Let me make a few things clear before this gets out of control.
1. Our current ioFTPD registered users are most important to us, and please trust that you will be well taken care of with any changes that occur. I don't want to spoil any surprises, but good things will happen

2. ioFTPD will become much more modular, and thus more flexible in supporting everyone from a single home/pro user to an enterprise. Single/Pro users will not have to pay for the enterprise level product/modules while still getting everything they need.
3. The current IO community, both users and scripters, are the backbone of this product. We will continue to ask for input from both in the development of the new product so it meets everyone's needs and more.
4. IO development continues to go well. Please do not ask when it will be done, or what it will include. We will drop hints, and ask for input when need be. There will be an alpha test for the scripters, as well as a beta test for everyone. Be patient, and you will be rewarded with the best ioFTPD to date.
5. There are many changes occuring, but they will not change what ioftpd originally set out to do, and that is to be an extremely light, but powerful windows FTP daemon. There will NOT be bloated GUI's added, and every piece of code is painstakingly scrutinized for speed/optimization. You should know by now that dark0ne is a freak about clean, fast code, and often rewrites an entire routine to improve the speed/efficiency of a couple lines.
Thank you for your enthusiasm, and your continual support.
-IniCom Networks, Inc.