Hi !
I was using esmnewdir and work´s fine, but I want to change dupe script to newdir. I configured newdir as readme says, but now my ioFTPD don´t list files and frezee on it:
[20:55:42] 257 "/" is current directory.
[20:55:42] TYPE A
[20:55:42] 200 Type set to A.
[20:55:42] PASV
[20:55:42] 227 Entering Passive Mode (*,*,*,*,*)
[20:55:42] LIST -al
[20:58:42] Connection lost: *
show this till connection lost ...
If I remove these lines:
list = TCL ..\scripts\newdir\OnPreList.itcl
stor = TCL ..\scripts\newdir\OnPreStor.itcl
mkd = TCL ..\scripts\newdir\OnPreMkd.itcl
server let me login and list files, but script dont work and I cannot create new dirs ..
I using ioZS, dZSbot, ioA and trying newdir
Any1 can help me ?