This is the complete changelog for ioB2, including the development branch. Please note that even if the information is available, the dev branch isn't.
Some of the fixes made in the dev branch are available in the "ioB2 - Fixes" thread.
ioB2 - development branch
NEW: added a new variable, $ioBrules(arealist)
NEW: added per section colours for the announces, $colour(SECTION)
NEW: added a !banned irc command to list banned groups
NEW: added rewrite rules to change the messagetype when a specific pattern appears in the path
NEW: added a daily/weekly/monthly filter for newdate events
NEW: added support for
DEL: removed support for urls
CHG: changed the %colour cookie to be available in almost all announces/replies
CHG: changed SITE NEW to exclude subdirs
CHG: improved the !request command
CHG: modified variables, $ioBinfo(ids,*)
CHG: improved the response speed
CHG: modified the !latests irc command, !latests [section] [count]
FIX: approved releases can be (auto)nuked
FIX: allowed mp3 releases can be autonuked
FIX: allowed imdb releases can be autonuked
FIX: messages broadcasted through the botnet are generating errors in the partyline
FIX: WARCMOVE and WARCWIPE messages aren't announced
FIX: the director isn't extracted from the imdb page
FIX: zsexclusion and dupeexclusion on pre/post mkd are not working properly
FIX: doesn't handle multiple lines announces properly
FIX: IMDBCHK and MP3CHK messages can't be disabled or redirected
FIX: %size isn't displayed properly in the daystats
* check rescan and the .missing files deletion,
* check the quota system (especially on sharedb sites),
* write the documentation for the rules system,
* write a list of the available cookies,
* add support for raided dirs in !free,
* add support for botnets in !search,
* add a file dupechecker (preferably as a module)
* fix mpeginfo for mpeg4 files
* force sfv/nfo first
ioB2 - release 1 - 30/08/2005