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Old 03-22-2012, 04:04 PM   #1
FlashFXP Registered User
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 57
Default Problem ?

03-18-2012 20:48:58 No services appear to be online! Defined=1, Active=1, Online=0, Failed=0!
03-19-2012 18:38:03 No services appear to be online! Defined=1, Active=1, Online=0, Failed=0!
03-21-2012 00:35:09 No services appear to be online! Defined=1, Active=1, Online=0, Failed=0!
03-21-2012 06:32:10 No services appear to be online! Defined=1, Active=1, Online=0, Failed=0!
03-22-2012 01:12:14 No services appear to be online! Defined=1, Active=1, Online=0, Failed=0!

well in error.txt i get the above... but what does it mean ? server hasnt crashed or anything everything "seems" to work fine.

Running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 64-bit with Intel C2D 3.0 with 6gb ram.
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Old 03-22-2012, 06:28 PM   #2
Too much time...
FlashFXP Beta Tester
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ioFTPD attempts to self-test defined services (i.e. the FTP port you login to) in order to determine if everything is working as intended and the server is processing new logins. If the connection from the server to itself fails the service is marked offline (i.e. not counted as online) and you'll get an error message like you see above. If the service fails to connect 3 times in a row then it's upgraded from offline to failed and if all the defines services are marked failed then the server will suicide since it figures things are really bad...

If you check the debug logfile you should probably see the reason the service was marked offline. This can be everything from failure to allocate a port, no response timeout, etc. See what is says.

I wouldn't worry about this immediately, but you should look into the reason why the server wasn't responding. There could be a number of reasons including a heavily swamped server, a denial-of-service level of connections on the control port, a weird firewall issue with connecting to itself on only certain ports, etc.
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active=1, defined=1, failed=0, online, online=0

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