Hi guys.
i've used ioFTPD 4.x for months and so i'm trying the 5.* version.
now i'm using 5.1.7.
In italy we have a fast provider called fastweb that offer 10 and 100mbit connectivity, but his network is a wan and so only certain people have a public ip (it depends on the payment!).
So the problem is that we use to put ioFTPD on pcs that are in this network, but we want to connect to them also from any other pc on the internet.
We use a pc on this network that have public ip and we mount here a bnc that point to the internal ip of my ioFTPD server.
internal pc with ioFTPD: port 569
pc on fstweb with public ip:
on this pc we mount a bnc like this: -->
Using this bnc everyone on the internet can connect to my ioFTPD server.
But ther's a problem, one persone logins, two, thre and so on... when it arrivers to 5-8 users connected ioFTPD reject connections tha comes from this bnc but continue to accept connection from ips that doesn't use this bnc.
The error with FlasFXP is:
Connecting to MyioFTPD
Connected to MyioFTPD-> IP= PORT=4569
Connection failed (Connection lost)
On my ioFTPD logs nothing is written ...
my ioFTPD.ini looks like this:
Host =
Ports = 1024-9216
Random = False
;Bind =
so everyone can connect.
The problem is that if i use ioFTPD 4.9.4 it works always, but with any of the 5.x versione no
does someone as an idea?