Originally posted by SnOwG0D
Hi, i need to know what is for !silent and how find.exe look for a dir to approve, where to setup the paths, because on mp3 and 0day it takes too long for me and make the bot ping timeout...
tnx for the answer
!silent you really should think about
or read dzsbot.help
u see in 1st lines of dzsbot a ../etc/default.vfs
u can make an seperat VFS with only those pathes interested
for you for !approve like approve.vfs
then change that in dzsbot.tcl like ../etc/approve.vfs
now find.exe will only look whats in that vfs
but as u already heard, new dzs !approve will change anyway
you specify then directly in TCL wich pathes !approve should look for
wich is definately an speed boost on multi section sites and/or
hidden /pre /admin sections