02-04-2005, 10:39 AM
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Posts: 27
I'm done to public this new version of Credit Transfer Script.
Is a tcl script for eggdrop/windrop, let you manage ioFTPD only rings, glFTPD only rings, or mixed rings.
Let you manage quota, credtis, add/remove/disable/enable user, add/del groups,
add/remove ip, change login/passwd/ratio/speedlimits/group/ whit one command from irc.
Top10 , Top40 , last month quota summary, dispaly ring rules , banned, affils, ring sections.
This is the changelog, more info on readme:
Change Log from the CTS 1.9 stand alone version
New Tcl
--Added cts-autodisable.tcl
--Added cts-welcome.tcl
--Added cts-eggmanage.tcl
Bug Fix
--Bug fix on opfilter command
--Bug fix on bw command
--Removed use of flowbot on gl box
--enableftpuser [login]
--disableftpuser [login]
--opaddip [login] [IP]
--opdelip [login] [IP]
--chgrp [login] [from] [to]
--chlogin [loginold] [loginnew]
--chpass [login] [newpass]
--change [login] logins [number]
--change [login] flags [+|- <FLAGS>]
--change [login] speedlimit [maxdl] [maxul] ### maxul is facoltative, 0 unlimited
--change [login] ratio [x:y] #### leech = 0
--autodisable/autoenable on part/join of sites bots
--Some documentation
--New quota system
--New rules system
--New theme
--New affils
--More powerfull logger capacity
--More output
--Trial system
--Gadmin support
I have just a question, i don't know how post this script on ioFTPD.com, someone can help me?
02-04-2005, 11:02 AM
Posse Member
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02-04-2005, 11:20 AM
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is out, i hope someone will give a chance...
02-05-2005, 04:47 AM
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Great news
EDIT: I use CTS with Io, Gl and drftpd but drftpd isn't mentioned anywhere in the documentation..... is that support removed or did you just forgot about that? Think i'll wait with the upgrade until that's crystal clear since there's no rush. Working fine as it is (even though new stuff always is fun)
02-05-2005, 06:07 AM
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The support for drftpd was started by Blisters, but i don't know if have made something public, the last time i spoked whit him he say he was realy busy and not too much time for cts.
The version 1.9 was whit support for raiden/glftpd/ioftpd but not for drftpd.
My version is an upgrade for 1.9 , whit more functions and something to improve quota/stability and usability.
But i've not a drftpd box(s) to make some test and see the replyes and core commands.
I will instert drftpd support on todo, or maby if i find blisters somewhere i'll merge my addon on his version (if he work on it).
02-05-2005, 12:04 PM
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I cant get transfer to work, or any of the op commands even though Im +m on the bot, do I need to set a certain flag
when /msg bot transfer user pass site site amnt
all I get in partyline is "1" no other responce
also bw dont work, but that probably to do with custom site who's, so if possible can it be modded to get bw from swho ?
using gl/io sites on ring
02-05-2005, 01:15 PM
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Get work
I'm sorry
i've found two little bugs on a midnight change, i hope now is fine, i've posted the new pack.
For op commands i think i've fixed, for credit transfer the code is in the most part egual to the original cts and it was working.
For me work, the 1 replyes tell you the sites are correct, try to move less credits.
For the !bw command it use site who to grab stats, surely is something on it.
If you are on efnet you can pm me (N|K) and i will help you.
02-05-2005, 01:29 PM
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Posts: 1
i test it now and work fine
Great job !!
02-05-2005, 02:56 PM
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Posts: 27
!bw issues
i've checkend and the !bw command is a slave of site who.
On ioftpd i've found some different site who output, on gl seams more standard.
My !bw work on a ioFTPD site who like:
ftp> site who
200- ___________ ________
200- _______\_ _/__\ /________
200- \ / | | | _ /
200- | /\ | | | |
200-| |
200-| xxxxxxxxx@iND - down - 78kBps xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (%progress)
200-| XXXXXXXX - connected for 0m 11s - idle for 0m 3s
200-| XXXXXX - connected for 1m 3s - idle for 0m 45s
200-| HuB@XXXXXX- connected for 0m 25s - idle for 0m 24s
200-| |
200-| Users: 4/30 | Up: 0 kBps | Down: 78 kBps | Total: 78 kBps |
200 Command succesful.
Is very popular but is not standard, soon i'll wrote for a :
| User Group Action |
| xxxxxx siteOP IDLE for 00m 13s Online: 00:00:34 |
| In path: / |
| Up: 0@0 KB/s Down: 0@0 KB/s Total: 0@0 KB/s |
| |
`---------------------------------------------------------[ 01/20 ]-'
02-07-2005, 01:50 PM
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Posts: 111
so what needs changing to update to latest v ? nothing in readme or changelog
02-07-2005, 02:57 PM
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Posts: 27
The problem is on your customized site who, i need to see the output.
My solution is quite standard, and it seams work where i've tested.
I've made few bug fix on the latest but are not about bw.
02-08-2005, 09:17 AM
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Posts: 111
that doesnt explain to those who have it installed allready, who dont want to have to delete the whole package and start again for 2 lines of code change... what scripts of yours have you changed ?
02-08-2005, 10:48 AM
Posse Member
Ultimate Scripter ioFTPD Administrator
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Posts: 1,956
There's dozens of tools that can tell you what has changed. Beyond Compare is one of those.
Select two directories, and it will show u all different files (files added, removed, or content changed). Files you didn't touch to config, you can simply overwrite with the newer version. Files you changed, you'll have to use the built-in file merger to merge the new file into your existing file (or the otherway around, if there's more new content than old content...)
Very easy to use, and there's a trial version.
02-09-2005, 05:56 AM
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Posts: 27
Bug FiX
I'm sorry i was not so detailed on my change log, the bug fix are on cts-loader.tcl , cts-userman.tcl.
But the configuration part it take just take few variables to change (or copy and paste), i don't see a big problem.
I repeat, if you need help or support i'll be pleased to speak whit you on efnet.
03-04-2005, 08:08 PM
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Posts: 181
Quota across sites works ok but please add trial support, it's important.  Also, auto-deluser needs to be an option for the failed, nobody is gonna pay attention to doing that manual. It's very easy to implement, just needs to send one cmd to all ftp's: site deluser <user> or on gl, site change <user> flags +6 also works. If host box is gl, crontab could trigger the checking if users passed at end of week/month. If host box is io, you'll hafta think of a way, maybe scheduler can do it.
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