11-07-2012, 09:44 PM
Too much time...
FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Administrator
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Approved the attachment which I think is necessary for jeza to download it...
11-08-2012, 02:38 PM
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ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 530
new version available : (Fixed IMDB exception)
For upgrade just replace jeza.ioFTPD.Framework.dll
11-09-2012, 01:24 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 4
It's working now.
But i had some suggestions...
Integrate an option which enable or disable the creation of .jeza.ioFTPD.Debug, because i can't delete folders over the ftp client. It's recreate the folder and add a .jeza.ioFTPD.Debug.
After the IMDB info the script could write some infos to the .ioFTPD.Message file like that example
|----------=[ Movie Info ]=-----------------------------------------------------------|
| Title....: Terminator 2: Judgment Day |
| Rating...: 8.6 |
| Votes....: 388,227 |
| Year.....: 1991 |
| Genre....: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller |
|----------=[ User Stats ]=-----------------------------------------------------------|
| 1. Test 4MB 42760kBit/s 1F |
|----------=[ Group Stats ]=-----------------------------------------------------------|
| 1. test 4MB 42760kBit/s 1F |
'---------------------------------------------------------------------=[ 1/1 ]=----------'
Write the content of diz files to the .ioFTPD.Message
|----------=[ User Stats ]=-----------------------------------------------------------|
| |
|----------=[ Group Stats ]=-----------------------------------------------------------|
| |
'---------------------------------------------------------------------=[ x/x ]=----------'
content from file_id.diz
11-12-2012, 03:29 PM
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ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 530
New Version : - See first post for download
Upgrade only for ZipScript (added iMDB iNFO and diz to .ioFTPD.Message file)
If you wanna disable DEBUG file, just use "" in 'FileNameDebug' config setting.
<add key="FileNameDebug" value="" />
In jeza.ioFTPD.ZsipScript.exe.config add
<add key="AddDizToMessageFile" value="false"/> <!-- Add the .diz content to .ioFTPD.Message file -->
<add key="AddImdbInfoToMessageFile" value="false"/> <!-- Add the iMDB iNFO content to .ioFTPD.Message file -->
<add key="MessageImdbInfoHead" value="|----------=[ Movie Info ]=-----------------------------------------------------------|" />
<add key="MessageImdbInfo" value="| Title....: {5,-80:B79}|{22}| Rating...: {16,-80:B79}|{22}| Votes....: {17,-80:B79}|{22}| Year.....: {6,-80:B79}|{22}| Genre....: {9,-80:B79}|{22}| Runtime..: {15,-80:B79}|" />
Replace all *.dll and *.exe files in 'jeza.ioFTPD.ZipScript'
11-29-2012, 06:05 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 8
your ArchiveScript: some questions
hi there,
first of all i need to say that im only using your archive script (latest version). concerning that i got some questions:
1.) i set up the xml-file like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<tasks xmlns="http://jeza.ioFTPD.Tools/XMLSchema.xsd">
<logFormat>ARCHIVE: "Archive" "Moving {0} from {1} to {2}"</logFormat>
<action id="TotalFreeSpace">
question is: when selected move as "action type" isnt the source supposed to be deleted (automatically, after successful move)?
it worked so far. when hdd-space dropped below ~4GB the oldest stuff was moved to defined destination dir, but the source dir kept the stuff aswell and didnt delete it.
2. what is that "logFormat" about? is it for internal logging (see my third question aswell)?
i'd like to have an output to my ioftpd.log file for being able to use that output on dzsbot to annouce moved dirs on irc. is that possible?
3. from config file:
<add key="FileNameInternalLog" value="c:\\ioFTPD\\logs\\jeza.ioFTPD.log" />
whats that about? i couldnt find a file named like that on the logs dir. is it supposed to be the location of the "normal" ioftpd.log? (see question 2)
4. concerning updates of a dupe database:
any chance to support nxtools' db? i tried the following setting, but i got an error:
<add key="UpdateDupe" value="true"/>
<add key="DataSourceDupe" value="Data Source=c:\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\nxTools\\data\\DupeDirs.db"/>
<add key="DataSourceDupeUpdateCommand" value="UPDATE Folders SET PathReal = '{1}', PathVirtual = '{2}' WHERE ReleaseName = '{0}'"/>
[23:14:54] [R] 200-[2012-11-29 23:14:52] Updating DUPEDB with 'UPDATE Folders SET PathReal = '{1}', PathVirtual = '{2}' WHERE ReleaseName = '{0}''
[23:14:54] [R] 200-[2012-11-29 23:14:52] DUPEDB : 'Data Source=c:\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\nxTools\\data\\DupeDirs.db'
[23:14:54] [R] 200-[2012-11-29 23:14:52] releaseName='RELEASE', realPath='C:\FTPD\TEST\RELEASE', virtualPath='/ARCHIVES/INCOMING//RELEASE'
[23:14:54] [R] 200-[2012-11-29 23:14:52] ExecuteNonQuery: 'UPDATE Folders SET PathReal = 'C:\FTPD\TEST\RELEASE', PathVirtual = '/ARCHIVES/INCOMING//RELEASE' WHERE ReleaseName = 'RELEASE'
[23:14:54] [R] 200-[2012-11-29 23:14:54] System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x80004005): SQLite error
[23:14:54] [R] 200-no such table: Folders
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Prepare(SQLiteConnection cnn, String strSql, SQLiteStatement previous, UInt32 timeoutMS, String& strRemain)
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.BuildNextCommand()
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.NextResult()
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei jeza.ioFTPD.Framework.DataBase.ExecuteNonQuery(String commandText)
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei jeza.ioFTPD.Framework.ConsoleAppTasks.UpdateDupeDb(ArchiveTask archiveTask, DirectoryInfo directoryInfo)
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei jeza.ioFTPD.Framework.ConsoleAppTasks.ExecuteArchiveTask(ArchiveTask archiveTask, DirectoryInfo directoryInfo)
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei jeza.ioFTPD.Framework.ConsoleAppTasks.ExecuteArchiveTask(ArchiveTask archiveTask, List`1 sourceFolders)
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei jeza.ioFTPD.Framework.ConsoleAppTasks.ManageDiskSpace(ArchiveTask task, List`1 sourceFolders)
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei jeza.ioFTPD.Framework.ConsoleAppTasks.ExecuteArchiveTasks()
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei jeza.ioFTPD.Framework.ConsoleAppTasks.Execute(TaskType taskType)
[23:14:54] [R] 200- bei jeza.ioFTPD.Archive.Program.Main()
[23:14:54] [R] 200 Command successful.
guess the error is that nxtools' db has other sql tables?? maybe someone knows what to adjust to make it fit to nxtools db?
guess it has to be set here, but i dunno what.
<add key="UpdateDupe" value="true"/>
<add key="DataSourceDupe" value="Data Source=c:\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\nxTools\\data\\DupeDirs.db"/>
<add key="DataSourceDupeUpdateCommand" value="UPDATE Folders SET PathReal = '{1}', PathVirtual = '{2}' WHERE ReleaseName = '{0}'"/>
thx for replies in advance!
12-02-2012, 01:25 AM
Senior Member
ioFTPD Scripter
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 530
It seems that all your problems come from UPDATE dupe command. - ActionType=MOVE
Script teeps are : COPY to destination, update dupe if enabled and finally delete source.
The script failed on step 2 (update dupe) and thats why the third step (DELETE source) was never reached
- logFormat
This setting is used to write to ioFTPD.log or internal log file. it was not logged, because the script exited on update dupe.
Example :
PHP Code:
<logFormat>ARCHIVE: "Archive" "Moving {0} from {1} to {2}"</logFormat>
will write a line into ioFTPD.log : 2012-12-02 12 23:23 ARCHIVE: "archive" "Moving blablabla from /sadfsd/sdfsd/ to /fsfsdfsf/"
- FileNameInternalLog
when xml configuration has logFormat node it will allways log to ioFTPD.log, and also to 'FileNameInternalLog' if specified in .config.
this is only if someone wanna have a second log file (additional to default ioFTPD.log) and/or the irc bot reads anounce lines from that file...
- update dupe db
sorry i don't know the correct update command for nxdupe, but if you get it, you can change it in 'DataSourceDupeUpdateCommand'
for now just disable update dupe and everything should start working again.
PHP Code:
<add key="UpdateDupe" value="false"/>
Last edited by jeza; 12-02-2012 at 01:32 AM.
12-02-2012, 02:45 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 8
thx for ur reply.
im gonna test w/o that dupe update just to see if it works (dupedb update is essential for me concerning archiving).
about the log-format again: is this independant from the move function or didnt it log anything here because like u said its the update failure?
will report back when i'm done testing
concerning the nx update ill report back aswell. i took a look into the sql structure and tables of the nx .db files and i think its easy to get an adjusted dupe update command done.
12-03-2012, 04:49 AM
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ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 530
now it did not log anything because of the failure with update dupe.
for the next release i will change that, so the script will not exit on dupe failure...
12-03-2012, 08:13 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 8
it was like u told me. all errors where caused of the dupe db update. now it works like a charm.
neat script, great work, appreciated!
for the nxtools db i nearly got it to work aswell. will take a deeper look next days and report back.
01-31-2013, 07:26 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 15
Hi, I am using this script to archive stuff and its pretty great, but i face one issue, while the site archive command works without issues at all, whenever i have the script in the scheduler, in the debug log i can see it always fails with this error:
[2013-01-31 13:00:21] Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location: ['z:\path\ioFTPD\scripts\jeza.ioFTPD.ArchiveScript\jeza.ioFTPD.Framework.dll']
[2013-01-31 13:00:21] System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80090006): Invalid Signature. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090006)
at System.StubHelpers.InterfaceMarshaler.ConvertToManaged(IntPtr pUnk, IntPtr itfMT, IntPtr classMT, Int32 flags)
at Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native.CreateAssemblyNameObject(IAssemblyName& ppEnum, String szAssemblyName, UInt32 dwFlags, IntPtr pvReserved)
at Microsoft.Win32.Fusion.ReadCache(ArrayList alAssems, String name, UInt32 nFlag)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.EnumerateCache(AssemblyName partialName)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.LoadWithPartialNameInternal(AssemblyName an, Evidence securityEvidence, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(String partialName, Evidence securityEvidence)
at System.Xml.Serialization.TempAssembly.LoadGeneratedAssembly(Type type, String defaultNamespace, XmlSerializerImplementation& contract)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type, String defaultNamespace)
at jeza.ioFTPD.Framework.Extensions.Deserialize[T](T xmlObject, String fileName, String defaultNamespace)
at jeza.ioFTPD.Framework.ConsoleAppTasks.ParseConfig()
at jeza.ioFTPD.Archive.Program.Main()
Any idea why? When i run it via site cmd "site archive" it works fine..
02-01-2013, 12:32 AM
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ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 530
To be honest, i have no idea.
maybe Yil can help?
02-01-2013, 07:04 AM
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Posts: 15
Ive worked around this by adding the run of this task to windows task scheduler, seems to wokr fine, i have another question tho, is there a way to make archiver add logs to ioFTPD log file, so the activity gets announced by a sitebot?
02-03-2013, 06:44 AM
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ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 530
you can add 'logFormat' node to every task configuration.
like this example:
<logFormat>ARCHIVE: "Archive" "Moving {0} from {1} to {2}"</logFormat>
<action id="TotalFolderUsedSpace">
this would write something like this into ioFTPD.log
datetime ARCHIVE: "Archive" "Moving blabla from asda to ttt"
02-03-2013, 07:58 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 15
thanks a lot worked
actually... do I have to specify ioFTPD.log files path in the configs?
Last edited by biggysmlz; 02-03-2013 at 11:05 AM.
02-03-2013, 12:14 PM
Senior Member
ioFTPD Scripter
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 530
no, you don't need to specify the ioFTPD.log file location.
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