hum... this code works, but it's the same problem as before. With those lines, the egg announce only the 3 directories (that I wrote on the tcl file). i want the bot to announce on the chan directories I had created or I will create in ioftpd's home directory.
Thus, if I'd like to change sections on the server, I needn't modify dzsbot.tcl or orther tcl file.
hmmm I give you another example :
In homedir, I create 1 dir : "
so, when I type "!sections" on irc, eggdrop announce on channel : "
Sections Are : DIR1"
Then, I create a seconde dir : "
consequently, when I type "!sections", eggdrop announce : "
Sections Are : DIR1 DIR2"
I create a third dir : "
and when I type "!sections", the bot answers : "
Sections Are : DIR1 DIR2 DIR3"
Whether I delete one of directory, for example
DIR1, egg says : "
Sections Are : DIR2 DIR3"
etc etc etc
But I just want "!sections" command write on irc directories located in ioftpd's HOME DIRECTORY, not others dir inside
I hope that you understand what I try to explain ^^
and thx for your help