Originally Posted by Yil
I'm a bit confused about "site db create" complaining that the command isn't understood, but other commands are generating messages into the nxTools error log.
I am as confused as you are
Originally Posted by Yil
Can you examine all the logfiles especially SystemError.log to see if the TCL script is having a fatal error? I'll have to double check but it's quite likely that errors in init.itcl aren't reported anywhere. As a workaround add a "putlog Hi" at the end of the file and see if the ioFTPD.log file shows it. Depending on your settings you may see a few of these show up shortly after startup without you having to do anything as the preloading of the TCL interpreters for worker threads takes place.
I put the "putlog hi" command in the init.itcl and startet ioFTPD, and it was in the ioFTPd.log file. And i got many entries in SystemError.log, but that is long ago - while i was installing ioNiNJA ( i fixed all Problems now). But if i start the ioFTPd now i get no more entries in the SystemError.log
Originally Posted by Yil
My best guess right now is you installed ..\scripts\nxTools but failed to install the associated nxTools library files in ..\lib\nxHelper and ..\lib\sqlite3.
Wrong guess

To come back to the SystemError.log, if i delete sqllite or nxHelper and Start again it shows:
08-07-2010 07:13:45 - LoadPackage : can't find package nxHelper
08-07-2010 07:13:45 - LoadPackage : can't find package sqlite3
08-07-2010 07:13:45 - LoadPackage : can't find package nxHelper
08-07-2010 07:13:45 - LoadPackage : can't find package sqlite3
08-07-2010 07:13:46 - LoadPackage : can't find package nxHelper
08-07-2010 07:13:46 - LoadPackage : can't find package sqlite3
So i put it back and the Error is gone!
The suggestion for making sure you merged the ioNinja and nxTools scripts\init.itcl files was a good one since I've seen that problem many times as people don't realize they need to be merged instead of just copied...
Reading the Manual complete and not just copy and paste everything in and overwrite it! Thats the way i work
Assuming you get that problem solved let me also suggest that you don't install the nxTools versions of site who, site close, and site open by simply commenting them out from the FTP_Custom_Commands section and the FTP_Site_Permissions section. Those are built-in features of ioFTPD now and I don't think there is anything gained by the script versions. If someone knows of one then let me know and I'll see if I can handle it for you. At the least you should be aware that the permissions for those 3 commands are already included and because they are first will be used so comment/remove the duplicate entry in case you later decide to change the perms you won't be confused. You'll also need to use the "^" command prefix if you prefer the nxTools variant to disable the built-in feature of that same name for those 3 commands..
Lol thank you said i shall comment it you, there i found the BIG (and only) Problem i had.
I putted the costum commands to the Events Area and not the the FTP CUSTOMS Commands area.
If i found more errors i will tell you.
Thanks for your help ^^[/QUOTE]