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ioFTPD General New releases, comments, questions regarding the latest version of ioFTPD.

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Old 07-25-2010, 09:03 AM   #91
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I'm starting to use io again, but before start I'm wondering if there's something I should know; like are the scripts still supported such as Alcobot, nxtools and others?
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Old 07-25-2010, 12:14 PM   #92
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I believe everything that worked before still does with a few exceptions. Old versions of the nxMyDB shared user module add-on will not work with v6.5+ because of all the new user fields added in that release, however the current versions of nxMyDB will work so that isn't a big deal. If you are interested in this make sure to grab my custom builds from the 7.4 thread (or is it this one?).

ioNiNJA looks like the popular zipscript to use these days (grab it from the New Scripts section) but make sure you're using the current versions of ioFTPD because newer versions of that script take advantage of new features in ioFTPD and thus won't work on old releases. It comes with a modified windrop bot as well.

Some .exe based scripts such as ioZS and perhaps ioA have issues under win7 64, and possibly any 64 bit release. I'm not sure what the issue is, but ioZS 2+ had issues with the registry under x64 where it's settings were stored and therefore stands no chance of being fixed... TCL bases scripts like nxTools work fine.

I'd recommend the nxTools/ioNiNJA combo right now.
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Old 07-25-2010, 03:34 PM   #93
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Cheers man. That'll give me something to play with.


edit: It seems dog.tx-shells.net doesn't work. Are there any alternative download sources for that one ?
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Old 07-27-2010, 03:22 AM   #94
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http://odog.tx-shells.net/ seems fine here?
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Old 07-30-2010, 03:42 AM   #95
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is nxTools v1.2.1 still compatible with ioftpd 7.5.9?
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Old 07-30-2010, 12:42 PM   #96
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Carpo: Yup, nxTools v1.2.1 should work just fine. There's a patch out by oDog that I believe verifies there's enough space in the target dir before copying everything during site pre's, but unless that has been an issue for you I wouldn't install it as it's including a rather large library or two just to check disk space. I've since made the ability to check disk space an iTCL extension so that check could be rewritten much simpler now...
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Old 07-30-2010, 03:07 PM   #97
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Thanks Yil - how goes the quest for your SFV Checker?
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Old 08-05-2010, 03:24 PM   #98
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I read the forum since days. I am trying to install the ioFTPd 7.5.9 with nxTools and ioNiNJA + dZSbot.

I got the ioNiNJA + dZSbot to run without any Problems, but now i trying to install nxTools since hours and i cant geht it to work. My Problem is that the ftpd announce is
22:10:14 > site db create
22:10:14 500 'SITE db': Command not understood.
And i dont know why, the Error Logs says:

08-06-2010 21:52:47 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 21:53:02 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 21:55:49 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 21:59:00 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 21:59:28 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 22:00:58 - RequestDb    : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/Requests.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 22:09:29 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 22:09:36 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 22:09:40 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
Cant find more Errors, and my Question is why it don't try to load the custom commands ?

You have any IDEA?

Parts of my ioftpd.ini

## EVENTS ##
OnUploadComplete        = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl CHECK
OnUploadError	 	= TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl CHECK
OnClosedKick		= !..\text\ftp\ServerClosing
OnClosedLogin		= !..\text\ftp\ServerClosed
OnDeletedKick		= !..\text\ftp\DeletedKick
OnExpiredKick		= !..\text\ftp\ExpiredKick
# Installation nxTools 1.21
OnUploadComplete = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl UPLOAD
OnUploadError    = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl UPLOADERROR
OnFtpLogIn       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl ONELINES

# Installation ioNiNJA
rmd         = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl
# Installation nxTools
mkd  = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl PREMKD
stor = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl PRESTOR
pass = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxClose.tcl LOGIN
;list =
;stor =
;mkd  =
# etc...

# Installation ioNINJA
cwd  = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl
dele = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl
# Installation nxTools 1.2.1
dele = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG
mkd  = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl POSTMKD
rmd  = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG
rnfr = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG
rnto = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG

# Installation nxTools 1.2.1
close       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxClose.tcl CLOSE
open        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxClose.tcl OPEN
db          = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDB.tcl
approve     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl APPROVE
clean       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl CLEAN
dupe        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPE
fdupe       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl FDUPE
new         = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl NEW
rebuild     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl REBUILD
search      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl SEARCH
undupe      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl UNDUPE
wipe        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl WIPE
nuke        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxNuke.tcl NUKE
nukes       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxNuke.tcl NUKES
nuketop     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxNuke.tcl NUKETOP
unnuke      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxNuke.tcl UNNUKE
unnukes     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxNuke.tcl UNNUKES
editpre     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxPre.tcl EDIT
pre         = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxPre.tcl PRE
reqbot      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl BOT
reqdel      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl DEL
reqfill     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl FILL
request     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl ADD
requests    = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl LIST
reqwipe     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl WIPE
rules       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRules.itcl
drives      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl DRIVES
errlog      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl ERRLOG
ginfo       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl GINFO
give        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl GIVE
newdate     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl NEWDATE
onel        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl ONELINES
resetstats  = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl RESETSTATS
resetuser   = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl RESETUSER
rotatelogs  = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl ROTATE
size        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl SIZE
syslog      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl SYSLOG
take        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl TAKE
traffic     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl TRAFFIC
weekly      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl WEEKLY
weeklyset   = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl WEEKLYSET
who         = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl WHO
# Installation ioNiNJA
rescan      = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl RESCAN
addgroups   = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl ADDGENRES
invite      = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl INVITE
zsver       = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl VERSION
resort      = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl RESORT
symclean    = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl SYMCLEAN
[Scheduler] & [Reset]
ConfigUpdate    = 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * *   &ConfigUpdate
#Installation nxTools 1.21
nxDupeClean = 0 0 * * TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl CLEAN
nxRotateLogs = 59 23 * * TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl ROTATE
nxNewDate = 0 0 * * TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl NEWDATE
nxReqWipe = 0 * * * TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl WIPE
nxWeekly = 0 0 * 6 TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl WEEKLYSET

WeeklyReset     = Sunday
MonthlyReset    = 1st
Site Permissions
# Control access to "site" commands.

addip             =   G1M
adduser           =   G1M
bans              =    1M
chattr            =    VM
chgrp             =    1M
chmod             =  GV1M
chown             =    VM
close             =    1M
color             =  !A *
config            =     M
crashnow          =     M
delip             =   G1M
deluser           =   G1M
devices           =     M
dircache          =   1VM
findip            =    1M
freespace         =  !A *
gadduser          =   G1M
ginfo             =   G1M
groups            =   G1M
grpadd            =    1M
grpdel            =    1M
grpren            =    1M
grprevert         =    1M
help              =     *
ioverify          =     M
ioversion         =    1M
kick              =   G1M
kill              =    1M
knock             =  !A *
loadsymbols       =     M
makecert          =     M
myinfo            =  !A *
open              =    1M
passwd            =  !A *
perms             =  !A *
purge             =   G1M
readd             =   G1M
refresh           = 3GV1M
renuser           =    1M
removecert        =     M
sectionnum        =  !A *
services          =     M
shutdown          =     M
size              = 3GV1M
stats             =  !A *
swho              =    1M
symlink           = 3GV1M
tagline           =  !A *
uinfo             =   G1M
uptime            =  !A *
users             =   G1M
who               =  !A *
approve     = !A *
clean       = 1M
close       = 1M
db          = 1M
drives      = 1MV
dupe        = !A *
editpre     = 1M
errlog      = 1M
fdupe       = !A *
ginfo       = 1M2
give        = 1M
new         = !A *
newdate     = 1MV
nuke        = N
nukes       = !A *
nuketop     = !A *
onel        = !A *
open        = 1M
pre         = !A *
rebuild     = 1M
reqbot      = 1M
reqdel      = !A *
reqfill     = !A *
request     = !A *
requests    = !A *
reqwipe     = 1M
resetstats  = 1M
resetuser   = 1M
rotatelogs  = 1M
rules       = !A *
search      = !A *
size        = 1MV
syslog      = 1M
take        = 1M
traffic     = 1M
undupe      = 1MV
unnuke      = NM
unnukes     = !A *
weekly      = 1M
weeklyset   = 1M
who         = !A *
wipe        = 1MV
#nxTool END

# aliases
rehash            =     M
alldn             =  !A *
allup             =  !A *
daydn             =  !A *
dayup             =  !A *
monthdn           =  !A *
monthup           =  !A *
wkdn              =  !A *
wkup              =  !A *
free              =  !A *

# ioGUI
ioGuiExt          =    M

rescan      	  = 1M
addgroups   	  = 1M
invite      	  = *
zsver       	  = 1M
resort      	  = 1M
symclean          = 1M

admingroup        =    1M
credits           =    1M
DnSpeed           =    1M
Expires           =   G1M
flags             =    1M
groupdescription  =    1M
groupslots        =    1M
groupvfsfile      =     M
homedir           =   G1M
LimitPerIp        =    1M
logins            =    1M
MaxDownloads      =    1M
MaxUploads        =    1M
Opaque            =    1M
passwd            =   G1M
ratio             =   G1M
stats             =     M
speedlimit        =    1M
tagline           =   G1M
UpSpeed           =    1M
vfsfile           =     M
You have any Idea?
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Old 08-05-2010, 04:17 PM   #99
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site db_create or is it site dbcreate, think its one of those two
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Old 08-05-2010, 04:25 PM   #100
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it doesnt find any command of the nxTools Site Commands... thats my Problem

If i do "site db" it says the same

Same Problem will all nxtools site command like:
site rules
site wipe
and so on... every nxtool site command

i hope u know a reason Carpo, thank for trying to help me
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Old 08-05-2010, 05:34 PM   #101
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did you add the contents of the init.itcl file from nxtools to the one in ioftpds script folder ?
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Old 08-05-2010, 11:19 PM   #102
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Yeah i Did!

I added it to Top -> "Command not unterstood"
I added it to Buttom -> "Command not unterstood"
I just used the nxTools init.itcl -> "Command not unterstood"
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Old 08-05-2010, 11:51 PM   #103
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I'm a bit confused about "site db create" complaining that the command isn't understood, but other commands are generating messages into the nxTools error log.

Can you examine all the logfiles especially SystemError.log to see if the TCL script is having a fatal error? I'll have to double check but it's quite likely that errors in init.itcl aren't reported anywhere. As a workaround add a "putlog Hi" at the end of the file and see if the ioFTPD.log file shows it. Depending on your settings you may see a few of these show up shortly after startup without you having to do anything as the preloading of the TCL interpreters for worker threads takes place.

My best guess right now is you installed ..\scripts\nxTools but failed to install the associated nxTools library files in ..\lib\nxHelper and ..\lib\sqlite3.

The suggestion for making sure you merged the ioNinja and nxTools scripts\init.itcl files was a good one since I've seen that problem many times as people don't realize they need to be merged instead of just copied...

Assuming you get that problem solved let me also suggest that you don't install the nxTools versions of site who, site close, and site open by simply commenting them out from the FTP_Custom_Commands section and the FTP_Site_Permissions section. Those are built-in features of ioFTPD now and I don't think there is anything gained by the script versions. If someone knows of one then let me know and I'll see if I can handle it for you. At the least you should be aware that the permissions for those 3 commands are already included and because they are first will be used so comment/remove the duplicate entry in case you later decide to change the perms you won't be confused. You'll also need to use the "^" command prefix if you prefer the nxTools variant to disable the built-in feature of that same name for those 3 commands...
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Old 08-06-2010, 12:20 AM   #104
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Originally Posted by Yil View Post
I'm a bit confused about "site db create" complaining that the command isn't understood, but other commands are generating messages into the nxTools error log.
I am as confused as you are

Originally Posted by Yil View Post
Can you examine all the logfiles especially SystemError.log to see if the TCL script is having a fatal error? I'll have to double check but it's quite likely that errors in init.itcl aren't reported anywhere. As a workaround add a "putlog Hi" at the end of the file and see if the ioFTPD.log file shows it. Depending on your settings you may see a few of these show up shortly after startup without you having to do anything as the preloading of the TCL interpreters for worker threads takes place.
I put the "putlog hi" command in the init.itcl and startet ioFTPD, and it was in the ioFTPd.log file. And i got many entries in SystemError.log, but that is long ago - while i was installing ioNiNJA ( i fixed all Problems now). But if i start the ioFTPd now i get no more entries in the SystemError.log

Originally Posted by Yil View Post
My best guess right now is you installed ..\scripts\nxTools but failed to install the associated nxTools library files in ..\lib\nxHelper and ..\lib\sqlite3.
Wrong guess To come back to the SystemError.log, if i delete sqllite or nxHelper and Start again it shows:
08-07-2010 07:13:45 - LoadPackage  : can't find package nxHelper
08-07-2010 07:13:45 - LoadPackage  : can't find package sqlite3
08-07-2010 07:13:45 - LoadPackage  : can't find package nxHelper
08-07-2010 07:13:45 - LoadPackage  : can't find package sqlite3
08-07-2010 07:13:46 - LoadPackage  : can't find package nxHelper
08-07-2010 07:13:46 - LoadPackage  : can't find package sqlite3
So i put it back and the Error is gone!

The suggestion for making sure you merged the ioNinja and nxTools scripts\init.itcl files was a good one since I've seen that problem many times as people don't realize they need to be merged instead of just copied...
Reading the Manual complete and not just copy and paste everything in and overwrite it! Thats the way i work

Assuming you get that problem solved let me also suggest that you don't install the nxTools versions of site who, site close, and site open by simply commenting them out from the FTP_Custom_Commands section and the FTP_Site_Permissions section. Those are built-in features of ioFTPD now and I don't think there is anything gained by the script versions. If someone knows of one then let me know and I'll see if I can handle it for you. At the least you should be aware that the permissions for those 3 commands are already included and because they are first will be used so comment/remove the duplicate entry in case you later decide to change the perms you won't be confused. You'll also need to use the "^" command prefix if you prefer the nxTools variant to disable the built-in feature of that same name for those 3 commands..
Lol thank you said i shall comment it you, there i found the BIG (and only) Problem i had.

I putted the costum commands to the Events Area and not the the FTP CUSTOMS Commands area.

If i found more errors i will tell you.

Thanks for your help ^^[/QUOTE]
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Old 08-06-2010, 05:07 AM   #105
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Hi again. I'm finally starting to get this up and running as I want. However, there is one thing I'm wondering. In the root directory, there's a folder called search. It doesn't exist on physically on the filesystem and it can't be deleted or wiped using an ftp client. I'm not even sure if this is related to ioftpd or any of the sidescripts I'm running; nxTools and ioNinja. When I try to access the search directory, the reply is: 550 Search: No such file or directory

I've gone over ioninja and nxtools config a few times to see if there are any hints there, but I can't seem to find any. It's probably me just overlooking a tiny setting, but I'm out of luck. Anyone who is familiar with this 'issue' and want to offer some solutions?

I'm trying my luck in this thread as it seems the most active

Thanks in advance!
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