Yil, you hopefully soon reveal the new ioFTPD v8 although v7 is running great. Were always desperate to get new and fancy features, whatever they are.

O_dog, very sad to hear about your accident, I wish you a swift and fast recovery.
I have some speed issues with ioFTPD, I could use some advise. Strangely, io seems to be stuck at approx. 200mbit speed. Simplex it is steady at 200mbit regardless of up or download transfer. At duplex transfer is all over the place, sometimes 150 up and 50 down, sometimes the other way around, but never 200mbit both ways at the same time. Measure is done with and without ssl, as ftp and fxp. From LAN and WAN but still the same. Never beyond 22mb/sec. Secondary logins doesn’t change overall speed at bit.
Lan and harddrives tested from explorer, preforms ok, approx. 850mbit duplex.
CPU i7, LAN intel Gigabit GT both ends, hardware RAID5.
Please advise..