Okey here we go again... Another try
1. A dir is being created on the site (newdir loggs it in newdir.log)
2. First file is being sent (ioZ check the genre of it when it is completed then it decides if it should be delete/warn for banned GENRE..
if u set ioZ to warn for banned genres it writes to ioftpd.log WARN: if newdir could catch that dir and put it in a "bandir.log" file
3. Next file is being sent but on PRE STORE, newdir checks the path/dir of it against the "bandir.log" (just like it does for dupes)
If it exist it rejects the file for being a BANNED GENRE and outputs that to client just like it would for a dupe dir or file...
Then all the rest of the files in that dir would be rejected
Wich would save alot of BW for the server instead of recive them and then just delete them... Would also save alot of credz for curry on the OTHER site...
Some extras that it could support also....
1. Create a dir inside (saying BANNED GENRE PLZ delete or get nuked)
2. Nuke dir or remove it completly
Hope you understand it now...
Becuase this is the best English i got