does epguru.tcl have to be loaded ?
or is it enought to load the epguru2ftp.tcl?
and could it be this script does not support windrop+SSL1.6.17 ?
i got this when loading the epguru.tcl
[21:35:36] [xxx] [21:35] Tcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf':
[21:35:36] [xxx] [21:35] can't find package http 2.0
[21:35:36] [xxx] while executing
[21:35:36] [xxx] "package require http 2.0"
[21:35:36] [xxx] (file "scripts/epguru2_1.0.tcl" line 296)
[21:35:36] [xxx] invoked from within
[21:35:36] [xxx] "source scripts/epguru2_1.0.tcl"
[21:35:36] [xxx] (file "eggdrop.conf" line 424)
[21:35:36] [xxx] [21:35] * CONFIG FILE NOT LOADED (NOT FOUND, OR ERROR)
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