I asked a friend of mine to make this script and here it is, version 0.0.1
it can sort by genre, rating, year, releasegroup and imdb top250 position. Wasn't made for the public so there's no real setup guide, only a fast one in swedish... i translated some but u should figure out the rest (install.txt)
most functions are from php_psio
fast translation of the non-obvious part of install.txt:
removes dead symlinks
like it sounds.. add -force and it will fetch info from imdb instead of the previously generated .ioFTPD.IMDB file. -force will take time and the client may loose the connection to the site. dont start more resort sessions
resorts the release you're currently browsing. -force wokring here aswell
move <release> <vfs location>
moves the release on site editing the symlinks so they work to the release's new location