ioFTPD General New releases, comments, questions regarding the latest version of ioFTPD. |
05-14-2010, 03:17 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 6
Files Zero bite
Hi I have a little problem.
With any ftp client I transfer more than one file at a time and ioFTPD receive some files from zero bite while others received them to me normally.
On 40 files to be transferred, 10 will be zero bite.
Is there any particular configuration of the system?
Thank you very much
05-14-2010, 02:35 PM
Too much time...
FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Administrator
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194
What version are you using? I fixed a bug with this back in v6.3 but missed a case that got fixed in v6.9. So far as I know the server only creates a 0 byte file if a connection was established. A zipscript should cleanup any files that connected but never sent any data or were aborted.
05-14-2010, 02:48 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 6
Hi Yil, I am using ioFTPD version: 7-2-1r.
In my case this happens with 10 simultaneous trasfer:
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Risposta: 220 FTP Server ready.
Comando: USER test_user
Risposta: 220 FTP Server ready.
Comando: USER test_user
Risposta: 220 FTP Server ready.
Comando: USER test_user
Risposta: 220 FTP Server ready.
Comando: USER test_user
Risposta: 220 FTP Server ready.
Comando: USER test_user
Errore: Could not connect to server
Errore: Could not connect to server
Stato: Connection Delay 5 seconds due to previous attempts failed connection
Stato: Connection Delay 5 seconds due to previous attempts failed connection
Errore: Could not connect to server
Errore: Could not connect to server
Errore: Could not connect to server
Stato: Connection Delay 5 seconds due to previous attempts failed connection...
Stato: Connection Delay 5 seconds due to previous attempts failed connection...
Stato: Connection Delay 5 seconds due to previous attempts failed connection...
Risposta: 331 Password required for test_user.
Comando: PASS **********
Risposta: 331 Password required for test_user.
Comando: PASS **********
Risposta: 331 Password required for test_user.
Comando: PASS **********
Risposta: 331 Password required for test_user.
Comando: PASS **********
Risposta: 331 Password required for test_user.
Comando: PASS **********
Risposta: 230-User test_user from, welcome to Edisport FTP server.
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Site activity:
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230- Users online : 6
Risposta: 230- Active transfers: 0
Risposta: 230- Uptime : 10 mins, 4 secs
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Enjoy your stay.
Risposta: 230 User test_user logged in.
Stato: Connesso
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (2).jpg
Comando: CWD /Temp
Risposta: 230-User test_user from, welcome to Edisport FTP server.
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Site activity:
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230- Users online : 6
Risposta: 230- Active transfers: 0
Risposta: 230- Uptime : 10 mins, 4 secs
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Enjoy your stay.
Risposta: 230 User test_user logged in.
Stato: Connesso
Risposta: 230-User test_user from, welcome to Edisport FTP server.
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Site activity:
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230- Users online : 7
Risposta: 230- Active transfers: 0
Risposta: 230- Uptime : 10 mins, 4 secs
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Enjoy your stay.
Risposta: 230 User test_user logged in.
Stato: Connesso
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car.jpg
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (1).jpg
Risposta: 230-User test_user from, welcome to Edisport FTP server.
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Site activity:
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230- Users online : 7
Risposta: 230- Active transfers: 0
Risposta: 230- Uptime : 10 mins, 4 secs
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Enjoy your stay.
Risposta: 230 User test_user logged in.
Stato: Connesso
Risposta: 230-User test_user from, welcome to Edisport FTP server.
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Site activity:
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230- Users online : 7
Risposta: 230- Active transfers: 0
Risposta: 230- Uptime : 10 mins, 4 secs
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Enjoy your stay.
Risposta: 230 User test_user logged in.
Stato: Connesso
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (4).jpg
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (3).jpg
Risposta: 250 CWD command successful.
Comando: TYPE I
Comando: CWD /Temp
Comando: CWD /Temp
Comando: CWD /Temp
Comando: CWD /Temp
Risposta: 200 Type set to I.
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 250 CWD command successful.
Comando: TYPE I
Risposta: 250 CWD command successful.
Comando: TYPE I
Risposta: 250 CWD command successful.
Comando: TYPE I
Risposta: 250 CWD command successful.
Comando: TYPE I
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,61)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (2).jpg
Risposta: 200 Type set to I.
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 200 Type set to I.
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 200 Type set to I.
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 200 Type set to I.
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,46)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car.jpg
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,51)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (1).jpg
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,50)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (4).jpg
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,63)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (3).jpg
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (2).jpg.
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car.jpg.
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (1).jpg.
Risposta: 550 Strange_Car (4).jpg: Operazione completata (#0).
Error: Critical error file transfer
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (10).jpg
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 550 Strange_Car (3).jpg: Operazione completata (#0).
Error: Critical error file transfer
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (11).jpg
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,65)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (10).jpg
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,63)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (11).jpg
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (10).jpg.
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (11).jpg.
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 17.6 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 52.144 byte in 3 secondi
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (12).jpg
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,59)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (12).jpg
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (12).jpg.
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP in corso
Stato: Connessione a 111.222.333.444:21...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 15.6 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 29.701 byte in 2 secondi
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (13).jpg
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 220 FTP Server ready.
Comando: USER test_user
Risposta: 220 FTP Server ready.
Comando: USER test_user
Risposta: 220 FTP Server ready.
Comando: USER test_user
Risposta: 220 FTP Server ready.
Comando: USER test_user
Risposta: 220 FTP Server ready.
Comando: USER test_user
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 9.18 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 41.707 byte in 5 secondi
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (14).jpg
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 331 Password required for test_user.
Comando: PASS **********
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,56)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (13).jpg
Risposta: 331 Password required for test_user.
Comando: PASS **********
Risposta: 331 Password required for test_user.
Comando: PASS **********
Risposta: 331 Password required for test_user.
Comando: PASS **********
Risposta: 331 Password required for test_user.
Comando: PASS **********
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,55)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (14).jpg
Risposta: 230-User test_user from, welcome to Edisport FTP server.
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Site activity:
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230- Users online : 11
Risposta: 230- Active transfers: 3
Risposta: 230- Uptime : 10 mins, 9 secs
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Enjoy your stay.
Risposta: 230 User test_user logged in.
Stato: Connesso
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (8).jpg
Comando: CWD /Temp
Risposta: 230-User test_user from, welcome to Edisport FTP server.
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Site activity:
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230- Users online : 11
Risposta: 230- Active transfers: 3
Risposta: 230- Uptime : 10 mins, 9 secs
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Enjoy your stay.
Risposta: 230 User test_user logged in.
Stato: Connesso
Risposta: 230-User test_user from, welcome to Edisport FTP server.
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Site activity:
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230- Users online : 12
Risposta: 230- Active transfers: 3
Risposta: 230- Uptime : 10 mins, 9 secs
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Enjoy your stay.
Risposta: 230 User test_user logged in.
Stato: Connesso
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (13).jpg.
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (9).jpg
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (7).jpg
Risposta: 230-User test_user from, welcome to Edisport FTP server.
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Site activity:
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230- Users online : 12
Risposta: 230- Active transfers: 3
Risposta: 230- Uptime : 10 mins, 9 secs
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Enjoy your stay.
Risposta: 230 User test_user logged in.
Stato: Connesso
Risposta: 230-User test_user from, welcome to Edisport FTP server.
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Site activity:
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230- Users online : 12
Risposta: 230- Active transfers: 3
Risposta: 230- Uptime : 10 mins, 9 secs
Risposta: 230-
Risposta: 230-Enjoy your stay.
Risposta: 230 User test_user logged in.
Stato: Connesso
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (14).jpg.
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (5).jpg
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (6).jpg
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 5.73 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 32.251 byte in 5 secondi
Stato: Avvio upload di C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (15).jpg
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,67)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (15).jpg
Risposta: 250 CWD command successful.
Comando: TYPE I
Comando: CWD /Temp
Comando: CWD /Temp
Comando: CWD /Temp
Comando: CWD /Temp
Risposta: 200 Type set to I.
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (15).jpg.
Risposta: 250 CWD command successful.
Comando: TYPE I
Risposta: 250 CWD command successful.
Comando: TYPE I
Risposta: 250 CWD command successful.
Comando: TYPE I
Risposta: 250 CWD command successful.
Comando: TYPE I
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,52)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (8).jpg
Risposta: 200 Type set to I.
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 200 Type set to I.
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 200 Type set to I.
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 6.86 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 39.435 byte in 6 secondi
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,47)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (9).jpg
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,54)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (7).jpg
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (8).jpg.
Risposta: 200 Type set to I.
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (7).jpg.
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,61)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (6).jpg
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 7.87 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 64.539 byte in 8 secondi
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (6).jpg.
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (9).jpg.
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,67)
Comando: STOR Strange_Car (5).jpg
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Strange_Car (5).jpg.
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 11.5 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 56.124 byte in 5 secondi
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 10.5 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 67.795 byte in 7 secondi
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 12.2 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 54.567 byte in 5 secondi
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 9.69 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 58.990 byte in 7 secondi
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 7.43 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 34.786 byte in 6 secondi
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 8.80 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 41.843 byte in 6 secondi
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 3.40 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 31.655 byte in 10 secondi
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 16.8 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Trasferimento file completato; trasferiti 100.408 byte in 6 secondi
Stato: Lettura elenco cartelle...
Comando: PASV
Risposta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (111,222,333,444,21,52)
Comando: LIST
Risposta: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for directory listing.
Risposta: 226-[ Section: Default ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
Risposta: 226 [ UL: 8.69 GB ] [ DL: 15.0 GB ] [ Speed: 8.71 KB/Sec ] [ Free: 12.5 GB ]
Stato: Contenuto cartella letto con successo
Last edited by stefano.marzorati; 05-14-2010 at 02:55 PM.
05-15-2010, 12:22 AM
Too much time...
FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Administrator
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194
stefano: Interesting logfile... let me see if I can explain what you are seeing...
1) Clients attempts 10 connections to server at the same time.
2) The first 5 are accepted and the other 5 are rejected. This is most likely because of the 'Connections_To_Ban' setting under [Network], the default in the .ini file is 6. Do you see auto-banned messages in the logs\Error.log file? Please note that once any of the 5 accepted connections actually supplies a valid user/password and is logged in the host will be removed from being auto-banned and the count will be reset to 1. This is why the original 5 rejected can login the 2nd time they try. I presume you had 1 connection from the machine already open which is why 5 were accepted instead of 6 the first time. If you want to make 10 connections at a time set the limit to 11 or something...
3) I see the 2 failed STOR commands but the error text says it completed successfully and the error code is 0. That's odd so I went looking for how that was possible. I fixed a couple of unrelated bugs, and then yours. The server failed to mark the directory as dirty after creating the file and relied upon the directory timestamp to catch the change. That may or may not be a problem but what was definitely an issue was a race condition on reading the changed directory. The first thread to create a file and then change the permissions on the file would update the cache. All the other threads doing the same thing would be blocked waiting for the update and they assumed it would be up-to-date when finished so there was no need for them to update it again. In this case that's not true so sometimes the change would get missed and when the server can't find the file it just created to modify the permissions it bails, but fails to set an error code. This will be fixed in the next release which shouldn't be too far off.
As a side note, to reproduce this bug I had to get a client to make 10 connections at once and found a couple of other issues I fixed.
I suggest not using mass connections for uploading until the next release. Just use 2 or 3 for now.
05-15-2010, 12:56 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 6
Thanks for your support Yil! You were very kind.
I have fixed the value "Connections_To_Ban".
Hope this help you to improve even more ioFTPD.
I enclose a BulletProof Pro log's with 10 connections, it performs well.
Maybe you find inspiration on how to fix ioFTPD.
Status: Resolving address of ftp
Status: Resolving address of ftp
Status: Resolving address of ftp
Status: Resolving address of ftp
Status: Resolving address of ftp
Status: Resolving address of ftp
Status: Resolving address of ftp
Status: Resolving address of ftp
Status: Resolving address of ftp
Status: Resolving address of ftp
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 Welcome to Acme
Command: USER Test_User
Response: 220 Welcome to Acme
Command: USER Test_User
Response: 220 Welcome to Acme
Command: USER Test_User
Response: 220 Welcome to Acme
Command: USER Test_User
Response: 220 Welcome to Acme
Command: USER Test_User
Response: 331 Password required for Test_User.
Command: PASS **********
Response: 331 Password required for Test_User.
Command: PASS **********
Response: 331 Password required for Test_User.
Command: PASS **********
Response: 331 Password required for Test_User.
Command: PASS **********
Response: 331 Password required for Test_User.
Command: PASS **********
Response: 230 User Test_User logged in.
Status: Connected
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car.jpg
Command: CWD /Temp
Response: 230 User Test_User logged in.
Status: Connected
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (1).jpg
Response: 230 User Test_User logged in.
Status: Connected
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (2).jpg
Response: 230 User Test_User logged in.
Status: Connected
Response: 230 User Test_User logged in.
Status: Connected
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (4).jpg
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (3).jpg
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 250 CWD command successful. "/Temp" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Command: CWD /Temp
Command: CWD /Temp
Command: CWD /Temp
Command: CWD /Temp
Response: 220 Welcome to Acme
Command: USER Test_User
Response: 220 Welcome to Acme
Command: USER Test_User
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 250 CWD command successful. "/Temp" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 250 CWD command successful. "/Temp" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 250 CWD command successful. "/Temp" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 250 CWD command successful. "/Temp" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 220 Welcome to Acme
Command: USER Test_User
Response: 220 Welcome to Acme
Command: USER Test_User
Response: 220 Welcome to Acme
Command: USER Test_User
Response: 331 Password required for Test_User.
Command: PASS **********
Response: 331 Password required for Test_User.
Command: PASS **********
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,20,16)
Command: STOR Strange_Car.jpg
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 331 Password required for Test_User.
Command: PASS **********
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 331 Password required for Test_User.
Command: PASS **********
Response: 331 Password required for Test_User.
Command: PASS **********
Response: 230 User Test_User logged in.
Status: Connected
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (5).jpg
Command: CWD /Temp
Response: 230 User Test_User logged in.
Status: Connected
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (7).jpg
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,223,59)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (2).jpg
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,62,16)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (4).jpg
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,133,165)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (1).jpg
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,23,205)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (3).jpg
Response: 230 User Test_User logged in.
Status: Connected
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (9).jpg
Response: 230 User Test_User logged in.
Status: Connected
Response: 230 User Test_User logged in.
Status: Connected
Response: 250 CWD command successful. "/Temp" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (6).jpg
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (8).jpg
Command: CWD /Temp
Command: CWD /Temp
Command: CWD /Temp
Command: CWD /Temp
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car.jpg.
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 250 CWD command successful. "/Temp" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 250 CWD command successful. "/Temp" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 250 CWD command successful. "/Temp" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 250 CWD command successful. "/Temp" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (2).jpg.
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (4).jpg.
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (1).jpg.
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (3).jpg.
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,7,45)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (5).jpg
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,34,126)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (7).jpg
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 32.251 bytes in 1 second
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,82,111)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (6).jpg
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,19,86)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (8).jpg
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,214,129)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (9).jpg
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (10).jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (5).jpg.
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,70,2)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (10).jpg
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (7).jpg.
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (6).jpg.
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (8).jpg.
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (9).jpg.
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 64.539 bytes in 4 seconds
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (11).jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 46.554 bytes in 5 seconds
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (12).jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (10).jpg.
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,136,154)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (11).jpg
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 52.144 bytes in 6 seconds
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (13).jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,144,105)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (12).jpg
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,199,89)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (13).jpg
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (11).jpg.
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (12).jpg.
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 41.843 bytes in 9 seconds
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (14).jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 54.567 bytes in 10 seconds
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\MARSTE\Documents\X il Blog\cars\Strange_Car (15).jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,5,65)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (14).jpg
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,60,167)
Command: STOR Strange_Car (15).jpg
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 41.707 bytes in 10 seconds
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (13).jpg.
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 39.435 bytes in 7 seconds
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 29.701 bytes in 7 seconds
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (14).jpg.
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 34.786 bytes in 12 seconds
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for Strange_Car (15).jpg.
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 31.655 bytes in 13 seconds
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 56.124 bytes in 8 seconds
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 51.959 bytes in 15 seconds
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 100.408 bytes in 17 seconds
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 67.795 bytes in 6 seconds
Response: 226 File received ok.
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 58.990 bytes in 5 seconds
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,101,8,203,45)
Command: LIST
Response: 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting.
Response: 226 Transfer ok
Status: Directory listing successful
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