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Old 07-26-2005, 03:21 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 282
Default annoying PRE problem

When i pre a rls, it doenst show up in site new...
and also no imdb url.. :-/

here's my conf and error..

##### GLOBAL NEWDIR 3.5.2 INI #####
# setup here the path of log
set ND_IOLOG "../logs"

# setup here the path of newdir
# don't forget to setup bandir.cfg & banfile.cfg
set ND_PATH "../scripts/newdir"

# setup here your VFS sections (except hidden sections like PRE)

# setup here the addons you want use or not
# 0=enabled 1=disabled (default=0)
set ND_DISABLE(bandir) 0 ; # ban unwanted dirs
set ND_DISABLE(banfile) 0 ; # ban unwanted files
set ND_DISABLE(dupedir) 0 ; # dupecheck dirs
set ND_DISABLE(dupefile) 0 ; # dupecheck files
set ND_DISABLE(symlink) 1 ; # latest race/pre symlinks in root
set ND_DISABLE(nfourl) 0 ; # parse .nfo for imdb/allocine/urls on PRE
set ND_DISABLE(cache) 0 ; # Directory Cache Refreshing by Tuff

# setup here the paths masks (or dirs masks) you don't want to be logged in newdir.log
set ND_NOLOG(ND) "*/_STAFF/* */sample* */CD* */cd* */Cd* */DISC* */disc* */cover* */sub* */codec* */Approved_by*"

# setup here the paths masks (or dirs masks) you don't want to be logged in dupedir.log
set ND_NOLOG(DIRS) "/_STAFF/* */sample* */cd* */CD* */Cd* */DISC* */disc* */Disc* */cover* */sub* */codec* */DISK* */disk* */Disk* */Approved_by*"

# setup here all paths masks (or file-extension masks) you don't want to be logged in dupefile.log
set ND_NOLOG(FILES) "*.nfo"

# setup here all paths mask you want NO DUPECHECK/BANS UNDER THESE PATHS

# Set this to 0 if you want to allow MKD/STOR in ROOT DIR
# set this to 1 if you want to deny MKD/STOR in ROOT DIR (Default)
set ND_NoRoot 1

##### OnSitePre #####
# setup here all your PRE sections !!! case sensitive !!!
# sections syntax: pretype:section:/VFS/PATH/ <----- vfs path must be finished by a "/"
# | | |
# | | |______________ vfs path with dates (must be identical than ioA PRE <vfs path>). Check syntax below
# | |______________________ name of section logged in newdir.log (respect the case you used for ND_SECTIONS)
# |______________________________ pretype used in ioA (respect the case you used in ioA)
# !!! datemask in 'ioA PRE <vfs path>' have a different syntax than TCL (case sensitive) !!!
# TCL syntax: day=%d ioA syntax: day=%D
# week=%W week=%W
# month=%m month=%M
# year(2digits)=%y year(2digits)=%y
# year(4digits)=%Y year(4digits)=%Y
# !!! DON'T USE SPACE IN VFS PATH OR DATEMASK !!! You can use - or .

set ND_PRE_SECTIONS "MP3:MP3:/MP3/%m-%Y/%m%d/"

##### OnSiteUnnuke #####
# !!! WARNING !!!
# the good work of this script depend of the length of the Nuke_Header in ioA
# the default ioA Nuke_Header is: [Nuked]-
# define here the ioA Nuke_Header you use !! don't remove {} !!
# so the ioA_Nuke_Length should be set to 8 chars

##### OnSiteWipe #####
# EXPERIMENTAL substrings path for ppl who need it (README-1ST.TXT exemple 2)
# if you use exemple 2: set ND_SUBSTRINGS "/INCOMING /ARCHIVES"
# if you use exemple 1 & /ARCHIVES dir : set ND_SUBSTRINGS "/ARCHIVES"

and the error:

07-26-2005 21:58:31 "..\scripts\newdir\OnSitePre.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "section": no such variable
while executing
"puts $fileid "$now $user $section $vpath $release""
(procedure "nd_onsitepre" line 16)
invoked from within
(file "..\scripts\newdir\OnSitePre.itcl" line 112)

any ideas ? :-D
zOrP is offline   Reply With Quote

masks, paths, pre, set, setup

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