.rar
. test1.r01
. test1.r02
. ...
. test1.r10
5) the correct .sfv test1.sfv
6) any garbage any.other.crap1.rar
. any.other.crap1.r01
. any.other.crap1.r02
. any.other.crap1.r03.
. any.other.crap1.r04
. ....
. any.other.crap1.rnn
Now, i'm really worried with the future of ioB2 ....
Hei Harm, where you are???
No answers, no comments, no fixes.....
11-05-2005, 12:51 PM
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As far as I can remember this has always been the case, even with previous releases.
I've carefully noted this request as well as other good ones that I've read/heard in the past two months. Though, I'm currently really busy working in the UK and I have no time working on ioBanana. I have very little access to the internet and even less time to read these forums. I've planned to take the few days of free time I'll have around Christmas to prepare another release.
You can be worried, write using an even bigger font or use many more smileys, I'm afraid it won't change anything... In fact, it will only make it harder for me to get back into it when I'll return to my studies in january. If (for any reason) you're still willing to use my scripts then, you should keep your posts simple and also keep everything in one place. For example you could continue to add to the request thread with small and clear descriptions.
I'm sorry for having a life.
11-05-2005, 03:25 PM
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after this post I find that not justify to be arguing our different personal positions here.
By the way, this forum not have this purpose.
This forum exists, I think, only, to place the problems (bugs, problems, etc) and wait the solutions, explanation or correction by the scripters or other more experienced users.
Always with the purpose in such a way to improve the product for its creator as for the user.
Thus, it wanted to leave clearly that this always was my intention: to contribute mainly for the improvement of the ioBanana because he is script that I use and that I intend to continue using.
My excuses if, for some reason, seemed that my position would be different of the here described one.
Originally Posted by Harm
I'm sorry for having a life.
Certainly, and you must live it in the best possible way. I, at least, try...
Good luck!!!
11-30-2005, 04:13 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 60
Avoid autonuking affils/pre'ed dirs
Hi. Could u add an option to not nuke affils on divx even if pre'ed dirs are under imdb rules? For example a 4.0 movie while site autonuke rule is 5.0 minimum vote.
Also I had a small problem on imdb autonuke, since i got a dir nuked even if vote and number of votes were higher than the minimum configured in ioconfig.itcl. And bot didn't announce dir would have been nuked, even if warn is enabled too. So I would suggest u to check the nuke routine or something like that...
12-01-2005, 09:27 AM
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Is it possible, to change the file ending of .ioFTPD.mp3 cause some players add those files to playlist because of ".mp3".
Thanks in advance
I'm using:
ioFTPD 7.7.2
ioNiNJA BETA Stable v0.8.9.6
12-26-2005, 05:37 AM
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Posts: 24
Originally Posted by LordM
Is it possible, to change the file ending of .ioFTPD.mp3 cause some players add those files to playlist because of ".mp3".
Thanks in advance
yeah i would like to change that to! its a pain in winamp :P hehe
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