This is called a "pre"-rlz because postdel.exe is still not working and some features i wanna build in are not build in atm. but for ppl which don't need postdel but symlinks this rlz is nice to test
+ added different incomplete tag if no nfo is present
->this is customizeable .. but .. better left it as is!
+ added NO NFO logging for announcin in bot if no nfo is present on special timers(on halfway and complete)
->if u don't want this, edit the announces!
+ added a new option for banned genre/bitrate/year
-> now u can choose if u want to deny ( = del after upload) or warn only if a banned genre/bitrate/year mp3 is uploaded
-> if u choose to warn only, bot will announce this in chan!!!
+ added #define max_sfv_files 120 to config.h
->with this option u set the max files a .sfv can contain. better leave it untouched .. (zer0racer needed it

+ added release size check(rar only). if release size is less than the required, zipscript warns (output via bot) users.
-> this feature is disabled by default! be sure to enable it!!
-> for further informations on use, see install.instructions.txt
-> added %i Cookie -> this is the required size the rlz must have
-> added #define rar_update_wrong_size -> this is used instead of #define rar_update if rlz size is to less.
-> added several new settings for this in config.h.
+ added symlinking function for* Mp3's
-> be sure to edit the pathes in config.h!
+ added symlinking function for incomplete link
-> be carefull while editing the settings in config.h ...
+ changed Install.Instructions.txt
+ changed the way script check pathes ... u can now use dirs like /Request/Speedtest what is different to /Request
+ fixed the %V cookie .. it's now working perfect

+ fixed cookies.txt because some cookies were wrong
+ fixed crash if somebody trys to upload a .zip into a .sfv dir
get it from:
have phun
/edit on
u need at least ioFTPD 4.6.0+ regged/unregged version to use symlinks
edit off/