I released 2 MORE versions
both are of source 1.2 ... i used getfilesize routine to calculate all filesizes in versions 1.0 and 1.1... WELL that's a big mistake, and you'll see why when your FTP times out while it is calculating filesizes for the first time. Now i grab the filesizes directly from windows reporting the filesize (which I should have done in the first place but I'm stupid)...
VERSION 1.2 fixes this huge error by getting rid of this routine all together. If you are running anything but V1.2 or V1.2W you should UPDATE NOW
it's about ... well, approximately ONE BILLION times faster and the timeout issue is gone
SECOND new version out is 1.2W aka the WooolF[RM] version.
It dumps the files to folder ..\logs\ioDLcount_files
You gotta create this folder before it will work, but that's in the readme.txt
YES I could have made ioDLcount make this directory if it didn't exist but WHO wants to check for that shit when it coudl be a nanosecond faster????
There is also another app included in the 1.2W version that is called when you delete a folder to delete the associated DLcount file in the DLcount store.
the ioDLcount_files store in version 1.2 works in manner like this:
Some.Release-GRP would create:
with data in it about how many times each file has been downloaded and the filesize of that file.
if the release is multicds or has subs or something it will look like this:
so basically, a file for each directory.
hope you like it.
as always, full C source is included in the zipfile so you can peek at the code if you're curious or make sure it's not doing bad stuff if you're just paranoid ... or you can customize or help me improve it.
~~~ mr_F