look, if you can't get it to work, then use something else. I don't have the time nor energy to go through each config of the script that people has. you found a bug plz report it, but i'm not getting paid, i don't spend time on individual screwups.
what i want is a script that checks sfv, get imdb info, sample info and id3-tag. Then shows em off in the status window as message and i believe ioNiNJA is the best on for this usage.
tried a rescanall and it worked fine for a couple of mins then it crashed and i got:
while executing
"vfs chattr $path $raceinfo "$info" "
(procedure "writechattr" line 13)
invoked from within
"writechattr 11 [set make_time [clock seconds]]"
(procedure "rescan" line 31)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {[lindex $args 0] == "SYMCLEAN"} {
} elseif {[regexp -nocase $ioNJ(skipdirs) $pwd]} {
Btw the directory dident have a Sample subfolder nor a imdb link in nfo.
- I cant find it in the readme.
Did a rescan on a japanese movie Tokyo Twilight the title on imdb is Tôkyô boshoku
ioNiNJA showed it as Title....: Tôkyô boshoku (1957).
my friend uses another script that showed Tokyo boshoku.
also if the movie dosent have any genre it outputs: [R] 250-| Genre....: %fm-55{}