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Old 04-11-2003, 04:43 AM   #1
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Default Some suggestions...

Just got some suggestions and I'm pretty sure these suggestions most likely already been suggested, but what the heck, wanted to show there's a demand for it.

º Remote usersDB.
Would be great to be able to point a database to let's say \\remoteIP\users\file\ or something like that. (could work either directly over the Internet or to create a remote network between the servers)

º Remote File Structure
When running multiple servers it would be good if there would be a file on a primary server that held the folder structure in a file and on each new upload, deletion on any server the file would be updated and all the servers would either be notified or somehow read from the folder structure file.

º Account Executable
Ok, I'm pretty new with ioFTPd so this might work some other way.
The thing I'd like is an executable that can create account from the command line like ioAccount <group> <username> <password> <ip> and who knows, have the ability to support scripts like trial. This would could help out alot when creating your own addons and such.

Well, these are my suggestions for now.. I got a few other things I'm pondering about.
We're getting around the account issue by using our own script in windrop to have the bot add accounts on all our servers. (currently running 3 server all 10Mbit and 300Gb each) and when we give the bot a command it adds the user to all 3 servers.

ZilverZtr #0days @ EFNET
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Old 04-16-2003, 07:48 AM   #2
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Default Re: Some suggestions...

Originally posted by ZilverZtream
Just got some suggestions and I'm pretty sure these suggestions most likely already been suggested, but what the heck, wanted to show there's a demand for it.

º Remote usersDB.
Would be great to be able to point a database to let's say \\remoteIP\users\file\ or something like that. (could work either directly over the Internet or to create a remote network between the servers)
Actually you should be able to share userbase already (however, adduser, renuser & deluser do not show up in real time.. those will be fixed at some later point)


º Remote File Structure
When running multiple servers it would be good if there would be a file on a primary server that held the folder structure in a file and on each new upload, deletion on any server the file would be updated and all the servers would either be notified or somehow read from the folder structure file.
Such thing can be scripted (TCL & mySql should be suitable combo for this)


º Account Executable
Ok, I'm pretty new with ioFTPd so this might work some other way.
The thing I'd like is an executable that can create account from the command line like ioAccount <group> <username> <password> <ip> and who knows, have the ability to support scripts like trial. This would could help out alot when creating your own addons and such.
At the moment, it's not possible to create account with external programs since user & group databases are not synchronized (They are cached on start-up)
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Old 04-23-2003, 02:36 AM   #3
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Thanks for the reply d1.

I got some questions to your answers tough...

Actually you should be able to share userbase already (however, adduser, renuser & deluser do not show up in real time.. those will be fixed at some later point)
So the Credits for each user updates in realtime?
Otherwise it's still more or less useless to run it.

As understood we choosed to run Winblows instead of *NIX on our ftp servers just to try ioFTPd.
And since ioFTPd is still in development there are some things it lacks.

Any idea if this idea will ever be possible in ioFTPd:

We'd like to run all our FTP servers as one.
Right now we have 4 10MBit servers with an average of 300Gb.
We'd like to somehow connect them so when a user connects to the 'master' computer he/she we'll see the entire filesystem of the 4 computers.

Sure, this can already be done with ioFTPd if you connect the computers through a remote network.
The problem there is that the 'master' server will pull from the other servers and then the extra 30MBit of bandwidth will be wasted.

So the best solution would be, if a user connect to the 'master' computer and clicks a folder hosted on another system they'll be 'shipped' over to that system.
But, when I think it trhough a solution like that most likely must be supported by the users FTP Client and I'm not sure flashFXP or any other client supports it. (not sure howi t works on other servers)

Well, just my 2cents to try to help you make an already great FTP server even better.

Thx again for the fast replies.

ZilverZtream @ #0days, EFNET
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Old 04-23-2003, 03:22 AM   #4
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Default Bouncing ?

Why not using a FTP bouncer. I have 4 box.
I have :
- 1 entry bouncer on a box outside of my network
- 2 traffic bouncers on my both 10Mbit box. Round-Robin is used to load balance between the 2 box.
- ioFTPD is installed on another 4th box.

That could be a way to follow
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Old 04-23-2003, 04:17 AM   #5
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Hey, thanks mate.

Any suggestions on a good FTP bouncer to run?
Any help is welcome (software names, brief help on how to best set it up).

Again, thanks for the tip.

ZilverZtream, #0days @ EFNET
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Old 04-23-2003, 04:31 AM   #6
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I'm using Dike atm that you can find there http://psi-mirror.glftpd.dk/#dike .

Latest version of io support this and it works perfect .
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Old 04-24-2003, 08:34 AM   #7
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There wouldn't happend to be anyone out there thatcould help me out with dike?

I've been trying to make sence of it and also tried some configurations but I seem to be doing it all wronf cause it aint working.

Most likely because the readme file doesn't cover it all (based on the things I read about setting up dike for ftp's like raidenftpd and such)

So if you got dike32 running with ioftpd and you got some minutes to spare, please give me a buzz.

ZilverZtream, #0days @ EFNET
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Old 07-28-2003, 09:34 AM   #8
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hmm... i've been trying to get my hands on dike32 .. can't find the damn thing anywhere... anyone know a "working" site which has it ?.. thx a bunch
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Old 07-29-2003, 07:36 AM   #9
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Why not using a FTP bouncer. I have 4 box.
I have :
- 1 entry bouncer on a box outside of my network
- 2 traffic bouncers on my both 10Mbit box. Round-Robin is used to load balance between the 2 box.
- ioFTPD is installed on another 4th box.
let me get this right, you have 1 box running ioFTPD then the vfs is //ipaddy/section to the other box's ? allowing it to be 1 big site ?
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file, remote, servers, suggestions, upload

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