I've tried something like this (code is changed a lil bit by my self)
This is the important part which creates the output of the NewDir Events (Releases):
if {$newdir(style)} {
set what "[format %-76s [string range $release 0 75]]"
set and ""
set outfile [open "$newdir(dirfile)" w]
regsub -all 0 $and o and
output "$what$and"
puts $outfile "$what$and"
close $outfile
} else {
iputs "$newdir(pre) \[[format %02s [expr $x +1]]\] [format %-7s [lrange $old 0 1]] [format %-7s $owner] [format %3s $files]F [format %7s [fixmeg $size]] $release"
The red lines are my code.
Now let me explain. It brings only the last release of the default SITE NEW Execution.
If you type in SITE NEW and it brings, for an example the following one:
It will just save the following in a external file:
But why?