10-05-2003, 06:06 PM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
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ioFTPD SiteKill for ioFTPD 5.x
Ok after intense testing I am happy to release version 2.0.1 of my SiteKill tool.
Be aware for those that used the version for 4.9.x, some minor changes have been made.
A quick repeat of the docs:
Parameters are any combination of
The following needs a string to compare and uses =, ==, !=, <> to compare, the string may have wildcards * and ?
When the string itself has a space in it you need to surround the comparison with double quotes
user=username - kick on user
ip=ipnr - kick on ip
ident=ident@ipnr - kick on ident@ip
host=hostname - kick on hostname
path=somepath - kick on virtual path
vpath=somepath - kick on virtual path
rpath=somepath - kick on real path
file=somepath - kick on virtual filepath
vfile=somepath - kick on virtual filepath
rfile=somepath - kick on real filepath
service=name of service - kick on servicename
group=groupname - kick on main group
groups=groupname - kick on groups
admingroups=groupname - kick on admingroups
action=lastaction - kick on last FTP command
transfer=idle|up|down|list - kick on transferstate
flags=userflags - kick on userflags
tagline=tagline - kick on tagline
The following needs a number to compare with and uses =, ==, <>, != to compare, but also <, <=, >, >= when surrounded by double quotes
idle=seconds - kick on idlers in seconds
idletime=seconds - kick on idlers in seconds
logintime=seconds - kick on logged in how many seconds
listtime=seconds - kick on list in seconds
upime=seconds - kick on busy upload current file in seconds
downtime=seconds - kick on busy download current file in seconds
listspeed=nr - kick on list speed in K/s
upspeed=nr - kick on upload speed in K/s
downspeed=nr - kick on download speed in K/s
uid=uid - kick on uid
gid=gid - kick on gid
times=all|once|nr - Number for the amount of kicks, once, all or a number. all is the default
if you run with the first parameter debug then you get debug info
Due to the windows rdirection (using < and >) you will need to surround your partial or complete query with double quotes.
Also when the string you comapre with has a space in it you need to surround the argument with double quotes.
Be aware that the parameters are used as AND so:
site kill groups=group1 groups=group2
will kill everyone belonging to group1 AND group2.
Thus someone only belonging to group1 will not be killed.
Be aware that the things you type after the = are case insensitive
Allowed for wildcards are * and ?
sitekill user=lamer - kills the user lamer once
sitekill user=lamer times=once - kills the user lamer once
sitekill user=lamer times=25 - kills max 25 lamer users
sitekill user=l*r - kills users that match the l*r wildcard so lamer looser leecher in this example but not winner
sitekill ip= - kills the connections
sitekill ip=192.168.*.* - kills the 192.168.*.* connections
sitekill "idletime>120" - kills idlers that are longer then 120 secs idle
sitekill group=l*s - kills connections with main group l*s so leechers, loosers, lamers
sitekill action=noop - kills connections where the last command was NOOP
sitekill ident=TEST - kills connections with TEST as ident
sitekill user!=sitebot path=/movies/svcd/* "idletime>120"
- kills all connections that are in /path/movies/svcd/ somewhere and that are 120 seconds or
more idle but dont kill user sitebot in this process
sitekill service=FTP_Service "downspeed<10"
- kill all ftp leechers that are downloading < 10K/s
sitekill "vpath=/Stay out *" "logintime>600"
- kill all ftp services that are logged in longer then 600 seconds in a path that I dont want them in.
Now if you run this command and it gives back: "uid=-1 can not be found in ..\etc\passwd" or something like that
then you may have a dead connection on your hands. It rarely happens but it can happen tho. Therefore I implemented
site kill uid so you can do site kill uid=-1 which would kill those dead connections.
For completeness I added site kill gid= as well.
How to use this command in ioFTPD?
Lets say we for example want to kick all idle ftp users.
KillIdlers = 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * EXEC ..\scripts\SiteKill.exe "idletime>120" service=FTP_Service
or as a site command:
KILL = EXEC ..\scripts\sitekill.exe
To run this same command from a tcl script you could use:
[exec -- "c:\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\SiteKill.exe" "idletime>120" "service=FTP_Service"]
You can always grab the newest version from http://ftpservertools.com in the download section.
10-06-2003, 12:17 AM
Too much time...
FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 1,326
nice stuff, i was waiting for this.
10-06-2003, 02:10 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 42
10-06-2003, 03:05 AM
Senior Member
ioFTPD Scripter
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 529
really nice m8
big thx for this fine piece of software
have fun
10-06-2003, 03:54 AM
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FlashFXP Registered User ioFTPD Registered User
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Posts: 221
hmmm, I use for ex: "site kill user=MaistroX" , and then sitekill crashes and when I close the crashscreen it kill´s what I asked, thats odd !? what to do ?
I installed all right but instead of useing "KILL = EXEC ..\scripts\sitekill.exe"
since I run "ioFTPD version 5.0.13r"
I use "KILL = ..\scripts\sitekill.exe"
to get it to work at all.
I allso have 2 sevices "FTP_Service FTP_Service2" so whats the correct lines then to have commands work for both, what do I put in ioFTPD and were ?
please help.
ps. anyone yet maked a site command pack for all commands with sitekill for ffxp yet ?
10-06-2003, 05:29 AM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 543
I'll test it. I assume you are using it for ioFTPD 5.x!!!! You have to use SiteKill 1.0.6 for ioftpd 4.x!!! It shouldnt crash since I tested user=.... as well but I'll check again.
10-06-2003, 05:40 AM
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FlashFXP Registered User ioFTPD Registered User
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Posts: 221
Originally posted by MaistroX
since I run "ioFTPD version 5.0.13r"
as said!
10-06-2003, 05:49 AM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 543
Try not to kill your own connection. I tested it and no crash or whatsoever happened here. Please run it in a command box using:
sitekill debug user=MaistroX
or meet me on #ioftpd and chat.
10-08-2003, 08:24 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 87
site kill debug doesnt show ident@ip like it used to what happened ?
10-09-2003, 01:54 PM
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 86
big thx man
but ive this error
site kill "idle>10"
200-Bad compare parameter in idle>10
200-Bad compare parameter in idle>10
200-Totally 0 connections kicked
200 Command Successful.
in debug mode:
site kill debug "idle > 10"
200-Connection 0 uid=103 gid=101 Username=test Groupname=Admin
200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:idle > 10 ArgumentResult=BADWHAT, TotalResult=1
200-Bad compare parameter in idle > 10
200-Connection 1 uid=101 gid=101 Username=KraxDaz Groupname=Admin
200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:idle > 10 ArgumentResult=BADWHAT, TotalResult=1
200-Bad compare parameter in idle > 10
200-Totally 0 connections kicked
200 Command Successful.
someone can help me?
thx in advance
10-10-2003, 08:03 AM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 543
New version SiteKill 2.0.2
2.0.2:Fixed memory bug, and added the reason in the kick line why someone is kicked.
Be aware this version works only on ioFTPD 5.x
10-10-2003, 08:06 AM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 543
I allso have 2 sevices "FTP_Service FTP_Service2" so whats the correct lines then to have commands work for both, what do I put in ioFTPD and were ?
Use site kill service=FTP_Service "idle>120" user!=ioFTPD
for example to kill everyone except ioFTPD from the FTP_Service service.
10-10-2003, 08:11 AM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 543
site kill "idle>10"
200-Bad compare parameter in idle>10
200-Bad compare parameter in idle>10
200-Totally 0 connections kicked
Hmm are you sure you havent put an extra space in there??
site kill debug "idle > 10"
200-Connection 0 uid=103 gid=101 Username=test Groupname=Admin
200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:idle > 10 ArgumentResult=BADWHAT, TotalResult=1
200-Bad compare parameter in idle > 10
200-Connection 1 uid=101 gid=101 Username=KraxDaz Groupname=Admin
200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:idle > 10 ArgumentResult=BADWHAT, TotalResult=1
200-Bad compare parameter in idle > 10
200-Totally 0 connections kicked
site kill debug "idle > 10" is not correct due to the extra spaces you have put in there. Hence BADWHAT, it doesnt recognize the comparison.
10-10-2003, 10:09 AM
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 86
it is similar with site kill2 debug "idle>10"
site kill2 debug "idle>10"
200-Connection 0 uid=103 gid=101 Username=teste Groupname=Admin
200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:idle>10 ArgumentResult=BADWHAT, TotalResult=1
200-Bad compare parameter in idle>10
200-Connection 1 uid=101 gid=101 Username=KraxDaz Groupname=Admin
200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:idle>10 ArgumentResult=BADWHAT, TotalResult=1
200-Bad compare parameter in idle>10
200-Totally 0 connections kicked, due to:idle>10
200 Command Successful.
and in ioftpd.ini:
kill2 = SiteKill.exe
kill2 = =Admin
10-10-2003, 04:17 PM
Junior Member
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 20
I have the same problem:
site kill debug "idle>10"
200-Connection 1 uid=109 gid=106 Username=rage Groupname=nukers
200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:idle>10 ArgumentResult=BADWHAT, TotalResult=1
200-Bad compare parameter in idle>10
200-Connection 2 uid=109 gid=106 Username=rage Groupname=nukers
200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:idle>10 ArgumentResult=BADWHAT, TotalResult=1
200-Bad compare parameter in idle>10
200-Totally 0 connections kicked, due to:idle>10
200 Command Successful.
Hope there is a fix soon... since having a problem with ghosts on the site... Keep up the great work... can be a very very useful scripot if we get past this error...
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