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Old 09-22-2011, 05:51 PM   #121
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paja1: Oh... another idea... try 'site size <filename>' and see if you get a response. If so ioFTPD knows about the file...

pion: It's reasonable to expect that the server under load increases the chances. Did you get a chance to look for the worker thread lines? I'm really hoping we can find some correlation there.
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Old 09-23-2011, 04:46 AM   #122
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when can we expect a test version of the infamous v8
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Old 09-23-2011, 05:14 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by paja1 View Post
Unfortunately my speed issues are still there. Is there anybody else having similar issue?
That version 6.x is much faster than 7.x?

I thought it was because of MS Security Essentials, but i was wrong.

I had to roll back back to 6.6. But 7.7.3 is more stable and have no issue with refreshing of folders behind NTFS Symlinks. So i would like to go back to 7.7. but i have to choose between features and stability vs. ultimate speed.

I have to clue what to do at this point. Additionally i still have the issue with "invisible" files. Any help? Anyone? Please!
Well i have some speed problems too. When im downloading with AUTH SSL and 'Encrypt data while transfering' i get always max 300-350kb/s. But if i connect and start download from same ftp with another 2-3 threads i get my max 2mb/s download. Same is with FXP on other 100mbit/gbit sites. With more thread i get higher speed. Well so for local download im using option when i disable 'Encrypt data while transfering = so no ssl'. But for FXP i cant do anything coz other site has 'Use encrypted FXP only'. And one more thing. Upload with SSL is max 10MB/s (on 100mbit line), but download with SSL is much more lower. around 1-3MB/s

How to tweak up SSL transfers ?
When i change the Io_Thread and Worker_Thread, do i need to full restart ioftpd or i can do just rehash ?

I have Intel CPU 6320, 1.86GHz (2 cores). 1GB of RAM (still like ~500mb free) on win2003 system. Io_Thread = 8, Worker_Thread = 10 (i had 4 and 8 before but nothing changed)

Last edited by Dahlia; 09-23-2011 at 05:48 AM.
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Old 09-23-2011, 06:05 AM   #124
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Carpo: Hmm, probably not for a bit as I'm pretty busy for the next few weeks and the code is in flux. I'm still trying to consolidate a few things and the reality will be a v8 that's probably half of what I wanted. Ah well, there's always v8.1...

Dahlia: Changes to threading settings require a restart of the FTP for them to take effect.

I'm not sure I understand your speed issue. If you get say 100K/s on 1 connection, but you can do 100K/s on each of 3 connections to the same FTP then the problem isn't the server itself, it's network delay. Try pinging or tracerouting the server to get an idea of what kind of delay you are dealing with. Assuming a consistent route and no packet loss you can increase speeds by playing with the TCP buffer sizes. This is something that I haven't done much with ioFTPD internally, but in the client make sure it's as large as can be and see if that helps.

SSL verses non-SSL to the same FTP is more interesting. Dramatic speed differences like say 100K/s vs 1MB/s shouldn't happen unless the CPU on the server machine is really poor or it's busy doing other things.

I see you updated it with up/down differences. Make sure your client has the same TCP buffer sizes for each direction, and that you are testing to the same disk drive with nobody else transferring if you can.
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Old 09-23-2011, 09:28 AM   #125
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Hi again

im using 7.7.2

havent expirenced to much trouble with it.. looking in my errorlog today i saw something i havent seen before..

09-22-2011 20:27:18 Zero length field or data on line 'flags '.
09-23-2011 03:10:58 No services appear to be online! Defined=1, Active=1, Online=0, Failed=0!

i have not installed ioftpd as a service so dont know why it would hassle me about that.
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Old 09-23-2011, 09:55 AM   #126
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08-20-2011 16:56:07 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
08-20-2011 16:58:32 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
08-20-2011 18:38:40 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
08-20-2011 19:08:42 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
08-20-2011 19:49:02 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
08-20-2011 19:49:02 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
08-27-2011 16:44:22 Worker exit: total=5, free=4, blocking=0, initial=5.
09-06-2011 03:23:15 WSAAsyncSelect error: 10022
09-06-2011 03:23:16 WSAAsyncSelectCancel error: 10022
09-19-2011 13:54:26 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
09-19-2011 14:30:29 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
09-19-2011 20:41:27 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
09-19-2011 20:43:36 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
09-19-2011 20:59:37 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
09-19-2011 21:42:19 Worker exit: total=5, free=5, blocking=0, initial=5.
09-19-2011 21:42:21 Worker exit: total=5, free=4, blocking=1, initial=5.
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Old 09-23-2011, 06:32 PM   #127
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pion: I can't prove anything from those worker exit debug lines, but assuming that those are all the lines it's REALLY interesting that the dates you were having multiple lockups are exactly the dates you were seeing the highest load. That might mean that thread creation, which requires the dll lock, is equally likely to trigger the lockup. Try upping the number of worker threads to like 10 and see if that makes a difference!

Rusher: That means that your CPU must be VERY busy or insane numbers of control connections all at one time. Try looking for other lines in error.log or debug.log that look like:
Services_Test: Failed to connect to service '%s' (IP=%s) %d times in a row!

ioFTPD clearly thought it couldn't connect to the FTP service defined in the .ini file (not a windows services). Since there was only 1 it figured it should suicide...

That can happen under high CPU load or network load on the control connection. If this is happening I can tweak the timeouts to avoid this for other people or to disable the feature. The ONLY times I've personally seen this is when older machines burn CD/DVDs or play high def video. Any chance of that kind of thing going on?

There is a workaround in the short term, you define a 2nd local-only FTP service. Now if one of them appears offline the server notes it unless under extreme stress the local only one shouldn't fail...

In the future I'll adjust thread priorities to avoid this perhaps.
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Old 09-24-2011, 01:02 AM   #128
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Yil :

that are the only lines in the error.log i found 1 line in debug log :

09-18-2011 20:27:49 AsyncSelectProc: Socket 1504 not found.

ioftpd is installed on a core2duo 3.0 ghz, 6gb ram, windows server 2008 r2 x64. and this is the only thing installed on that computer.

for the service error maybe it was the symcleaner that caused that error ? the only thing that is scheduled at that time.
network load could of only been 100mbit at most, nic is gigabit though...

and also this error has only showed itself in error.log 2 times since i installed ioftpd bout 4 weeks ago so its not a major problem, Zero length error was a first.

today there were no errors since the ones ive asked of in this thread.
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Old 09-25-2011, 10:12 AM   #129
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Originally Posted by Yil View Post
paja1: Oh... another idea... try 'site size <filename>' and see if you get a response. If so ioFTPD knows about the file...

My "missing" files issue was because of invalid date, all "missing" files had date in the future, somewhere in the year 2019, i was able to see them if I used "raw view" in FlashFXP, so ioFTPD worked well, only FlashFXP failed to parse it.

So this mystery is having a good end. Another mystery is still my speed issue, between 6.6. and 7.7.3. If i do try it locally, means download on the same machine where ioFTPD is, i'm getting quite good and comparable speeds. But not over network.

Any hint, anybody, please? I want to upgrade back to latests 7.7.3.

Thanks for any tip!
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Old 09-25-2011, 10:11 PM   #130
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paja1: Glad to hear that the invisible file thing has a solution! Regarding your speed problem. Can you get 4 numbers? Speed to send a file and to receive a file both plain and over SSL? You can use FXP from a fast site if you want since I'm just looking at the ratio of plain/SSL and if differs between up/down. See if things are reproducible if you get weird answers, and see if you can watch the CPU load on the server. Obviously try and see if you are the only user on ioFTPD transferring files if you can...

Last edited by Yil; 09-25-2011 at 10:18 PM.
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Old 11-10-2011, 11:05 AM   #131
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Originally Posted by Yil View Post
paja1: Glad to hear that the invisible file thing has a solution! Regarding your speed problem. Can you get 4 numbers? Speed to send a file and to receive a file both plain and over SSL? You can use FXP from a fast site if you want since I'm just looking at the ratio of plain/SSL and if differs between up/down. See if things are reproducible if you get weird answers, and see if you can watch the CPU load on the server. Obviously try and see if you are the only user on ioFTPD transferring files if you can...
Hi Yil,
so i've upgraded my box to:
CPU: 6x3800Mhz
RAM: 16GB DDR3@3300

Network is stable 1GB.

I'm getting max 3.6MB/s on 7.7.3, but average 27-32MB/s with 6.6.0.

Few stats, as requested:

7.7.3 down Plain (no SSL) - 700.92 MB in 18.49 seconds (37.92 MB/s)
7.7.3 down SSL (ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA) - 700.92 MB in 2 minutes 34 seconds (4.53 MB/s)
7.7.3 up Plain (no SSL) - 705.61 MB in 16.10 seconds (44.23 MB/s)
7.7.3 up SSL (ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA) - 705.61 MB in 32.78 seconds (21.53 MB/s)

6.6.0 down Plain (no SSL) - 700.92 MB in 18.09 seconds (38.76 MB/s)
6.6.0 down SSL (AES128-SHA) - 700.92 MB in 25.29 seconds (27.72 MB/s)
6.6.0 up Plain (no SSL) - 705.61 MB in 16.43 seconds (42.95 MB/s)
6.6.0 up SSL (AES128-SHA) - 705.61 MB in 24.34 seconds (28.99 MB/s)

Upload was from my laptop, so the CPU/HDD is not fastest one

This can't be HW issue


Last edited by paja1; 11-10-2011 at 11:43 AM.
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Old 11-10-2011, 11:40 AM   #132
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Originally Posted by paja1 View Post
Hi Yil,
so i've upgraded my box to:
CPU: 6x3800Mhz
RAM: 16GB DDR3@3300

Network is stable 1GB.

I'm getting max 3.6MB/s on 7.7.3, but average 27-32MB/s with 6.6.0.

This can't be HW issue any more

im using 100mbit wan and getting almost 11MB/s on 7.7.2 never tried 7.7.3 cause 7.7.2 is so stable never have any problems with it.

im using ssl/tls transfeers and cpu is old c2d 3.0 ghz and 6gb ram on windows server 2008 x64
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Old 11-10-2011, 11:52 AM   #133
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Originally Posted by Rusher View Post
im using 100mbit wan and getting almost 11MB/s on 7.7.2 never tried 7.7.3 cause 7.7.2 is so stable never have any problems with it.

im using ssl/tls transfeers and cpu is old c2d 3.0 ghz and 6gb ram on windows server 2008 x64
Can you please give me your SSL settings? Did you changed anything? I changed only port, rest is as downloaded.

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Old 11-10-2011, 01:13 PM   #134
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Require_Encrypted_Auth = !-ioFTPD *
Require_Encrypted_Data = !-ioFTPD *

;Certificate_Name = ioFTPD

Create_Certificate = True

Explicit_Encryption = True

;Encryption_Protocol = SSL3

OpenSSL_Options = ALL


speedtest just single disk and there was other activity at the same time so not so good as it should be.. but okey. and i also changed port.. not using 21

[R] RETR xxxx.xxxx-sst.mkv
[R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[R] TLSv1 negotiation successful...
[R] TLSv1 encrypted session using cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for xxxx.xxxx-sst.mkv (1156306883 bytes) using SSL/TLS.
[R] 226-[ Section (#5): TV ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
[R] 226 [ UL: 0 MB ] [ DL: 1.17 GB ] [ Speed: 39.3 MB/Sec ] [ Free: 886 GB ]
Transferred: xxxx.xxxx-sst.mkv 1,08 GB in 28,06 seconds (39,30 MB/s)
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Old 11-10-2011, 01:30 PM   #135
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Hmm.. i have the same settings, but a lot different speed. Any idea? :S
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