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Old 08-06-2009, 06:43 PM   #31
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nah, sqlite is not a good solution for the logfile. use nxtools to limit the size of the log.
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Old 08-06-2009, 09:16 PM   #32
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There are really only two uses for the logfile at this point from my view: a trigger for event driven independent apps like a windrop which find reading from a file simple and easy to do, and a record of chronological events for debugging. It isn't designed to be searched. It serves its intended purposes well though.

SQLite by the way is not designed to have a compact disk representation. There is no scenario in which it will ever be smaller than the logfile with the same data since it manipulates everything as plain text. Also, once you create indexes on it to increase search speed it becomes faster but now much larger on disk. Its transactional nature would benefit user/group files tremendously but all the overhead would only slow down simple recording of events to a logfile...
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Old 01-20-2010, 12:30 PM   #33
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So.. when can we expect ioftpd to support read only access to a file in use? (Similar to what VLC is supporting)
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Old 03-30-2010, 09:12 AM   #34
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Hey, my suggestion is the support of "slaves"
actually this feature is already available, but only for local use. (192.168.x.x)

Example: In a .vfs file
"\\\incoming" /

Isn't it possible to implement a function like this?:
"\\x.x.x.x\incoming" /
For merging plenty servers...

PS: I wasn't able to find a possibility to use any external IP like "//..."

Last edited by jojo2peter; 03-30-2010 at 09:50 AM.
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Old 03-30-2010, 11:32 AM   #35
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jojo: The .vfs file usage of something like \\name-or-ip\sharename is just a reference to a regular windows shared/networked folder. So when downloading the file it is streamed over the net to the server and then onto the user. This is fine when the access is on a local LAN and many ioFTPD servers mount local drives/folders this way so they can use the drives from many machines. Alternatively you could just use NTFS mountpoints to mount network shares inside the NTFS filesystem and let ioFTPD think they were just regular dirs (v7+ is sort of aware they aren't but ignores that difference).

While the network share doesn't have to be on the LAN it really doesn't make sense any other way since you could just setup another FTP on the remote machine which would save all that bandwidth between the two of them.

Now, I assume you mean slave in the drFTP sense. That would be a rather large change and I don't think it's worth the effort. However, it isn't as hard as it used to be because of the virtual directory additions, especially after I allow manipulation of non-existent file/dirs later on. Using that idea the slaves would just appear as pure virtual dirs locally and with the addition of the PRET command you'd probably be set if you didn't try something fancy like spreading uploads across servers.

So, while I don't think it might not be that hard to create a script to allow you to browse a remote FTP and up/down to it as if it were a local directory, things like merging directories across systems and load balancing downloads are not trivial problems and there are a lot more important things at the moment...
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Old 03-30-2010, 01:29 PM   #36
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there is no point to it if you can't spread uploads across servers. And then you have to spread them so that they are avalible on atleast 2 servers if one goes down.....
It's just stupid. Get a real link instead. Or use DRftpd as it was designed for this.
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Old 04-28-2010, 04:24 AM   #37
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Hello, and thank you for supporting such a great part of software, I believe that io is same the best ftp-server out there as 7 years ago.

But it lacks some of the features:
1. UTF8 Support (I read the forum and know how many changes need to be made to make as happy with this feature, but please please we will be so pleasent if you do)
2. Active Directory Integration
3. Can you use another exe-packer, some security systems threat current binary as PAK infection.

Happy io sysop.
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Old 04-28-2010, 10:48 AM   #38
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1) UTF8 would require an enormous number of changes and a lot of debugging to get right. Perhaps after I finish up the bulk of my TODO list on the server and get ioYil done, but it's unlikely to happen before that. This is a desirable feature though and should be on the list.

2) Active directory. I really don't know anything about AD. Using the user module (much like nxMyDB does) a 3rd party plugin can update the user's password, etc. I also added a user definable event a while back for users logging in with unknown names. Thus a script could create the user on demand if they existed in AD without having to import all users ahead of time. I'll add this to the list and see just how hard it would be.

3) exe-packer? The file is distributed as a plain zip file and the .exe's are just whatever VS2008 creates. Can you determine which file it doesn't like? The ioGUI 3rd-party module in the zip is getting quite old at this point, but I haven't heard of anything wrong with that over all these years.
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