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Harm's scripts ioBanana, Readd script, ioVote

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Old 09-13-2005, 03:30 AM   #1
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Default [Request] a few suggestions for ioB2

Well this are some of my thoughts what would be nice to add.

1. Maybe some cookies for speed on race announces. Now you can see speed only in the end. Maybe just add them so we can use them in our skin files.

2. And if possible what would rock is, real size reports on !free. Because now if you have mounted dirs in ioFTPD, it shows size only from first path in .vfs

For exm.
"C:\ioFTPD\site" "/section"
"D:\site" "/section"
"F:\site" "/section"

Would be great if you could parse this and count the free space together. Or even easier to specify which section uses which drives in the ioBanana.tcl and u can then just check for space on those drives and count the space to that section. This would rock.

3. Add some switches to disable or enable that movie,mp3,0-day sorting in config. Now you have to leave all fields empty. Would be easier to just say you want sorting and put 0 or 1 and it`s done.

This are just my suggestions, what would be nice.

Have fun and good work.
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Old 09-13-2005, 06:03 PM   #2
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1. Actually, there's a %speed cookie for the RACE announce. Search for "set variables" in your ioBanana.tcl and you'll find a list of all available cookies for the announces (but not the replies to !commands). I agree that a readable list of all of them would be nice. Expect it to be added to the next version of the docs.

2. This is a pretty old limitation. ioFTPD only reports the size of one of the drives in the raided drives. I can't remember if it's the first one or the last one. To get a workaround, I would have to completely redesign the SITE FREE and !free commands to use an external tool (ie ioDiskSpace from ADDiCT).. which I may do at some time, but that's at the bottom of my todo list.

3. Well, there's not a big difference between setting a variable to 0 or another to "". Can you find a very good reason to add more variables ?

Thank you for the feedback. Constructive comments are always appreciated.
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Old 09-14-2005, 02:06 AM   #3
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Oh great will use the %speed cookies in race announces. And it is true that it would be nice to see what cookies you already made. Kind off hard to figure them out on our own, even if they are self explanatory as %speed is

I will add some more suggestions. One is a nice feature i don`t see anymore. The limiter from old iobv20 for disallowing users double leech or double upload. That would also be nice to have back

About those switches, i was lazy and did not want to edit all those fields, and though it would be easier to just put 0 as disable

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Old 09-15-2005, 09:36 AM   #4
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Here is another one for you

The bot should reconnect to site if he gets dissconnected. For exm. on !free all cmd if bot is not on site it`s not ok offcourse. But would be great if he would try to connect to site if he gets dissconnected after that command, or even better check with a simple send NOOP or something and if no reply reconnect to the ftp. Maybe time based which could be specified or for exm. once per hour, or something like it. Because it`s quite annoying that bot drops out of site and then you must .rehash it to get it back on.

But yet again that are just my few cents again. But would be nice thou.
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Old 09-15-2005, 02:03 PM   #5
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That's what it's doing at the moment. It has been so for ages.
If you have to .rehash the bot to get it to reconnect it means
a) the bot had a major timer problem and the NOOP loop stopped
b) you think it'll reconnect in the next millisec and you're issuing the .rehash command before it actually reconnects to the site
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Old 10-08-2005, 02:57 AM   #6
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I have one more suggestion

The !search function. Could it be made so if somebody makes !search something that it has option to get reply to botnet and then one bot would gather that info and put it back to user. So this way if you have many sites by issuing !search only one bot would display hits and on which site they are. Now ofcourse every bot
responds and ... imagine 20+ pms same second
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Old 10-08-2005, 12:20 PM   #7
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Haha, I can imagine that.

If the bots are indeed linked together as a botnet, it's doable. I would rather write that as a module than incorporate it to ioBanana directly.
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Old 10-08-2005, 04:22 PM   #8
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Fine with me

This would rock, and i think it shouldnt be too much work. Well i keep my fingers crosed and hope you do this aswell if you have the time.
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