Old 12-10-2003, 11:45 AM   #46
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It isn't work whit the last version of ioftpd.5.3.9u; i have a problem with kill because isn't kill idlers

17.37.20] 200-Connection 0 uid=0 gid=102 Username=Pappez Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-CompareNumber:idletime>60 result:931
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=EQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments EQ
[17.37.20] 200-Kicked: Pappez *@*.*.*.*
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 1 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-2 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 2 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-2 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 3 uid=123 gid=0 Username=lordnikon Groupname=BiC
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-2 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 4 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-CompareNumber:idletime>60 result:758
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-2 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=EQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments EQ
[17.37.20] 200-Kicked: diablo *@*.*.*.*
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 5 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-3 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 6 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-3 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 7 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-3 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 8 uid=0 gid=102 Username=Pappez Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-CompareNumber:idletime>60 result:730
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-3 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=EQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments EQ
[17.37.20] 200-Kicked: Pappez *@*.*.*.*
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 9 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-4 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 10 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-4 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 11 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-4 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 12 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-4 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 13 uid=0 gid=102 Username=Pappez Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-CompareNumber:idletime>60 result:218
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-4 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=EQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments EQ
[17.37.20] 200-Kicked: Pappez *@*.*.*.*
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 14 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-5 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 15 uid=112 gid=102 Username=diablo Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-5 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 16 uid=0 gid=102 Username=Pappez Groupname=ADMiN
[17.37.20] 200-CompareNumber:idletime>60 result:8
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-5 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Connection 17 uid=135 gid=0 Username=davide Groupname=BiC
[17.37.20] 200-TimesToKill=-5 compare:idletime>60 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
[17.37.20] 200-Totally 4 connections kicked, due to:idletime>60
[17.37.20] 200 Command successful.
[5:38pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + idlers:
[5:38pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 16m 24s - Online for 00:-39:-34
[5:38pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 13m 03s - Online for 00:-46:-45
[5:38pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 04m 31s - Online for 00:-55:-3
[5:38pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 00m 53s - Online for 00:-57:-44
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Old 12-11-2003, 03:58 AM   #47
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idle for 16m 24s - Online for 00:-39:-34
??? online for -39 minutes????
It looks like soemthing is screwed in your ioftpd. Restart io and try again. The internal online counter seem to be negative.

It looks like io gets the kill commands properly tho:
[17.37.20] 200-Final compare result of all arguments EQ
[17.37.20] 200-Kicked: Pappez *@*.*.*.*

So if they in the end dont get killed there must be some internal reason why.

If you get more negative online counts please explain how you did it, you might have found a bug in io then.
Be sure to use the right tools tho. I think io is blocking the user to be kicked. I can not force kick a user out when io doesnt allow it. It might be a hanging script so check your io threads and see if there is one taking much more cpu then normal, or check your io process and check the cpu use.
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Old 12-11-2003, 07:39 AM   #48
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[5:38pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + idlers:
[5:38pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 16m 24s - Online for 00:-39:-34
[5:38pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 13m 03s - Online for 00:-46:-45
[5:38pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 04m 31s - Online for 00:-55:-3
[5:38pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 00m 53s - Online for 00:-57:-44
play around with time_offset in sitewho.ini, try 0 or 7200 instead of 3600
the negative values are not an ioFTPD problem, but mine
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Old 12-11-2003, 12:25 PM   #49
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thx a lot for the sitewho.ini but the problem with ioftpd stay here.

[6:17pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + idlers:
[6:17pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 03m 00s - Online for 00:03:01
[6:17pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 02m 15s - Online for 00:02:16
[6:17pm] <@Pappez> !duckkill
[6:17pm] *[****]* Kicked: Pappez *@*.*.*.*
[6:17pm] *[****]* Kicked: Pappez *@*.*.*.*
[6:17pm] *[****]* Totally 2 connections kicked, due to:idletime>10 service=FTP_Service

after min....

[6:21pm] <@Pappez> !duckidlers
[6:21pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + idlers:
[6:21pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 07m 07s - Online for 00:07:08
[6:21pm] <+[****]> -****- [STATUS] + Pappez@ADMiN is idle for 06m 22s - Online for 00:06:23
why it isn't kill my idlers ?
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Old 12-11-2003, 06:21 PM   #50
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ioFTPD 5.2.15r
ioSiteKill 2.0.6

in scheduler i set:
KillIdlers = 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * EXEC ..\scripts\SiteKill.exe silent user!=sitebot "idletime>120" service=FTP_Service

a lot of time in the day i had this error:

12-04-2003 10:57:03 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 14:38:52 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 15:29:44 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 15:32:25 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 15:32:26 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 15:32:26 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 15:32:27 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 15:32:27 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 15:32:27 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 15:32:27 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 20:54:56 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 21:44:57 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 21:44:58 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 21:44:58 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 21:44:59 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 21:44:59 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.
12-05-2003 21:44:59 Scheduler event 'KillIdlers' returned error.

if i look in the event viewer i had this:
0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74   Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c   ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 73 69 74   ure  sit
0018: 65 6b 69 6c 6c 2e 65 78   ekill.ex
0020: 65 20 32 2e 30 2e 36 2e   e 2.0.6.
0028: 30 20 69 6e 20 6d 73 76   0 in msv
0030: 63 72 74 2e 64 6c 6c 20   crt.dll 
0038: 37 2e 30 2e 32 36 30 30   7.0.2600
0040: 2e 31 31 30 36 20 61 74   .1106 at
0048: 20 6f 66 66 73 65 74 20    offset 
0050: 30 30 30 33 32 31 33 62   0003213b
0058: 0d 0a                     ..
i had this on WinXP (Home & Pro) and also on Win2000 Server

have u an idea of the problem??
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Old 12-12-2003, 02:23 AM   #51
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Well with your log I can surely find it out I bet, since it contains the address where it failed.
I wonder what it is since I see no reason for a sudden crash.

Hmm I dont seem to have enough info to be able to trace this back. The address 0x3213b looks like a strange address. I would need drwatson logs to see what is really going on. Is there any way you can reproduce this??

It should be known that sitekill actually sends a kill message to ioftpd. If ioftpd decides to not listen to it then there is nothing that sitekill can do. For example if someone is running a script and you want to kick the connection then io wont normally let you. Eevn tho io properly recognizes the message. This behaviour is proper tho, you wouldnt want your files to be messed up due to a user being prematurely kicked would you?
If you can get a situation in which it occurs please open a command box and do this command:
..\scripts\SiteKill.exe debug user!=sitebot "idletime>120" service=FTP_Service

And give me the info it gives...
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Old 03-15-2004, 01:05 PM   #52
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Nice tool thx for resolving my ghosts problems ^
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Old 03-15-2004, 01:25 PM   #53
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never had any ghost probs in 5.8.4

only 5.6.x had ghost probs for some io users.

greez toki
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Old 03-15-2004, 06:20 PM   #54
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great work ftpservertools, gonna run this on my site thanks
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Old 03-15-2004, 06:39 PM   #55
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I keep doing my best....
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Old 03-26-2004, 01:16 PM   #56
Granny Smith
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perfect work
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Old 04-29-2004, 10:04 AM   #57
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16:52:47 > site kill debug service=FTP_Service "downspeed<50"
16:52:47 200-Connection 0 cid=0 uid=0 gid=0 Username=TSG Groupname=ioFTPD
16:52:47 200-CompareString:service=FTP_Service result:1
16:52:47 200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:service=FTP_Service ArgumentResult=EQ, TotalResult=1
16:52:47 200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:downspeed<50 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
16:52:47 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
16:52:47 200-Connection 1 cid=1 uid=0 gid=0 Username=TSG Groupname=ioFTPD
16:52:47 200-CompareString:service=FTP_Service result:1
16:52:47 200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:service=FTP_Service ArgumentResult=EQ, TotalResult=1
16:52:47 200-TimesToKill=-1 compare:downspeed<50 ArgumentResult=NEQ, TotalResult=1
16:52:47 200-Final compare result of all arguments NEQ
16:52:47 200-Totally 0 connections kicked, due to:service=FTP_Service downspeed<50
16:52:47 500-Invalid argument: service=FTP_Service "downspeed<50".
16:52:47 500 Command failed.

what have i done wrong??

and will this [Scheduler] work??
killspeed = 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * EXEC ..\scripts\SiteKill.exe silent service=FTP_Service "downspeed<50"

nothing hapens when i have this in [Scheduler].
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Old 05-18-2004, 01:04 PM   #58
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I keep getting this error when trying to execute sitekill 200-Check ioFTPD.ini - Password_File= can not be found, can anybody shed some light to it.. i did a search 1st nothing like it.. [EDIT] - Fixed it my bad script pointing to older sitekill.exe but still not killing the connections. i will investage more ... sorry for the prob.
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Old 05-18-2004, 01:23 PM   #59
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To TSG: the reply you get in debug mode is actually sitekill telling me that there is nothing to kill. It finds a match on the FTP_Service (hence result:1) but downspeed<50 seems not to match for the first and the second user you had logged in.

to jboy53: Password_File= is nowhere coded into sitekill 5.x, you are using the 4.x version on 5.x apparently.
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Old 05-18-2004, 01:30 PM   #60
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sorry was editing as u posted.. my bad only checked version number and twigged then so sorry for that .
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