I get an error when i try to pre in my pre folder.
If i have a folder called PRE and in script i have.
set ioNJ(group_dirs) {/PRE/|/groups/}
Then it dosent exceppt any files in that dir.
It takes the nfo and sfv file.
and i get an error in my log to
invalid command name "}"
while executing
(file "../scripts/ioNiNJA/ioNiNJA.cfg" line 239)
invoked from within
"source "../scripts/ioNiNJA/ioNiNJA.cfg""
(file "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" line 3)
But if i change to set ioNJ(group_dirs) {/_PRE/|/groups/}
Then it all works as it should.