Doesn't seem to be working properly:
1:25:46 PM > site gadduser trial testtrial testtrial *@*
1:25:46 PM 200 gadduser Command successful.
1:31:15 PM > site trial testtrial
1:31:16 PM 200 Command successful.

1:42:54 PM > site deluser testtrial
1:42:54 PM 550 Command failed.
Also, I see no TrialIdTable being created anywhere. I've double-checked everything and I think I've configured everything properly including the init.itcl part. Also rehashed and restarted ioFTPD. I'm also getting this error in SystemError.log:
06-05-2004 13:30:33 "..\scripts\BTrial.v2.5\BTrialCore.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "btrial(GROUP)": no such variable
while executing
"if { $group == $btrial(GROUP) } { set args "" }"
(procedure "BTrialCore" line 4)
invoked from within
(file "..\scripts\BTrial.v2.5\BTrialCore.itcl" line 177)
Have I dont something wrong?
Btrial part of my init.itcl located in C:\ioFTPD\scripts:
################################################## ###############################
##### GLOBAL BTRIAL 2.5 INI #####
# setup here the path of btrial
set btrial(PATH) "../scripts/BTrial.v2.5"
# name of your trial group (case sensitive)
set btrial(GROUP) "trial"
# name of the default group if user passed succesfully his trial (case sensitive)
set btrial(PASSED) "iND"
# duration of trial (in days)
set btrial(DAYS) 7
# stats section you want use (you can set multiple stats sections between 0-9)
# syntax : set btrial(SECTION) "<sectionID#>:<sectionNAME>:<QUOTA MB> <sectionID#>:<sectionNAME>:<QUOTA MB>"
# exemple: set btrial(SECTION) "0

EFAULT:4096 1:MP3:2048 2:0DAY:2048"
set btrial(SECTIONS) "0
