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Old 10-08-2003, 01:46 PM   #1
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Default Delete Folders


I have problems to delete any folder with ioFTPD. The permission is 755 the flags are 1MV. Why is it not possible for me to delete any folder ? What am i making wrong ?

Thx for help.

CU atreides

BTW: It doesn´t matter on which OS io is running. I hope you can help me.
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Old 10-10-2003, 08:28 AM   #2
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Nobody ?
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Old 10-10-2003, 10:18 AM   #3
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Even masters are bound to restrictions set in ini. If master does not have DELETE permission for the path, he may not delete anything (this is to prevent one from erasing whole site, if wrong key is pressed)
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Old 10-10-2003, 01:35 PM   #4
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This are the permissions in the io.ini and i think they are ok, aren`t they ?

# Detailed permissions for directories
# priviledge = <virtual path> <rights>
Upload = * *
Resume = * *
Download = * *
MakeDir = * *
RemoveOwnDir = * *
RemoveDir = * 1VM
Rename = * 1VM
RenameOwn = * *
Overwrite = * VM
Delete = * 1VM
DeleteOwn = * *
NoStats = * !*
ShowActivity = /private/* -ioFTPD !*
ShowActivity = * !A *

CU atreides
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Old 10-10-2003, 10:00 PM   #5
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Looks right.. perhaps ntfs permissions?
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Old 10-11-2003, 09:14 AM   #6
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Hmm no. Theres no problem to delete files, only folders.

I changed per chmod the permission for the sitefolder to 777 but nothing changed.
And if i connect via shell to my computer i can delete all those folders.

CU atreides
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Old 10-11-2003, 09:23 AM   #7
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I've never seen such problem before.. :? must be something specific to your configuration/system... i'm quite confident that directory deletion works as intended
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Old 10-19-2003, 01:48 PM   #8
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It doesn´t matter on which system, or computer, i try to run ioftpd. Always the same problem. Also the same when i start the ioftpd.exe as admin or use the proggie "runas" and start it also as admin. I think it´s a problem of my ini. But i don´t know where the mistake can be.

Please have a look at my ini-file.

Ftp_Login_Attempts = 3
Hide_Tray = False
Cache_Max = 100 # Maximum number of cookie files to cache
Directory_Cache_Max = 5000 # Maximum number of directories to cache
TCL_Pool_Size = 10
Double_Click =
Process_Priority = Normal # (Idle/Normal/High/Realtime)
Worker_Thread_Min = 10 # Minimum amount of worker threads
Worker_Thread_Max = 10 # Maximum amount
Io_Thread_Count = 3 # Io Threads
LogIn_TimeOut = 15 #
Idle_TimeOut = 120 #
File_PreAllocation = 0 # Amount of kilobytes to pre-allocate for uploads

User_Id_Table = ..\etc\UserIdTable
Group_Id_Table = ..\etc\GroupIdTable
Hosts_Rules = ..\etc\Hosts.Rules

User_Files = ..\users
Group_Files = ..\groups
Log_Files = ..\logs
Cache_Files = ..\cache

Ftp_Messages = ..\text\ftp
Telnet_Messages = ..\text\telnet
Html_Files = ..\text\http

Default_Vfs = ..\etc\default.vfs
Environment = ..\etc\ioftpd.env

##################### DEVICES ########################
# [Device Name]
# Host = <Host/IP> = External host. Address that is shown to clients.
# Ports = <Begin-End> = Ports to use for data transfers. May contain comma seperated list of port ranges.
# Random = <True/False> = Use ports in random order
# Bind = <Host/IP> = Internal host. If specified, connections are bind to this address instead of HOST.

# Undefined IP allows connections on any IP

Host =
Ports = 1024-2048
Random = True
;Bind =

################## END OF DEVICES ####################

##################### SERVICES #######################

Type = FTP
Device_Name = Any
Port = 3558
Description = AT Service
User_Limit = 10
Allowed_Users = *
Messages = ..\text\ftp

### Encryption ###
#Require_Encrypted_Auth = !*
#Require_Encrypted_Data = !*
#Certificate_Name =
#Explicit_Encryption = True
#Encryption_Protocol = SSL3
#Min_Cipher_Strength = 128
#Max_Cipher_Strength = 384

### IDNT command handler ###
;Get_External_Ident = True

### Traffic Balancing ###
;Data_Devices =
;Random_Devices = False

Type = Telnet
Device_Name = Any
Port = 3560
Description = ATel Service
User_Limit = 10
Allowed_Users = T !*
Messages = ..\text\telnet

Type = HTTP
Device_Name = Any
Port = 3561
Description = AH Service
User_Limit = 50
Allowed_Users = H !*
Messages = ..\text\http
#Certificate_Name =
#Explicit_Encryption = False
#Encryption_Protocol = SSL3
#Min_Cipher_Strength = 128
#Max_Cipher_Strength = 384

################## END OF SERVICES ###################

Active_Services = FTP_Service Telnet_Service HTTP_Service

Nagle = False # Enable/Disable TCP Nagle algorithm
Ident_Timeout = 5 # Set ident timeout (seconds)
Hostname_Cache_Duration = 1800 # Seconds cached hostname is valid
Ident_Cache_Duration = 120 # Seconds cached ident is valid
Connections_To_Ban = 5 #
Ban_Counter_Reset_Interval = 120 #
Temporary_Ban_Duration = 1200 # Seconds host remains banned
Internal_Transfer_Buffer = 65536 # Internal transfer buffer size

## Maximum of 10 different credit sections ##
# <alias> = <credit section #> <path>
# <alias> = <credit section #> <stats section #> <path>

Home = 0 1 /*
Default = 0 *

# Default attributes for files & directories
# Required Parameters: <filemode> <owner uid>:<owner gid>

Default_Directory_Attributes = 755 0:0
Default_File_Attributes = 644 0:0

# Command specific rules
Modify_Stats_On_Delete = False

# Detailed permissions for directories
# priviledge = <virtual path> <rights>
Upload = * !=down *
Resume = * *
Download = * !=up *
MakeDir = * *
RemoveOwnDir = * *
RemoveDir = * 1VM
Rename = * 1VM
RenameOwn = * *
Overwrite = * VM
Delete = /site/* =chef !*
Delete = * 1VM
DeleteOwn = * *
NoStats = * !*
ShowActivity = /private/* -ioFTPD !*
ShowActivity = * !A *

WeeklyReset = Sunday
MonthlyReset = 1st

# Scheduler
# Event = <minutes> <hours> <day of week> <day of month> Command
# Internal Commands:
# &Reset : Resets upload/download counters
# &Service_Update : Reloads devices and Restarts services, if bind ip of service has changed
Reset = 0 0 * * &Reset
Service_Update = 10,30,50 * * * &Service_Update
Rotate_Log = 0 0 * * ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe rotatelog
Day_Stats = 59 23 * * ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe daystats
;Spider = 0 0 * * ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe spider forcedelete

OnUploadError = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe uploadfailed
OnUploadComplete = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe upload
;OnDownloadError =
;OnDownloadComplete =
;OnResume =
;OnUpload =
;OnFtpNewDir =
;OnFtpDelDir =
;OnFtpLogIn =
;OnTelnetLogIn =
;OnHttpLogIn =
;OnServerStart =
;OnServerStop =

user = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe closed
list = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe ban
retr = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe limiter
stor = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe pre_stor
mkd = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dupecheck_dir
mkd = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe checkdenypre

pass = %..\scripts\ioBanana.exe alert %[service($service)(users)] %[$service]
dele = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe zsdel
mkd = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe mkd
rmd = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dirlog
rnfr = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dirlog
rnto = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dirlog

Executable = *.exe *.com *.cgi *.php *.php3 *.bat

## SITE <script> <parameters>
# !file = Show file
# @string = Alias
# %file = Execute file (translate cookies)
# file = Execute file
EXEC = ..\scripts\exec.bat
HELP = !..\help\help.msg
WKUP = @stats wkup
WKDN = @stats wkdn
;rules = !..\text\ftp\rules.msg
ginfo = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe ginfo
gstats = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe gstats
pretime = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe pretime
new = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe sitenew
cid = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe cid
resetstats = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe resetstats
roulette = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe roulette
dice = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dice
open = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe open
close = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe close
approve = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe approve
listapproved = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe listapproved
version = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe version
rotatelog = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe rotatelog
rescan = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe rescan
totals = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe totals
age = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe age
user = @uinfo
user = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe age uinfo
undupe = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe undupe
nfo = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe nfo
uptime = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe uptime
restart = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe restart
stransfer = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe transfer
free = !..\text\ftp\free.msg

## be sure u put those *before* those of ioA
nuke = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe kicknuke NUKE
unnuke = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe kicknuke UNNUKE
reqfilled = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe kicknuke REQFILLED
pre = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe pre
wipe = ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe dirlog

;CookieModule = ..\modules\cookie.dll
;SuperCookieModule = ..\modules\supercookie.dll
;UserModule = ..\modules\networkuser.dll
;GroupModule = ..\modules\networkgroup.dll


## SITE <cmd> ##
# 'M' - MASTER
adduser = 1GM
deluser = 1GM
renuser = 1M
gadduser = 1GM
grpadd = 1M
grpdel = 1M
grpren = 1M
chgrp = 1M
kick = 1M
addip = 1GM
delip = 1GM
passwd = !A *
stats = !A *
tagline = !A *
who = !A *
chmod = !A *
chown = MV
chattr = MV
config = M
uinfo = 1GM
users = 1GM
ginfo = 1GM
gstats = 1GM
pretime = *
new = *
roulette = *
dice = *
close = 1M
open = 1M
approve = 1MN
listapproved = *
version = 1M
resetstats = 1M
rotatelog = 1M
rescan = *
age = 1M
user = 1M
undupe = 1M
nfo = *
uptime = *
restart = 1M
stransfer = *
exec = M

admingroup = 1M
credits = 1M
flags = 1M
groupdescription = 1M
groupslots = 1M
groupvfsfile = M
homedir = 1GM
logins = 1M
passwd = 1GM
ratio = 1GM
stats = M
tagline = 1GM
vfsfile = M

adduser = 1GM
deluser = 1GM
renuser = 1M
gadduser = 1GM
grpadd = 1M
grpdel = 1M
grpren = 1M
kick = 1M
addip = 1GM
delip = 1GM
passwd = *
stats = *
tagline = *
who = *
chgrp = 1M
config = M
putlog = MT
uinfo = 1GM

users = 1GM
uinfo = 1GM
addip = 1GM
delip = 1GM
config = M


CU atreides
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Old 10-19-2003, 03:50 PM   #9
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Delete = /site/* =chef !*
Delete = * 1VM

First rule disallows masters from deleting anything within /site/ directory. It should be Delete = /site/* =chev 1VM !*
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Old 10-19-2003, 10:49 PM   #10
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Default I too am having issues

Mine are related to moveing from a Raidenftpd site to ioFTPD run site, the directories that raiden had setup have the permissions 755, and io needs to have them 777 to delete or create for some reason...

Anyone want to create a script that deletes any .raidenftpd.acl files

IO doesn't like to delete hidden files (which the .acl file is) Have to remove it first before deleting it.

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Old 10-20-2003, 06:07 AM   #11
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Check the permission of the tags you created. In flash fxp you can see the permissions, for exaxmple by viewing raw dir. Dont forget the hidden files!!!!!!!
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Old 10-20-2003, 12:16 PM   #12
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Originally posted by darkone
Delete = /site/* =chef !*
Delete = * 1VM

First rule disallows masters from deleting anything within /site/ directory. It should be Delete = /site/* =chev 1VM !*
I know, but i put this later in because the line "Delete = * 1VM" didn´t work. "Delete = /site/* =chev 1VM !*" don´t work, too.

The permissions are 777.

CU atreides
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Old 10-20-2003, 12:20 PM   #13
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Well, there's little I can do if it doesn't work.. such problem isn't reported by anyone else, and i'm confident there isn't anything wrong on the daemon side (and do notice that flags are case sensitive, 'm' is not 'M')
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atreides, btw, delete, folder, thx

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