I'm getting the following error in SystemError.log with bTrial:
"..\scripts\btrial\BTrialCore.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "btrial(GROUP)": no such variable
while executing
"if { $group == $btrial(GROUP) } { set args "" }"
(procedure "BTrialCore" line 4)
invoked from within
(file "..\scripts\btrial\BTrialCore.itcl" line 177)
init.itcl looks like this:
set btrial(PATH) "../scripts/btrial"
set btrial(GROUP) "trial"
set btrial(PASSED) "iND"
set btrial(DAYS) 7
set btrial(SECTIONS) "0

(#comments removed)
groups "trial" and "iND" both exist (I've checked the cAsE of the groups)
"!trial username" says user doesn't exist (when it does) with irc command and "site trial" on the ftpd does nothing.
I've added all the ftp commands to ioftpd.ini just as written in the readme.
Anyone got ANY ideas? Thanks.