i'm happy to see inicom have readd my script on this web site
, thanks to foxmaster to helping me.
I'm working on cts.reloaded on the free time and i'll be happy if somebody want provide me some support, bug hunting or ideas for new feature; wrote me on
Actually i want support tls but i have some trouble whit ftplib.tcl, CTS.RELOADED use a old ftplib.tcl working realy well but whitout TSL support.
I've found a new ftplib.tcl, modded by badaas for ngZS project and it support TLS but it's not working whit CTS.RELOADED.
The main problem it's about functions, it don't support ftp class declaration, in particular this:
FTP::new $name
I've tried to have a merge but whitout good result, if somebody more skilled than me can help me people using cts will be realy gratefull.
I w8 volunteers on #ngZS irc channel on efnet, you can query N|K , i'll show better the problem.
Thanks for support