Type: Utility / Application
Make ioFTPD running as a service
Put this in ioFTPD system dir (where ioftpd.exe is located).
To install service (Automatic Start), type "ioservice -i" (to uninstall: "ioservice -u").
Then start first time service with: "net start ioftpd" (or reboot computer).
The program is warned when ioFTPD crashed or was killed and immediatly restart it.
If you want to use secure connections (SSL/TLS), you have to do this (Thanks to oldino and gpyfsk):
first U have to run ioftp as a service
You must have this in etc\ioftpd.env:
If they weren't there you have to restart ioftpd
Extract makecert.exe and rsa.bat in scripts\cert
in ioftpd.ini, add this line under FTP_Custom_Commands:
rsa = EXEC ..\scripts\cert\rsa.bat
don't forget to do a SITE CONFIG REHASH
Edit rsa.bat and replace the 2 NAME by your ip/host and then execute command under ioftpd then
u will have new cert under system dir. Double click it and voilà .
Of course don't forget to edit ioftpd settings for SSL/TLS and restart it
If U want 168bit 3DES as in glFTPD, set Encryption_Protocol to TLS and Min_Cipher_Strength and Max_Cipher_Strength to 168
Script page:
makecert and rsa.bat:
0.1: First version
0.2: Bug found (crashes after 150 sec). Just replace exe
0.3: Automatically delete ioftpd.crash.log if exist. Just replace exe
* Now instataneously restart ioftpd process if crashed or killed
* There's 2 versions: one that deletes ioftpd.crash.log and another without