hi guys...
at first yes i read the manual install and changelog but i have still some problems...
canôt find any solution for this...
[UPTIME] + ioFTPd started @ has running, running for ford 0h days,m 0s
if i try site uptime
200-ioFTPd has been running for 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes, 8 seconds.
it works fine ;o(
thx to altu, had the wrong iouptime version....
and dzbot doesnôt create imdb dir tagg in the folders...
set disable(IMDBANNOUNCE) 0 ; # announce imdb infos in channel
set disable(IMDBURL) 0 ; # create imdb .url link in dir
set disable(IMDBTAG) 0 ; # create a tag in dir with imdb infos
set disable(IMDBMSG) 0 ; # create file(s) with imdb infos stored in dir
# setup here the filenames you want imdb infos stored in dir
set IMDBMSG_MSG ".ioFTPD.IMDB imdb.nfo"
# setup the IMDBTAG "dir" or "file"
set IMDBTAG "dir"
this is enough for today, hope enybody can help me ;o)