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Caladan's scripts project-zs, sitewho

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Old 03-30-2004, 04:06 PM   #16
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It's hard to know what to say, and I know no-one can really say anything to make the pain go away but like so many here my thoughts are with you as you're going through what must be pure hell.
Best wishes for you and your girlfriend to get through this OK, and hoping you get to the point where you remember only the good times as soon as possible.
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Old 03-30-2004, 04:52 PM   #17
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My thought are with you and yours, Cal.
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Old 03-31-2004, 05:27 AM   #18
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many many thx to all who replied! its great to know for me and wife that so many ppl are with us.

special thx to harm and to alturismo for the money they provided!
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Old 03-31-2004, 09:15 AM   #19
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damn cala;( mein beileid & mitgefühl ich weiß gar nicht was ich da sagen soll da findet man gar keine worte weil nix was man sagt das ausdrückt was du grade durchmachen mußt. Beileid!

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Old 03-31-2004, 04:12 PM   #20
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There are no right words for this. I don't know you, Caladan, but still, reading what you're going through almost brings me to tears.

You have my deepest condolences. Hang in there!
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Old 03-31-2004, 05:09 PM   #21
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OH MY...

My DEEPEST sympaties and condolences caladan

Heartbreaking to see the pix of your beautiful little angel and know that she's gone..

Got 2 daughters of my own , can't imagine how i would feel to loose one

Hopefully you and your wife will eventually get pass the sorrow and go on with your life's

May the Lord have mercy on u and your wife for this tragic loss

pass on my sympaties and condolences to your wife

R.I.P. Little Angel

Maybe one day u will see your Angel again and hold her in your arms.....

(who knows what happends when we pass over to the other side)

Got tears in my eye.. Cal

no one should outlive their child , again i'm so SORRY for your loss

hang in there m8 and take care of your wife and may u 2 have a beautiful memorial of your Little Angel..

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Old 04-01-2004, 06:57 AM   #22
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No words can describe what one feels after such horrible event. Terrorism and other terrible things were so distant for me, while this happend within our little community.

Life is a privilege, taking privilege of life from someone that young with such a cruel way, is just not fair. Not to mention how unfair it's for you - you will not be seeing her first day of school, confirmation nor graduation, instead you get funerals. Just not fair!

I sincerely hope that one day, your family feels whole again.
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Old 04-01-2004, 08:48 AM   #23
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I don't know you personally, but i'm so so sorry to hear what has happened to your family.
My condolences.
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Old 04-02-2004, 03:14 AM   #24
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Hallo caladan,

es tut mir sehr leid, dass ihr Eure Tochter verloren habt.
Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Frau die nötige Kraft.

Menschen die wir lieben bleiben für immer bei uns,
denn sie hinterlassen Spuren in unserem Leben.

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Old 04-02-2004, 12:49 PM   #25
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and again many thx for all the words!

today was the last time to say goodbye to my little daughter. it was hard to see her, lying there and it was hard to feel her cold skin. But there were many ppl here today to say goodbye so it was a little bit easier.

hard times for me, my gf and all other ppl knowing my little daughter. Anyway we had 3 beautifull years full of laughing and i am sure they will never really be away. as long as there are ppl remember her, she's still alive because only the forgotten are really dead.

mfg cala
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Old 04-05-2004, 06:14 PM   #26
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just to let ppl know i am still alive i post here the changelog of the latest project-zs beta:

Changelog Project-ZS

+ added 2 new options (for vbr support):
-> #define audio_vbr "%w %Y VBR %i %I"
-> #define audio_cbr "%w %Y %XKbps"
+ added new options for IMDB (yup, pzs now searches imdb for infos about the movie!)
-> #define use_build_in_imdb_functions TRUE
-> #define imdb_bar "[IMDB] - Year %Y - Rating %R with %V votes - [IMDB]"
-> #define imdb_message -> this is the template for the imdb message file which is included in the .message
+ added vbr support
+ nocheck dirs now work fully!
+ some zip issues fixed
+ some other things changed/fixed i cant remember yet
+ new installer added ... works now with borland ... but be sure to check ur .ini after using installer. it may screw up ur ini in [events] section
+ .ioftpd.nfo isn't anymore created
+ better perfomance while checking for nfo
+ better routine for finding and deleting incomplete links
+ rewrote functions for finding and deleting incomplete links -> more stable and more speed
+ rewrote functions for checking for nfo -> more speed and more stable
+ removed the creation of .ioftpd.nfo file
+ rewrote many functions completly, code is now compileable with win32 compiler (VS 6 / Bloodsheed Dev-C++ are tested only)
+ added new option for use of unzip functions(now no exsternal .zip needed)
-> I_Want_Zip_Unzip_Functions = TRUE
-> if u disable this function zip/unzip code won't be included ---> faster/smaller code
+ added a new output option for complete message
-> added option: "2"
-> this option puts otu all users / groups in ONE line ... try it out and ya see what i mean
+ only one file is now written for each CD / Disk
+ added 2 new options for the style of the progressbar. be sure not to use forbidden chars there!
-> progressmeter_filled_char '#'
-> progressmeter_missing_char '-'
+ rewrote the config file a little bit for better reading
+ rewrote many code lines for improved speed!
+ rewrote postdel. its now compileable with win32 compiler too.

- removed 2 options: binary_unzip, binary_zip
-> not needed anymore. zip functions are included!
- removed the zip.exe and unzip.exe from project-zs
-> unzip/zip functions are now included directly into source code
-> much much much much faster code (thx |harm| and RAMRAM for tipps and support)

* fixed the bug when a file is uploaded without a extension
* fixed stackdumps -> caused by reading/writing of same files at same time
* fixed a small bug which caused that a complete / incomplete bar got not deleted
* fixed some small bugs where dirlength wasn't calculated right
* fixed a bug which deleted all files if they were uploaded before sfv
* fixed the postdel ... should now work without any errors (at least i didn't find one)
* fixed the bug, that slowest file was evrytime 0
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Old 04-06-2004, 01:42 AM   #27
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Heya Caladan.

I hope you're hanging in there in this time of difficulty for you. will the Project-ZS beta be available for the same download location as the Project-ZS

Maybe later today?
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Old 04-06-2004, 04:44 AM   #28
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yup will be there later today. i am just testing the imdb fucntions atm!
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Old 07-14-2004, 07:34 AM   #29
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After a few months of inactivity due to personal reasons I browsed this forum today and read this post.
I'm deeply touched by what happened to your little daughter.
It's hard to imagine for someone that does not have children yet.
I know it comes late, but I want to express my deepest condolence with you Caladan and your wife.

You must be a very strong character that you keep on living your life and even keep on developing this project.
I truly admire your strength to go through this extremely difficult situation.

My thoughts are with you.
Keep your head up.
We all appreciate your strength and sake to continue the project in memory of Sandra.
I'm sure she'll have a very special everlasting place in the mind of every member of this community.
At least in mine, she will ...
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