Must have set up call in ioFTPD.ini wrong::
[R] site msg tasteycheese "DOG MAT!!"
[R] 200-Message not sent, user 'tasteycheese' does not exist
[R] 200 Command successful.
[R] site msg testusr "DOG MAT!!"
[R] 200-Message successfully sent to 'testusr'
[R] 200 Command successful.
i attached a "new" version of ioMsg, it's not really new in the sense that I don't remember what I changed, but I do know i played with the code for some time.
mainly what's new are:
-trail message with single parameter "!" will make the message urgent, allowing
retr = EXEC ..\scripts\ioMsg\ioMsg.exe urgent
to block anyone from RETR if they have an urgent message (they can retr after they've dele the urgent message)
-messages are now stored in a /messages dir instead of application root dir
-probably some small changes.
urgent message sample:
site msg testuser "go die!!!" !
i'll update my script profile sometime soon, for now just grab it
no docu is included with this little update