Originally posted by Mouton
It does exactly that by default. Didn't u try ?
[21:14:52] site ginfo GFP
[21:14:53] 200- g r o u p i n f o
[21:14:53] 200-³ +nomaster ³ 116 ³ 0 ³ I can't setup a tagline! ³
[21:14:53] 200- + = GroupAdmin * = leech Administrator group
[21:15:18] site ginfo QAD
[21:15:18] 200-You don't have access to this command for this group.
You didnt get my point there, as it is NOW , a user able to do "site ginfo" can check , not only his own team, but all Groups on server, thats why I need to have a sertain team only be able to see his/her team info and user info, meaning:
1. "G" flag not only give the "Gadmin" status, it allso should auto set the rights to have ability to do "site ginfo ***" and then ONLY for the groups he´s added to + same goes for "site user ***" that should ALLSO be auto enabled with a "G" flag, same goes for that, user will ONLY be able to see his "own" users under his "own" team, since he is "gadmin".
2. Should be "default" that ALL USERS be able to do "site user ***" ONLY for them selfs, since only otherway to do it to see all users is to have a flag 1 and/or M, so that should be default on ioFTPD.
Summery: To explain Why exactly it should work like this in default would take pages to explain, but there a more crusual to run a server/site, then one without experiance of that can amagine, so please consider 1 and 2 abaove, promise , Ã would not be the only one happy for theese adjustments
Originally posted by Mouton
From ioA documentation:
* site resetuser <username>
Reset a users stats and credits(if enabled)
Example: site resetuser ioFTPD
Also, editing his userfile is pretty easy if you want to reset all the stats in there.
Same goes here, since u´re able by command in say flashfxp to delete all stats in sertain sections or all on server for all users, the ability tu edit/reset a sertain persons stats should be an easy option even there, by defult.
Just tryed on my own, my own account with all nessesery flags ->
site resetuser MisterX
500 'SITE RESETUSER': Command not understood
As said, should be there by defult and ONLY deletes the users stats, that does NOT incl. credits.
(oki, the latest above is not the MOST imprtant thing in usefull features, but still
