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Old 06-17-2011, 02:57 AM   #61
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Yil, I just want to tell you again how much I appreciate your work on IOftpd and I think its really amazing than you can manage and code the whole project by yourself.
Current setup:

MS Windows Storage Server 2012R2, ioFTPD 7.7.3, ioNinja, nxTools
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Old 06-21-2011, 02:45 AM   #62
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Well i did update on my server from 'old' v7.0.1 to new version 7.7.2 and i couldnt even start ioFTPD :). I was getting this error: CreateProcess(ioFTPD) failed with error 14001

"running ioFTPD 6.x-7.0.1 on windows 2003 SP2 -probably without any other updates- for years"
Anyway after 1-2h of updating from m$ i could finally start the last version. What exactly ioFTPD need, last updated ms_netframework ?
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Old 06-21-2011, 05:13 PM   #63
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ioFTPD back in v7.3.0 changed over to dynamically linked runtime libraries to see if that made a difference in stability. It now requires the VS2008 SP1 runtime be installed which is by default in win7 and possibly vista as well, but not XP/2003. Lots of apps install this as part of their installation, but without a real installer for ioFTPD the best I could do was note the error you'll see in the README and the Changelog file along with a link on how to get it.

Looking up windows error 14001 gives 'The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tools for more detail.'

That's the dynamically linked SxS runtime library having an issue. Not sure if it was because it wasn't installed or you had a version mismatch but looks like you figured it out. It isn't the error I expected you to get if it wasn't installed though.
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Old 06-22-2011, 06:18 AM   #64
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Ah yea its my bad sorry. I've read the change log but just too many new features and i skip this one line with 'important: VB2008 sp1 required from now on' :-)

Anyway, i asked long time ago about setting up a timezone in ioftpd config. Since im not so good in explanations i made a simple screen. Where you can see the date of dir which i created in ioFTPd (so the date which all users see thru their client) and 'real' date/time of server and date/time details in totalcommander and in attribute manager
- 1600x900 resolution

Question is: why ioFTPD showing different time (doesn't matter what client i choose) and is it possible to add the timezone option ? Did the same test on friends glFTP daemon and date is everywhere same (correct).
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Old 06-22-2011, 12:34 PM   #65
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ALL times in the server are UTC (GMT) times and are unconverted as I believe is the case with glftpd as well. Many commands like MDTM even formally require that.

However, CLIENTS often convert server times into local times as does windows explorer and most software showing times to the user. In flash open up the site manager, and check the timezone option for the site. I think it defaults to "attempt to discover". Set it to UTC, or Use Server Time and see what that does. Oh, also check out the RAW directory listing in Flash from the Directory menu to see what the server is actually returning.
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Old 06-25-2011, 05:28 PM   #66
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Maybe ur right. Just saying what i see. Don't know how the mechanic in such programs work. glFTPd using some 'timezone fix'. Can't force users to 'change' any timezone settings in their clients when its working somwhere else.

Whatever i tried to change it in other client - ftprush (since in flashfxp i could not find such option), but its same as everywhere. In client i see always UTC(GMT), but raw directory listing or any filemanager shows 'server' time (in my case GMT-2).

Well since it looks like i'm the only one who cares about some 'time' thingies, forget it.

Sorry for disturbing. You doing great job.
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Old 06-26-2011, 02:36 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by Dahlia View Post

Whatever i tried to change it in other client - ftprush (since in flashfxp i could not find such option), but its same as everywhere. In client i see always UTC(GMT), but raw directory listing or any filemanager shows 'server' time (in my case GMT-2).
Try looking under

Site manager
Your site

You will find it at the bottom of the list
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Old 06-28-2011, 03:45 PM   #68
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I have a problem with nxmydb and version 772. I keep getting 'Invalid password' using the same nxmydb setup as in 757.

I can't see anything in particular in the logs, except for a SyncTimer error. There is no trace of 'invalid login' in the log anywhere

This is all the log I'm getting:


06-28-2011 22:32:31 ------------------------------------------------------------
06-28-2011 22:32:31 SetUuid - Server lock UUID is "abc".
06-28-2011 22:32:32 ConnectionOpen - Connected to nxdb.host via TCP/IP [nxMyDB_Server0], running MySQL Server v5.1.32-community-log.
06-28-2011 22:32:32 DbInit - nxMyDB v2.1.1 loaded, using MySQL Client Library v5.0.51a.
06-28-2011 22:33:03 SyncGetTime - Unable to fetch results:
06-28-2011 22:33:03 DbMapError - Unmapped MySQL result error 0.
06-28-2011 22:33:03 SyncTimer - Unable to retrieve server timestamp (error 1).


06-28-2011 22:35:37 SSL: "Found certificate" "name=xxx" "Service=FTP_Service" "(Certificate_name)"
06-28-2011 22:35:37 START: "PID=2128" "CmdLine="
06-28-2011 22:35:37 PRELOAD: "begin" "..\etc\default.vfs"
06-28-2011 22:35:37 PRELOAD: "points=25" "..\etc\default.vfs"

Ideas on what might be wrong here?

Is there any plans to put the io code up on github or something? Would be handy for future in place upgrades, as well as source tracking
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Old 06-28-2011, 08:01 PM   #69
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pion: From what I can tell nxMyDB failed to connect or read the userfiles from the database so the reason you aren't seeing any login failures is because none of the people trying to login have accounts as far as ioFTPD is concerned.

Is it possible that the new version can't connect because of a firewall that's treating the new .exe differently?

There honestly weren't that many changes between 7.5.7 and 7.7.2, and the only one that springs to mind that might be important is the OnServerStart event change. Can you first make sure this is in the .ini file and didn't get lost in the upgrade? The change is actually a feature I thought useful to nxMyDB (it's even mentioned in the ChangeLog) but perhaps I missed some interaction.

Update: I just check the nxMyDB source and the SyncGetTime error being reported is just trying to ask the database what time it is and it's failing... Whatever the problem is it isn't related to userfiles, but connectivity and/or permissions.
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Old 06-30-2011, 02:02 AM   #70
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Turns out the fault was entirely my own

I was missing the libmysql.dll from the system directory in my migration to 772
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Old 07-07-2011, 05:27 AM   #71
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man, i Wish that dude @tuff were still active zs scripter. His works were pure php based. Surely ioFTPd is stable ready for some seriuos addons.
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Old 07-18-2011, 10:22 PM   #72
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Yil, Thanks for your hard work on keeping ioFTPD up to date. I just want to confirm that I upgraded from 7.7.1 to 7.7.2 today and I am happy to report all is working well.
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:04 PM   #73
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Hi Yil,
i found an error in 7.7.2, if i use NTFS SYMLINKs, and methods SYMLINK or SHARE, i'm not able to delete any file, always just error "500 - .. No such file or directory.".
If i switch back to "IGNORE" (old way), directory cache will be not updates as before, but i'll be able to delete any file i want.

Please can you check it out?

Thanks for all your work!
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Old 07-21-2011, 09:21 PM   #74
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paja1: Hmm, I can confirm that manual deletion of a NTFS directory junction as a file delete isn't being handled correctly under SYMLINK mode. FlashFXP issues a FILE delete command which is correct since it treats symbolic links as a file, but ioFTPD is only testing to see if it's an ioFTPD symbolic link and not a NTFS junction when deciding to turn the file deletion into a directory deletion at the filesystem level. Thus it tries to delete a file but it's really a directory and it fails. However, in this situation I get a permission denied and not a file not found error......

However, I think you are experiencing a different problem. Can you see if the default 'VFS_Exported_Paths_Only = True' is set? If this is true then you cannot have the target of any directory link be outside of normally exported directories. Examples .vfs:
c:\site /
d:\Games /Games

A link like c:\site\Latest\Game1 -> d:\Games\Game1 would be OK because the target dir is also visible in the .vfs file, but c:\site\Bad -> c:\windows would not because the windows dir isn't exported.

This is a safety feature. However, you can try turning it off to see if it makes a difference in the problem you are seeing. Also, can you double check the target of the link?
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Old 07-22-2011, 02:33 AM   #75
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Hi Yil,
thanks you for your answer.
I do have a folder /FOO/ and only symlinks below (as replacement of VFS merge becouse you cant upload or change anything within next lines in vfs file).
So imagine this situation:

FOO = real folder mapped in VFS file
FOLDER1 = SYMLINK to a different drive (which is not accessible via any other normal VFS path!)
subfolder1 = real folder in linked folder (different drive)
file1.ext = real file in subfolder1.ext

Now, the strange is that i'm able to delete empty folders or ioFTPD's links, but not a files!

Yes, i do have "VFS_Exported_Paths_Only = True" set as you described.

So i tried to switch it to "VFS_Exported_Paths_Only = False" in SHARE mode nothing changed... in SYMLINK mode.. still the same. I'm notable to delete any file.

In addition if i switch VFS_Exported_Paths_Only to False, all my iTCL sripts are not able to access or see any file or folder behind NTFS SYMLINK.

Any idea?


Last edited by paja1; 07-22-2011 at 02:42 AM.
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