Old 09-29-2005, 03:48 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 282
Default weird user error

(23:59:46) (@xxx) -site/STATS- User dayup: [ERROR. in lineMB] [ERROR:. couldn't 18MB] [01. user1 4528MB] [02. user2 839MB] [03. user3 585MB]

(23:59:46) (@xxx) -site/STATS- User daydn: [ERROR. in lineMB] [ERROR:. couldn't 18MB] [01. user1 10075MB] [02. user2 9609MB] [03. user3 5208MB]

anyone ever seen this error ?

here's my config :

################################################## #######
################################################## #######
set disable(IRCSTATS) 0

# set the USERSTATS requested for output
# settings are: "alldn allup monthup monthdn wkup wkdn dayup daydn" (lowercase)
set ircstats(USR) "dayup daydn"

# set the GROUPSTATS requested for output
# settings are: "alldn allup monthup monthdn wkup wkdn dayup daydn" (lowercase)
set ircstats(GRP) ""

# set the max TOP number to output (3 = will output TOP 3)
set ircstats(MAX) 3

# set the time frequency for ircstats output
# you can add multiple 'bind time - ......' lines to set different times
# syntax: bind time - "<mins> <hour> <day> <month> <year>" proc_ircstats
# <mins> <hour> <day> <month> are two characters long. <year> is four characters long.
# !!! If you modify the time frequency you should restart your eggy (not rehash) !!!

bind time - "00 00 * * *" proc_ircstats ; # here is every days @ 00:00

same error appears on completion stats..

14:21:42] [@xxx] -site/section- > #01. user/Group :: 29.10MB :: 3F :: 100.00% :: 269KB/s :: ERROR in clsUser::ReadUserfile() at line 6 : Path/File access error
[14:21:44] [@xxx] ERROR: couldn't load userfile 18
[14:21:46] [@xxx] wkup #6 / mnup #11 / alup #16

any ideas ?

now when i do !allup i get
ERROR in clsUser::ReadUserfile() at line 6 : Path/File access error
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daydn, error, output, set, time

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