For those of who have been in the black out (don't have access to member section

), I can tell that there have been great many improvements over beta4... listing all of them would be rather pointless, but main focus has been performance, scalability and stability.
For example last release improved harddrive performance by ~15-50% under heavy loads. Few releases back, socket managment was made 100% thread-safe. Internal job scheduler was updated to accept priorities, which makes site to react even faster to commands. Module support got implement in 5.1.0 (still haven't had time to document it yet... it provides some really cool stuff for those writing scripts) Also there has been updates in way ioFTPD caches data, such as userfiles, groupfiles, mount tables etc. Things are far more optimized than what they were in beta4

There's no question, wheter it's better than b4...