Old 09-21-2003, 08:17 AM   #46
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Default Problem with stats (iogroups)

No matter what i do i get:

site lgroups
200-ERROR in clsUser::ReadUserfile() at line 0 : Overflow
200-ERROR: could not open userfile "201"
200- LastError =
200-ERROR in clsUser::ReadUserfile() at line 0 : Overflow
200-ERROR: could not open userfile "407"
200-ERROR in ProcessCommand() at line 18 : Subscript out of range
200 Command Successful.

Invoked from bot, sitecmd and even a dos prompt to test.

Config is correct. Any clue to what might be wrong?

Using ioftpd 5.0.13r, w2k3 server
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Old 09-22-2003, 02:53 PM   #47
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Default "can't find package http 2.x"

for all ppl who have this error please read this

if you put your eggdrop dir inside ioFTPD dir (like glftpd/sitebot)
your eggdrop will be confused !!!
it will search special packages in the /lib dir from ioFTPD
to fix the problem just move eggdrop dir outside ioFTPD dir

normally it will find the good /lib dir inside eggdrop and your problem will be solved

have fun
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Old 09-23-2003, 10:05 AM   #48
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Posts: 73
Default bug or not ??

Got this line in a nfo


caused some errors

[5:01pm] <bot-phara> [16:57] Tcl error in script for 'timer14735':
[5:01pm] <bot-phara> [16:57] Unsupported URL type "iMDb............http"
this repited it self in a loop.. and in chan it repited it self ass

[5:01pm] <bot-phara> [DVDR] + Got SFV for American.Beauty.1999.PAL.DVDR.iNTERNAL-LotM. Expecting 95F.
I understand that this isnt a valid URL but is there a way to avoid this ..since there are alot of nfo with this problem...

BTW using 0.90 dzbot with ioZ
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Old 09-23-2003, 02:59 PM   #49
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[10:20] couldn't open socket: invalid argument
[10:20] Tcl error in script for 'timer126389':

this is my problem... CPU has 100% and its bad for my system. any idea?
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Old 09-23-2003, 03:57 PM   #50
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i think many people here come from germany, and i think i script german imdb 4 dzsbot, for links ex.:http://german.imdb.com/
Just change in dzsbot.tcl:
# SEARCH ON IMDB                                                                #
package require http 2.4
proc imdbcall {vpath url user group winpath} {
	global star binary disable IMDBTAG IMDBMSG_STYLE
	set title "" ; set name "" ; set genre "" ; set plot "" ; set rating "" ; set bar "" ; set runtime "" ; set budget "" ; set screens ""
	set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
	set page [::http::geturl ${url}]
	set lines [split [::http::data $page] \n]
	set numLines [llength $lines]
	for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines} {incr i 1} {
		set line [lindex $lines $i]
		if {[string compare -length 7 $line "<title>"] == 0} {
			# movie title, year
			set title [string range $line 7 [expr [string length $line] - 9]]
			set title [htmlcodes $title]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Directed\ by\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# Directed by
			set jj [expr $i + 1]
			set name [lindex $lines $jj]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $name "" name
			set name [htmlcodes $name]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Genres\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# genres
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" genre
			regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $genre "" genre
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $genre " " genre
			set genre [string trim $genre " "]
			#set genre [lindex $genre 0]
			set genre [htmlcodes $genre]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Plot\ Outline:\[.\]* $line] > 0) || ([regexp \[.\]*Plot\ Summary:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# plots
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" plot
			regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $plot "" plot 
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $plot " " plot 
			regsub -all \&nbsp\; $plot " " plot
			set plot [string trim $plot " "]
			set plot [lrange $plot 2 end]
			set plot [htmlcodes $plot]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*User\ Rating\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			set j [expr $i + 3]
			set line2 [lindex $lines $j]
			set j [expr $i + 4]
			set line3 [lindex $lines $j]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line3 "" rating
			regsub -all \&nbsp\; $rating " " rating
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $rating " " rating
			set rating [string trim $rating " "]
			set goldstars [regexp -all goldstar $line2]
			set greystars [expr 10 - $goldstars]
			# generating the rating bar
			set marker "$star"
			set bar "\[\0037"
			for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $goldstars} {incr i2 1} {
				set bar "$bar$marker"
			set marker "$star"
			set bar "$bar\003"
			for {set i3 0} {$i3 < $greystars} {incr i3 1} {
				set bar "$bar$marker"
			set bar "$bar\]"
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Runtime:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# runtime
			set jj [expr $i + 1]
			set runtime [lindex $lines $jj]
	set business "${url}business"
	set page2 [::http::geturl ${business}]
	set lines2 [split [::http::data $page2] \n]
	set numLines2 [llength $lines2]
	for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines2} {incr i 1} {
		set line [lindex $lines2 $i]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Budget\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# Budget
			set jj [expr $i + 1]
			set budget [lindex $lines2 $jj]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $budget "" budget
			set budget [string map {€ € £ £ } $budget]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Opening\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# Screens
			set kk [expr $i + 1] ; set screens "NA"
			set owline [lindex $lines2 $kk]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $owline "" owline
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $owline " " owline
			if {[lsearch $owline "(USA)"] == -1} {break}
			set owline [lrange $owline [lsearch $owline "(USA)"] end]
			set screens [string range [lrange $owline 4 5] 1 end-1]
	if { $disable(IMDBMSG) == 0 } {
		if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 0 } {
			set fileid [open "$winpath/.ioFTPD.imdb" w]
			puts $fileid ""
			puts $fileid ""
			puts $fileid "                          I M D B  I N F O                            "
			puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
			puts $fileid "   Title....: [format %-55.55s $title] "
			puts $fileid "   Rating...: [format %-55.55s $rating] "
			puts $fileid "   Genre....: [format %-55.55s $genre] "
			puts $fileid "   Director.: [format %-55.55s $name] "
			puts $fileid "   URL......: [format %-55.55s $url] "
			puts $fileid "   Runtime..: [format %-55.55s $runtime] "
			puts $fileid "   Budget...: [format %-55.55s $budget] "
			puts $fileid "   Screens..: [format %-55.55s $screens] "
			puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
			close $fileid
		if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 1 } {
			set fileid [open "$winpath/.ioFTPD.imdb" w]
			puts $fileid ""
			puts $fileid "  ...::(  The IMDB!  )::...                                            "
			puts $fileid ".-===================================================================-."
			puts $fileid "|                                                                     |"
			puts $fileid "| Title....: [format %-56.56s $title] |"
			puts $fileid "| Rating...: [format %-56.56s $rating] |"
			puts $fileid "| Genre....: [format %-56.56s $genre] |"
			puts $fileid "| Director.: [format %-56.56s $name] |"
			puts $fileid "| URL......: [format %-56.56s $url] |"
			puts $fileid "| Runtime..: [format %-56.56s $runtime] |"
			puts $fileid "| Budget...: [format %-56.56s $budget] |"
			puts $fileid "| Screens..: [format %-56.56s $screens] |"
			puts $fileid "|                                                                     |"
			puts $fileid "`-===================================================================-'"
			close $fileid                                                                       
	if { $disable(IMDBTAG) == 0 } {
		regsub -all {/} $rating { of } rating2
		set year [lindex $title end]
		if { $IMDBTAG == "dir" } {
			regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
			set mkdir [exec $binary(MKDIR) "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]"]
		if { $IMDBTAG == "file" } {
			regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
			set fileid [open "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]" w]
			close $fileid
	set result "\"$vpath\" \"$url\" \"$title\" \"$name\" \"$genre\" \"$plot\" \"$rating\" \"$bar\" \"$runtime\" \"$budget\" \"$screens\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$winpath\""
	return $result
# SEARCH ON IMDB                                                                #
package require http 2.4
proc imdbcall {vpath url user group winpath} {
	global star binary disable IMDBTAG IMDBMSG_STYLE
	set title "" ; set name "" ; set genre "" ; set plot "" ; set rating "" ; set bar "" ; set runtime "" ; set budget "" ; set screens ""
	set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
	set page [::http::geturl ${url}]
	set lines [split [::http::data $page] \n]
	set numLines [llength $lines]
	for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines} {incr i 1} {
		set line [lindex $lines $i]
		if {[string compare -length 7 $line "<title>"] == 0} {
			# movie title, year
			set title [string range $line 7 [expr [string length $line] - 9]]
			set title [htmlcodes $title]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Regie\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# Directed by
			set jj [expr $i + 1]
			set name [lindex $lines $jj]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $name "" name
			set name [htmlcodes $name]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Genres\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# genres
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" genre
			regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $genre "" genre
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $genre " " genre
			set genre [string trim $genre " "]
			#set genre [lindex $genre 0]
			set genre [htmlcodes $genre]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Plot\ Outline:\[.\]* $line] > 0) || ([regexp \[.\]*Kurzbeschreibung:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# plots
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" plot
			regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $plot "" plot 
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $plot " " plot 
			regsub -all \&nbsp\; $plot " " plot
			set plot [string trim $plot " "]
			set plot [lrange $plot 2 end]
			set plot [htmlcodes $plot]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Ihre\ Bewertung\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			set j [expr $i + 3]
			set line2 [lindex $lines $j]
			set j [expr $i + 4]
			set line3 [lindex $lines $j]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line3 "" rating
			regsub -all \&nbsp\; $rating " " rating
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $rating " " rating
			set rating [string trim $rating " "]
			set goldstars [regexp -all goldstar $line2]
			set greystars [expr 10 - $goldstars]
			# generating the rating bar
			set marker "$star"
			set bar "\[\0037"
			for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $goldstars} {incr i2 1} {
				set bar "$bar$marker"
			set marker "$star"
			set bar "$bar\003"
			for {set i3 0} {$i3 < $greystars} {incr i3 1} {
				set bar "$bar$marker"
			set bar "$bar\]"
		if {([regexp \[.\]*L*nge:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# runtime
			set jj [expr $i + 1]
			set runtime [lindex $lines $jj]
	set business "${url}business"
	set page2 [::http::geturl ${business}]
	set lines2 [split [::http::data $page2] \n]
	set numLines2 [llength $lines2]
	for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines2} {incr i 1} {
		set line [lindex $lines2 $i]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Budget\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# Budget
			set jj [expr $i + 1]
			set budget [lindex $lines2 $jj]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $budget "" budget
			set budget [string map {€ € £ £ } $budget]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Opening\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# Screens
			set kk [expr $i + 1] ; set screens "NA"
			set owline [lindex $lines2 $kk]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $owline "" owline
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $owline " " owline
			if {[lsearch $owline "(USA)"] == -1} {break}
			set owline [lrange $owline [lsearch $owline "(USA)"] end]
			set screens [string range [lrange $owline 4 5] 1 end-1]
	if { $disable(IMDBMSG) == 0 } {
		if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 0 } {
			set fileid [open "$winpath/.ioFTPD.imdb" w]
			puts $fileid ""
			puts $fileid ""
			puts $fileid "                          I M D B  I N F O                            "
			puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
			puts $fileid "   Title....: [format %-55.55s $title] "
			puts $fileid "   Rating...: [format %-55.55s $rating] "
			puts $fileid "   Genre....: [format %-55.55s $genre] "
			puts $fileid "   Director.: [format %-55.55s $name] "
			puts $fileid "   URL......: [format %-55.55s $url] "
			puts $fileid "   Runtime..: [format %-55.55s $runtime] "
			puts $fileid "   Budget...: [format %-55.55s $budget] "
			puts $fileid "   Screens..: [format %-55.55s $screens] "
			puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
			close $fileid
		if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 1 } {
			set fileid [open "$winpath/.ioFTPD.imdb" w]
			puts $fileid ""
			puts $fileid "  ...::(  The IMDB!  )::...                                            "
			puts $fileid ".-===================================================================-."
			puts $fileid "|                                                                     |"
			puts $fileid "| Title....: [format %-56.56s $title] |"
			puts $fileid "| Rating...: [format %-56.56s $rating] |"
			puts $fileid "| Genre....: [format %-56.56s $genre] |"
			puts $fileid "| Director.: [format %-56.56s $name] |"
			puts $fileid "| URL......: [format %-56.56s $url] |"
			puts $fileid "| Runtime..: [format %-56.56s $runtime] |"
			puts $fileid "| Budget...: [format %-56.56s $budget] |"
			puts $fileid "| Screens..: [format %-56.56s $screens] |"
			puts $fileid "|                                                                     |"
			puts $fileid "`-===================================================================-'"
			close $fileid                                                                       
	if { $disable(IMDBTAG) == 0 } {
		regsub -all {/} $rating { of } rating2
		set year [lindex $title end]
		if { $IMDBTAG == "dir" } {
			regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
			set mkdir [exec $binary(MKDIR) "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]"]
		if { $IMDBTAG == "file" } {
			regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
			set fileid [open "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]" w]
			close $fileid
	set result "\"$vpath\" \"$url\" \"$title\" \"$name\" \"$genre\" \"$plot\" \"$rating\" \"$bar\" \"$runtime\" \"$budget\" \"$screens\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$winpath\""
	return $result
It works. have fun. , next rls, multi language support, english&german
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Old 09-23-2003, 05:10 PM   #51
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Default Re: bug or not ??

Originally posted by ddeca
Got this line in a nfo


caused some errors
well i think lots of grps already switched for new urls
old urls are unsupported ... sorry
the only solution is contact the groups & suggest them to use new urls

have fun
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Old 09-23-2003, 06:02 PM   #52
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Posts: 73

the problem isnt the old url...

its the fact that the url is linked to dots and the word imdb..

iMDb............[space]http://us.imdb.com/Title?0169547 <<<==WORKS

iMDb............http://us.imdb.com/Title?0169547<<<==doesnt work

hope u understand what i mean becuase this happens on new urls as well
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Old 09-23-2003, 06:28 PM   #53
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ok i understanded

i should change something in the nfourl.itcl script

i'll check what i can do

have fun
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Old 09-23-2003, 06:35 PM   #54
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Posts: 73

hehehe.. I will try to have fun

and cool that u will look in to it..

REGARDS //ddeca
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Old 09-23-2003, 09:15 PM   #55
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here we go again with a new version of dZSbot

have fun

PS: ofcoz check the 1st post for DL
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Old 09-24-2003, 11:53 AM   #56
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i have a little prob with latest version using ioDiskSpace.exe

when i type !free all or !free <section>

no respond in IRC

only in partyline

Tcl error [show_free]: syntax error in expression "Fixed.0/1024": variable references require preceding $

may any solution for this ?


when i try ioDiskSpace.exe in cmd, it shows up all devices fine
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Old 09-24-2003, 01:57 PM   #57
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this is my problem:

[20:56] Tcl error [proc_who]: ERROR: unable to find ioftpd window
child process exited abnormally

my ioFTPD run as service ! not under system acc !, user acc, not posible to run "interact..."

my eggdrop run with -nt switch
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Old 09-24-2003, 03:55 PM   #58
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I have problems too :/
on " !free ALL " :
[22:52] Tcl error [show_free]: syntax error in expression "system.0/1024"
on" !free SVCD" :
[22:53] Tcl error [show_free]: can't read "result": no such variable
on " !bw " :
Tcl error [proc_bandwidth]: ERROR: unable to find ioftpd window
child process exited abnormally
my ioFTPD run as system service
i use beta 4. and now i read for new sitewho u need beta 5, can i use old sitewho for beta 4 that it work?
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Old 09-24-2003, 04:32 PM   #59
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German IMDB for DZSBOT 0.91:
# SEARCH ON IMDB                                                                #
package require http 2.4
proc imdbcall {vpath url user group winpath} {
	global star binary disable IMDBTAG IMDBMSG_STYLE
	set title "" ; set name "" ; set genre "" ; set plot "" ; set rating "" ; set bar "" ; set runtime "" ; set budget "" ; set screens ""
	set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
	set page [::http::geturl ${url}]
	set lines [split [::http::data $page] \n]
	set numLines [llength $lines]
	for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines} {incr i 1} {
		set line [lindex $lines $i]
		if {[string compare -length 7 $line "<title>"] == 0} {
			# movie title, year
			set title [string range $line 7 [expr [string length $line] - 9]]
			set title [htmlcodes $title]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Regie\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# Directed by
			set jj [expr $i + 1]
			set name [lindex $lines $jj]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $name "" name
			set name [htmlcodes $name]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Genres\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# genres
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" genre
			regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $genre "" genre
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $genre " " genre
			set genre [string trim $genre " "]
			#set genre [lindex $genre 0]
			set genre [htmlcodes $genre]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Plot\ Outline:\[.\]* $line] > 0) || ([regexp \[.\]*Kurzbeschreibung:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# plots
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line "" plot
			regsub -all \\\(\[^\\\)\]*\\\) $plot "" plot 
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $plot " " plot 
			regsub -all \&nbsp\; $plot " " plot
			set plot [string trim $plot " "]
			set plot [lrange $plot 2 end]
			set plot [htmlcodes $plot]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Ihre\ Bewertung\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			set j [expr $i + 3]
			set line2 [lindex $lines $j]
			set j [expr $i + 4]
			set line3 [lindex $lines $j]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line3 "" rating
			regsub -all \&nbsp\; $rating " " rating
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $rating " " rating
			set rating [string trim $rating " "]
			set goldstars [regexp -all goldstar $line2]
			set greystars [expr 10 - $goldstars]
			# generating the rating bar
			set marker "$star"
			set bar "\[\0037"
			for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $goldstars} {incr i2 1} {
				set bar "$bar$marker"
			set marker "$star"
			set bar "$bar\003"
			for {set i3 0} {$i3 < $greystars} {incr i3 1} {
				set bar "$bar$marker"
			set bar "$bar\]"
		if {([regexp \[.\]*L*nge:\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# runtime
			set jj [expr $i + 1]
			set runtime [lindex $lines $jj]
	set business "${url}business"
	set page2 [::http::geturl ${business}]
	set lines2 [split [::http::data $page2] \n]
	set numLines2 [llength $lines2]
	for {set i 0} {$i < $numLines2} {incr i 1} {
		set line [lindex $lines2 $i]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Budget\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# Budget
			set jj [expr $i + 1]
			set budget [lindex $lines2 $jj]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $budget "" budget
			set budget [string map {€ € £ £ } $budget]
		if {([regexp \[.\]*Opening\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
			# Screens
			set kk [expr $i + 1] ; set screens "NA"
			set owline [lindex $lines2 $kk]
			regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $owline "" owline
			regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $owline " " owline
			if {[lsearch $owline "(USA)"] == -1} {break}
			set owline [lrange $owline [lsearch $owline "(USA)"] end]
			set screens [string range [lrange $owline 4 5] 1 end-1]
	if { $disable(IMDBMSG) == 0 } {
		if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 0 } {
			set fileid [open "$winpath/.ioFTPD.imdb" w]
			puts $fileid ""
			puts $fileid ""
			puts $fileid "                          I M D B  I N F O                            "
			puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
			puts $fileid "   Title....: [format %-55.55s $title] "
			puts $fileid "   Rating...: [format %-55.55s $rating] "
			puts $fileid "   Genre....: [format %-55.55s $genre] "
			puts $fileid "   Director.: [format %-55.55s $name] "
			puts $fileid "   URL......: [format %-55.55s $url] "
			puts $fileid "   Runtime..: [format %-55.55s $runtime] "
			puts $fileid "   Budget...: [format %-55.55s $budget] "
			puts $fileid "   Screens..: [format %-55.55s $screens] "
			puts $fileid "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+"
			close $fileid
		if { $IMDBMSG_STYLE == 1 } {
			set fileid [open "$winpath/.ioFTPD.imdb" w]
			puts $fileid ""
			puts $fileid "  ...::(  The IMDB!  )::...                                            "
			puts $fileid ".-===================================================================-."
			puts $fileid "|                                                                     |"
			puts $fileid "| Title....: [format %-56.56s $title] |"
			puts $fileid "| Rating...: [format %-56.56s $rating] |"
			puts $fileid "| Genre....: [format %-56.56s $genre] |"
			puts $fileid "| Director.: [format %-56.56s $name] |"
			puts $fileid "| URL......: [format %-56.56s $url] |"
			puts $fileid "| Runtime..: [format %-56.56s $runtime] |"
			puts $fileid "| Budget...: [format %-56.56s $budget] |"
			puts $fileid "| Screens..: [format %-56.56s $screens] |"
			puts $fileid "|                                                                     |"
			puts $fileid "`-===================================================================-'"
			close $fileid                                                                       
	if { $disable(IMDBTAG) == 0 } {
		regsub -all {/} $rating { of } rating2
		set year [lindex $title end]
		if { $IMDBTAG == "dir" } {
			regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
			file mkdir "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]"
		if { $IMDBTAG == "file" } {
			regsub -all {/} $genre {} genre2
			set fileid [open "$winpath/\[IMDB\] - $genre2 $year - $rating2 - \[IMDB\]" w]
			close $fileid
	set result "\"$vpath\" \"$url\" \"$title\" \"$name\" \"$genre\" \"$plot\" \"$rating\" \"$bar\" \"$runtime\" \"$budget\" \"$screens\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$winpath\""
	return $result
Blackthunder is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 09-25-2003, 01:15 AM   #60
Senior Member
FlashFXP Registered User
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 265

Tcl error [show_free]: syntax error in expression "Fixed.0/1024": variable references require preceding $

still occurs with latest 091 and ioDiskspace.exe

i tested now back with 090 and df.exe

just copied cpl. config from 091 to 090 and only switched

the df.exe in set binary(DF)

working fine

also seems the df.exe doesnt work anymore with the 091 vers. :/

io 5013r, winXP pro SP1 german

any clues what could be messed ?

thx ahead
alturismo is offline   Reply With Quote

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